



It's been three years since that incident, three good years since I fled from my wedding. Honestly speaking, back then getting married was the last thing I had in mind coupled with the insistent problems I was falling into. Starting a family merely as a result of a one night mistake was obviously not the best decision for me at that time. To save myself from it, I left when no one was looking. Three years later, my entire family still hasn't forgiven me. After I left New York for Texas, I haven't had any contact with my family or anyone there of. According to my mum, I disgraced and made them look bad. My twin brother cut off all ties with me, apparently, his fiancé, Riley’s younger sister broke off their engagement after what I did.

To be sincere, I didn't really care about all these, I have my own life to live and so does my brother. My parents had already become what they would be in life and this was my turn to make a name for myself and I wasn't going to let any measly girl ruin it. Thankfully, I hadn't run into Riley or anyone from her family all through those three years. Well, I was in Texas after all.

“You did all these for me?” A high-pitched voice sounded next to me.

Soft smooth hands slittered from my shirt down to my groin, but I quickly grabbed it.

“I did everything for you, baby,” I mumbled.

“I didn't care when my family cut ties with me, you know why?” I asked the feminine figure next to me, it was Nancy, my girlfriend.

She shook her head at my question.

“Because l have you, you're all I need Nanc…”

“You almost cut me off three years ago. You spent a night with that bitch and almost got married to her. If I didn't do what I did back then, we wouldn't have been together now,” she cut me off, eying me furiously.

“Listen, baby. Didn't you hear what I said about not wanting to start a family yet back then? Why won't you believe me when I say that bitch drugged my rum. She offered to buy me a drink because the engagement party was stuffy for her. I never knew she had a plan….” I took a deep breath, clenching my fist.

“You know what, let's forget the past. She is no longer here. So what is there to worry about? Let's focus on each other,” I smiled at her. A smile that didn't reach my eyes.

She giggled and threw herself at me.

“I love how you listen to everything I say, Nathan. You're like an obedient little puppy,” she laughed, pinching my nose.

Anger bubbled inside of me, I felt humiliated, but could only gnash my teeth in silence.

“Wait, till this puppy tears you apart,” I muttered under my breath.

“I'll go take a shower now, I have to meet the investors today,” I said aloud. Getting off the bed.

“Not even a kiss?” She called after me.

I pretended not to have heard her and got into the bathroom, slamming the door shut. But then, like a clingy whore she was, Nancy got in too. I bent her over and slammed inside of her as rough as I could since I couldn't be physically or vocal about my detest for her.

“I'm sorry, Riley,” I muttered, like I've always done each time I fuck the fool before me.

Soon, I was all dressed up and ready to leave the mansion, when Nancy came running.

“I'm coming too,” she announced.

I didn't refute, I pulled the car door open for her and soon I zoomed off.

Riley had been so naive that she put me into this situation I am in right now. To protect her from her vicious best friend, I had to go down to this. It annoyed me so much that a young bitch was bossing me around this way. But sometimes we have to be patient to get what we want. I was willing to go through something much worse just to make sure no harm ever crosses Riley’s path. I just hope at the end of this, she doesn't hate me too much and can still love me as much as she does in the past.

Upon arriving at our destination, I pulled up in the car park and got off.

“I heard the CEO of this company is a female. I'll just wait for you here, so she doesn't feel intimidated by me and you end up losing the deal,” Nancy smiled.

I nodded and forced myself to return her smile, then walked off. Soon, I was seated in the company’s meeting room, waiting for their CEO to join me. My company was launching a new project, and to make this project successful, we need as much help as we can from companies all over the world. The company I was in right now was LLR Clothing, a very successful clothing company and I was going to do my best to make their CEO invest in me. I needed to make this project a hit, so I could get rid of Nancy. If only I could contact my family, I clenched my teeth.

“Hello Mr Martinez,” A voice I could recognize even in my sleep resonated.

“I must have been thinking about Riley too much these days,” I mumbled to myself.

“Mr Martinez?” The voice sounded again, making me raise my head.

My jaw dropped.

There before me was Riley, looking as sophisticated as ever. I swear, I instantly drooled.

She was dressed in a short but professional black gown that did a great job in highlighting her womanly features. My Riley looked so different that it bothered me.

“Riley…” I called but was cut off.

“Miss Wright will do,” she said and pointed at a seat.

She settled down, crossed her legs and stared at me. There was something different about her stare. In fact everything about her seemed to have changed. She had this cold demeanor that could send shivers down anyone's spine, her eyes which were so full of love for me in the past, were so empty now, not to mention her dressing. She seemed like a totally different person.

“Mr Martinez. I don't invest in whatever business deal anyone brings me. Before I spend my money on you, you must show me your worth.”

“Don't you know who I am? The question left my mouth before I could stop myself.

She stared at me, then grinned.

“I do…” she said. “You're someone who needs my company's help to survive.”

“You…” I began but she slammed her hand on the table and cut me off.

This isn't my Riley

“Mr Martinez, I've gone through the file you sent and nothing is convincing enough for me to spend my precious money on your project. If you can't convince me to invest in whatever project you have in mind. Then that project must be trash.”


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