
Chapter 6 - Their Condition



Even though I was told to kneel down, I didn’t do it until Greyson was forced to dress himself back up, and that was also the exact same moment that I did the same. There was clearly no reason for me to do what he wanted me to do, not until there was some kind of benefit for me to do so. I firmly stood up, as I was facing him. 


Memories from our school years flashed back through my mind, and I swear, I can still sense at least a little bit of my feelings for him, and it actually bothers me. I mean, it has been years since we’ve last seen one another, and I believed that he would not be coming back to our country. 


Even though we had mutual feelings before, I never told him about whatever was going on in my family, which is why he wasn’t able to do anything about it. 


I’m at least half a hundred percent certain that he would be doing everything that he can under any circumstance just for him to be able to do something to save me, just to keep me away from my so-called family. 


Unfortunately, I was still a kid back then, and I wasn’t able to muster up the courage to speak up to anyone, no matter how close I seemed to be to my friends. 


“Why are you doing this to me, Greyson?” I asked him out of the blue, just right after a few moments of reminiscing about those moments.


Greyson placed one of his hands inside his pocket as he played with his fingers on his other hand. He did it while he was not trying to avoid eye contact with me. 


“Are you serious with your question right now? Is there something that you’re hoping for? I’d go on and give you anything that you want if I get interested in you just like I used to before, Angelique,” he murmured as if he wasn’t even being serious with what he was telling me. 


It’s like he was just spouting complete nonsense and just wanted to get this over with.


Even though I didn’t want to fall for his words, I was getting desperate since I really don’t have anyone to rely on right now. Especially now that I have murdered my parents. 


I wouldn’t have a home to return to, food to eat, or a source of funds to utilize in each single day that would pass by. 


Greyson’s sudden appearance at this moment is actually something that I should be appreciative of, because if it weren’t for him, then I wouldn’t even see any purpose as to why I have to continue living my life after I have successfully completed my revenge on both mom and dad. 


I’m sure that they’re cursing me at this very moment and wishing that I would go along with them to the afterlife, but considering how I don’t believe in such myths, I would be able to live at peace without being bothered by their souls.


“What if I told you that I would be asking for financial support? As I’ve told you earlier, I was robbed. All of my belongings that I brought with me back to our home have been stolen away from me, and I have no idea how to get them all back. But, knowing that you’re here and are willing to offer me anything just like you said, then I would rather choose not to think twice and make the best out of this opportunity,” I stated at the same time that I gulped while both of my fists were formed in tight balls. 


Even though I had already blurted out those words, I was still feeling a little bit nervous that he might refuse them. A lot of negative thoughts always enter my mind since there’s a lot of possibilities that can’t even be comprehended and guessed.


The man who stood in front of me planted a smirk on his lips. “Is that all that you want? If yes, then it would be a piece of cake for me to give you the assurance of being supported for the rest of your life in terms of financial stability,” he replied to what I said. 


At first, I was actually astonished that he had a plan to abide by what I wanted. However, I wasn’t expecting that there would still be some terms and conditions that I would be required to follow. 


“Of course, no one in this whole wide world can get money for free. I bet that you already have an idea about how stable I have become since the time that you last saw me. I can make sure that you’ve been stalking all of my social media accounts; you might even be asking my friends around just to get a little bit of information about me,” he said as he was attempting to suppress his laughter, which he failed. 


“I don’t mind giving you no matter what the amount that you ask for, but there would still be limitations and all. I would be giving you a contract later on about this agreement, but for now... ” He stopped talking and acted as if he were zipping his mouth shut.


Greyson moved forward, which made me do the opposite until I had nowhere else to go since I already felt that my back was touching the wall. 


I blinked consecutively in panic at what he might be thinking of doing to me—not that it would affect me, though. 


He pinned me to the wall and trapped me with the use of both of his arms, which were placed on both sides of my shoulders. 


“W-what is it?” I stuttered as he moved his head closer to mine.


“You’re still the same lady that I used to love, but there’s something different about you. I can’t seem to figure it out right now, but I’m sure that it’s something that I would not be delighted to know,” he whispered directly into my ear as he nibbled it. 


His lips were terribly soft, and the cold breath that escaped from his mouth made me flinch a bit.

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