
Chapter 4 - An Invitation



This means that I can no longer go anywhere that I want to, considering that money is the first thing that I should have when I’m thinking of traveling to some place. 


I let my own feet wander around; I don't even know where I should first head off to. Mostly now that I don't have anyone to provide me with financial support. 


The sun was already burning my skin; it is currently afternoon, and there are even more people outside now compared to when I first arrived in this place. 


As I was letting my subconscious bring me anywhere, I bumped into someone. I almost stumbled to the ground, but the person was quick enough to grab me by my waist.


“Sorry. Are you alright?” he asked, and when I turned to look at him, I opened my mouth. “Y-you…”


“G-Greyson?!” I mentioned his name in shock before I fixed my posture and thanked him afterwards. “What are you doing here? Aren’t you still studying in another country?” I asked out of curiosity.


“Turns out I wanted to spend my time here rather than going somewhere else that I’m not even familiar with,” Greyson answered as he scratched the back of his neck.


It’s been such a long time since the last time that we’ve seen each other. We had been friends since the first year of our high school years; we even had mutual feelings with one another that didn’t further develop due to our personal reasons. 


My parents didn’t want me to have any men around, while Greyson wasn’t permitted by his father to have me as his girlfriend, not unless we both have something to feed each other with already. 


When we confessed about it later on, we just laughed it off. Luckily, our friendship didn’t end at that point.


“What brings you here anyway, Angelique?” he questioned me.


However, I suddenly felt a sting in my heart when I heard how he pronounced my name. It’s not like how he used to say it before when we were still studying together. 


I don’t know if this is just because we’ve been apart for too long or if maybe my guts are correct this time.


“Come again?” I asked him to repeat the same query.


“I said, why are you here, Angelique?” I continuously blinked as my foot started moving backwards, away from where Greyson was standing. “What’s the matter?” he inquired, but during that time, I noticed how a smirk escaped his lips.


“You can’t be...” I mumbled to myself as I tried to remember the person who was on the phone earlier. 


Even though he didn’t mention his name, the similarity was more than enough to prove that they were the same man. 


“G-Greyson Giovanni, you’re the one who filmed the entire scene that happened yesterday night?” I asked, hoping that he would somehow reject it and say that he has no idea about it.


But instead of hearing it, he didn’t refuse at all.


“What if I am? Do you recall now what it is that I’ll be wishing for?”


I immediately gulped when I remembered what kind of person he was. Despite the fact that I loved him at some point before, I knew that he was some sort of bullshit right from the start. 


I just didn’t give much attention to it since if I really were in love with him, I’d be more than willing to accept him as is.


In an attempt to run away from him, I glanced from side to side and checked for every possible spot where I could make my escape route. 


I moved in haste after a few seconds and moved in with the crowd, but he was undeniably quick to catch up to where I was. Maybe it was due to the fact that he’s a man while I’m just a woman.


“There’s no use in running away, Angelique. You know me well; if I blurt something out, you know that I won’t hesitate in doing whatever it is.” I heard him clearly, as if he were just beside me. 


When I gazed sideways, I saw him casually following me around, like it was no big deal for him to match my speed. Before I was even able to sprint to the corner, he took hold of my arm, which made me stop running. 


He was too powerful, and no matter how hard I tried to pull my arm away from his grip, it just wouldn’t budge. “You’re just hurting yourself, Angelique.”


“Where are you planning to take me?” I asked when he suddenly led the way to a spot where there was no one around.


Greyson decided to let go of my arm. “I’ll ask you seriously just once, Angelique. Your decision would greatly affect the exposure of your video, so think wisely before you open your mouth to speak,” he said with such a straight face. He had no expression, to be precise. 


I just nodded my head in accordance with what he wanted.


“Actually, I changed my mind. I’ll leave you with no choice but to come with me tonight. I’ll be waiting for you at my club; I’m sure that you still know its whereabouts, so I won’t be sending you the address anymore.” He winked at me before he turned his back around. 


But he didn’t move forward since he still had something left to say to me. 


“By the way, when you come tonight, make sure to bring your most outrageous dress.”


“E-eh?” I immediately reacted to what he said so that he would not go. “I was robbed just now.” 


I looked downward as I played with my own fingers. It’s kind of embarrassing to say something like that, as if I am asking for money.


Greyson faced me once again. “Nevermind, then. Just don’t forget to show up tonight. If I don’t see you before midnight, I’ll upload the video everywhere. You’re well aware of how fast people are when they’re spreading news like that,” he uttered before completely moving away and leaving me behind in the dark.

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