
Chapter 7 - Contract Signing



The surroundings were more peaceful than before. Greyson has left me alone in the room upstairs, making it possible for me to clearly hear the disco music that was playing downstairs.


It was quite a dilemma, and I still can’t believe how things turned out this way. I never knew that the day would come when I would still be able to meet him again. Moreover, I’m asking him for a favor. 


Years ago, it was the other way around; I was always the one who assisted him with his academics. And now that he has obviously improved, maybe he’s just trying to pay the favor.


The beating of my heart seemed to be normal, despite the unusual scenario between us. Seeing the naked body of a man, or be it someone else seeing me without any clothes on, is a typical occurrence in my life that my parents made me grow up into. 


I never got traumatized since I believed that it was for the best and that if I made someone pleased with my performance, I’d be praised.




My thoughts were disrupted by the way that he called for me. “You’re fast.” I faked a smile as I approached him on the other side of the room.


Greyson gave me a playful smirk. “It would be nicer if you could say that while I’m inside you.”


I felt a sudden burst of heating sensation that was sent from my belly up to my head. “Damn you!” I cursed him at the same time that I hit his shoulders. 


I bet that my face is completely red as of the moment, and that fact alone is embarrassing enough. 


“Stop it with your jokes. Did you bring the contract with you?” I asked, in an attempt to change the topic and also the awkward aura that’s about to envelope the whole room.


He cleared his throat as he motioned for me to get inside. “Have a seat.” Greyson closed the door with his right hand while his left arm was stretched in front of me, which was holding onto a folder.


I examined the contents of the folder while he was instructing me on what to do with it. I rubbed both of my eyes when I got to the last page. 


“Am I dreaming?” I asked myself, refusing to believe what I had just read. “I’d receive a million dollars in my bank account as an allowance every week?” I stressed out the last word.


Greyson nodded his head once, giving me a reassuring smile to show that what I see is what I’ll get. 


“You know just how much I hate imperfections. There’s no way that I’d have a typographical error with what’s written in your contract with me. Everything else would be under my control; you wouldn’t be struggling with your financial needs as long as you agreed to the terms,” he said.


I heaved out an excessive sigh as I gulped before proceeding to the last part, and it read as follows:


‘In accordance with the specified terms and conditions above, do you, Miss Angelique Sloan (aged 23), agree to be Mr. Greyson Giovanni’s (aged 24) personal seductress at Giovan’s Night Club?’


“A seductress is someone who sticks by a client’s side for luscious acts, right?” I inquired.


“Yes. There are also some instances wherein I would just be addressing you as my secretary or so, in case you wouldn’t prefer to be called a slut by the people who see us,” Greyson truthfully answered before he took a glance at his left wrist, where his watch was located. 


“I still have a scheduled meeting to attend in less than an hour, Angelique. I don’t intend to rush you with the signing of the contract, but if you could make up your decision right away, then I’d gladly appreciate it.”


I almost choked with the words that I heard coming out of his own mouth. It was just pretty unusual for Greyson to say something like that. 


Since the beginning, he wasn’t fond of meeting up with people that he’s not compatible with or those who don't interest him the littlest bit.


“Seems like people really do change over the years,” I whispered, along with the observation that I have noticed with his attitude.


It’s not like I have any other reason to refuse this agreement that I have. 


Everything that was listed appeared to be in my favor, meaning that it would only be beneficial for me and not for him at all. I still don’t understand why he would be willing to give up this huge amount of money every week for me in exchange for some enticing memories.


“Do you have a pen with you?”


Greyson didn’t answer; he just simply lent me a pen that was inside his shirt’s mini pocket. I immediately wrote my name and signed on top of it.


I had a grin planted on my lips, but for some unknown reasons, I’m kind of wary about something that’s yet to come.


All of a sudden, I had second thoughts about whether I had chosen the right path to walk on. Or was I reckless enough to sign the contract without having sufficient time to think about it?


“The contract has been successfully signed.” 


Right after closing the folder, I gave it back to Greyson with his pen. He stood up from his swivel chair, stretching out one of his hands. 


“It would be such a privilege for me to have you as my personal seductress, Miss Angelique Sloan.” 


He was seriously teasing the heck out of me, and I just know it. 


“I really am in a hurry; I’ll be leaving you here now. I still have a lot of processing to do for your bank accounts and also the application for the creation of your mansion.” With those words, he left the room in a haste.


Just like earlier, I was left alone. 




I don’t recall anything, such as a mansion, that was written on the contract benefits.

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