
Chapter 085


The grandiose library of the sprawling mansion was a scene of chaos. Rich mahogany shelves lined with leather-bound books bore silent witness to the drama unfolding below.

The room, bathed in the soft golden light of chandeliers, was punctuated by the frenzied movements of two personal doctors tending to their injured patient.

Leonard Whitaker, a towering figure in the business world, sat in a high-backed leather chair, his right shoulder soaked in blood. His tailored white shirt was a torn mess, revealing the ragged wound where the bullet had torn through.

His face, usually a mask of controlled authority and false deceiving smiles, was now contorted with pain and fury.

"Goddammit, watch what you're doing!" Leonard bellowed, his deep voice echoing off the walls. His glare was fixed on Dr. Williams, who was pressing a sterile pad against the wound.

"I'm trying to stop the bleeding, Mr. Whitaker," Dr. Williams replied, his voice calm but edged with urgency. "You need to sta
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