
Chapter 5 - Guilty Pleasure



After several hours had passed, the night sky appeared. It was filled with lots of shining stars, though there was no presence of the moon. 


It doesn’t seem like it would rain anytime soon, but just to be sure, I still hurried up to walk towards Greyson’s club. It wasn’t that far from where he left me, so I really didn’t have to be troubled with riding any vehicle. 


I haven’t even arrived at the exact location yet, but I can already hear the deafening noise that came from the ladies and gentlemen who were inside.


I breathed in heavily at the same time that I gulped. There should be nothing that I should be nervous about. If Greyson plans to do something indecent to me, then I guess I should just let him be. 


I mean, why would I even try to resist when I’ve experienced something far worse from my own father? Even my mom just kept on tolerating whatever he did to me instead of trying to stop it from happening again.


When I opened the doors, the scents of alcohol and cigarettes mixed up. I’m not used to it yet, but I can still manage. 


I roamed my eyes around; everyone seemed to be enjoying the time of their lives. I couldn’t find Greyson no matter where I looked, so I decided to take a seat at the nearest one here.


“Hey.” I heard a man speak from the right side, so I turned my head to glance at him. “Are you with anyone right now?” he asked, and I simply shook my head. 


“That’s odd. How can such a beautiful lady like you be alone? Do you mind if we drink tonight?” he offered as he showed me a bucket of different types of wine.


“No thanks.” 


I got away from where I was sitting and decided to just go to different spots where no one could approach me. I’m not that comfortable with random people going straight for whatever they are planning to do with me.


It’s disgusting.


I heard him click his tongue at the same time that he decided to drop the bucket, which obviously made a disturbing and irritating sound. 


“You’re coming with me, whether you like it or not. That’s one of the rules here at this club. You should not have come here if you didn’t have any plans to hang out with men!” he yelled at me as if he were someone whom I knew for a long time already.


He gripped onto my wrist, which almost made me shriek because of the pain that it caused me. “Let me go!” I shouted since he would not hear me if I toned down. 


Even though I’ve repeatedly hit his hand, he still wouldn’t remove his hold on mine. It just kept getting stronger and stronger. 


“Didn’t you hear what the woman said?” a familiar voice asked from afar. I couldn’t find where it came from, but I got a feeling that it was Greyson. “Let her go, human,” he coldly added. 


Just with those words, it was enough for the man to finally let my wrist go. I didn’t manage to catch a glimpse of him again since he suddenly started to sprint away. 


“Go upstairs, Angelique,” he ordered.


“I’m here already, Greyson,” I said as I made my way inside a room that was open, where he was standing and giving me the signal to get inside. 


He locked the door, and that was the time when I felt goosebumps. I was already expecting what was about to happen when he started getting close to me.


His hands began to go under my shirt while he was behind me; his touch was making me heat up from the inside. I felt how his legs made mine spread apart, even though we were still standing. 


Greyson didn’t waste a single second; he led the way to the bed as he carefully laid me down with my back on the bed.


“You’re so gorgeous as always, my Angelique,” he murmured as he planted kisses on my neck, going down to my breasts right after he successfully removed all of my clothing.


I held onto his back, and I unconsciously opened my mouth when I saw how large his thing was. “Is that real?” I asked out of curiosity.


“You’ll know once it gets in.” 


He smirked as he began to slowly thrust inside me while he was holding on to both of my legs to serve as support. I started to bury my fingernails in his back when he went from slow to fast in just an instant.


I could feel his length deep inside me; it still hurt, even though this wasn’t my first time anymore. 


I don’t know why Greyson is not reacting to it or why he’s not asking; I’m sure that he could already sense it by now—that he wasn’t the one who took my virginity away from me. 


He sucked on my nips as he continued to pleasure me from deep within.


I can’t seem to understand why I found this such a great night, even if I shouldn’t be feeling this way. It was as if I would be delighted no matter how many times we got intimate with one another, as long as it’s Greyson who would do it.


He brought his thing out of mine as he stood straight on the side of the bed. His crotch was undeniably lengthy, and it seemed like he could no longer wait for it to be erected. 


There seemed to be something about me that’s making him like this. 


He was overly aroused, and there wasn’t anything that I could have done that would make him dissatisfied with me. No matter what course of action I took, he was always getting even more excited.


“Kneel, Angelique,” he hoarsely said as he gazed down to the ground where he wanted me to kneel, which was directly in front of him.

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