
Rainy Night with Billionaire
Rainy Night with Billionaire
Author: Nila


“Run, Janet. You can’t lose your virginity in the hands of these filthy people.” She muttered and tried to run farther through the dark road though it was hard for her to even take a step.

It was raining everywhere; She was stark wet, but her whole body was burning and she felt like someone had set a fire inside her, and millions of ants were biting all over her body.

Janet knew the drug was showing its effect, and it was getting hard for her to run with each passing time.

She needed to hide somewhere to distract them if she didn’t want to get raped by them.

There was no hospital nearby, but she knew if she didn’t hide it would be the end of her.

But it was better to die than let these vultures loot her virtue. How naive she was, she fell into their trap, and they didn’t even have to move their fingers.

It was her fault for sipping on that drink even though she was aware of her alcohol tolerance, but the burning inside her was evident the glass didn’t contain only alcohol. They have added something to that.

When she was slowly losing hope, she noticed a narrow lane and slipped inside, hoping they wouldn’t find her there as it was raining heavily and the dark surroundings would hide her.

Though they got distracted, she didn’t want to take a chance, so she moved toward the other side of the lane.

The place was so narrow that she scratched her back brutally by the rough wall, but this pain didn’t stop her from moving as the fear engulfed her soul.

Janet slowly moved to the other side of the lane and reached the main road, ignoring her pain.

She prayed to find a taxi though it was unlikely for a taxi to drive there.

The area was high end and people who couldn’t afford a car would rarely come to this part of town.

But she needed medical care urgently, so she tried to stop cars passing at full speed, ignoring her plea.

She was desperate to find help as her body was losing its strength.

But no one stopped to help her.

Who would in their sane mind unless they wanted to get robbed?

She was getting restless and hopeless with each minute as her body was on fire, but she tried to endure it.

she bit her lips hard to divert her mind and not feel the burning in her body.

But it didn’t help.

After some time, Janet sat in the middle of the road exhausted, her head lured back with exhaustion and she fell on the floor.

Rain was dropping over her constantly, but she didn’t feel it cold, instead, she was burning.

A car passed by her side but she didn’t have the energy to stop it anymore.

She dug her nail into her palm and bit her lips and a tear slipped from the corner of her eyes and got lost in her brown locks.

She never felt so helpless in her life, and she understood it was her end, but there was a relief in her heart.

She was dying with her dignity, and those vultures couldn’t take it away from her.

“Hey girl, move away. Do you want to die?” A person from the passing car yelled at her, but she didn’t have the energy to look at him and ask for help.

She was losing consciousness when she noticed a car was running straight toward her.

She thought she would get free from this torture and closed her eyes in anticipation of getting free from this torture.

Maybe it was her fate, maybe it would be the end of her sufferings.

Only she was regretful of leaving her mom behind. After all, they were only family to each other.

But she felt nothing even after waiting for a while… only heard footsteps approaching her.

Janet felt someone pick her up, but she couldn’t notice his face.

But a dread filled her mind when she thought it must be those people who were running behind her and started to struggle, but her body was too weak to fight their powerful grip

“Sir, she is drugged, too.” She heard the person say. It wasn’t the same voice, but she knew she was doomed, even if the person was different.

“Send her in.” A hoarse voice hit her ear, but everything was feeling blurry.

The person shoved her inside and a warm body took her and she felt someone’s naked body when her hand tried to touch him and feel who he was. Her eyes were hazy and she could only feel she was inside a car, in the arms of a man, only she couldn’t see his face.

His wet lips fell on her neck, and she moaned in pleasure instinctively.

She knew what would happen next.

She was not ready for this, but she hadn’t the power to resist.

Her body was in lava and his touch felt the coldest thing on the earth.

The person’s lips touched her lips, and she felt she was craving this for eternity, and responded hungrily.

She had no control over her body and with his every touch; she was reacting accordingly.

It felt like her body had got her brain, and she was moving on her own. She wanted to get engulfed in his arm.

The person tore open her clothes and she couldn’t resist his touch even though she knew it was wrong.

The drug was not only messing with her body but with her mind, too. 

It only wanted to feel comfortable and his every touch was her needed comfort.

He made her lay on her back and the leather seat came in contact with her naked back making a shiver run through her body but he didn’t let her get distracted and hovered over her and pressed his lips on her naked neck, and slowly moved downward making her turn on more if it was possible.

Her sanity was telling her to push him, but she pulled him close as she was enjoying it and she had long ago lost her mind to think properly.

Maybe it was the drug or his touch that was putting some spell over her.

She felt a tearing pain in her bottom and dug her nail into his back while moaning in pain.

This was too much for her and she tried to push him this time, but he didn’t let her.

“bear with it. We both will feel good after that.” He whispered while running a hand over her hair, trying to coax her.

When the pain subsided and he again started to move she was feeling over the moon and started to moan in pleasure.

Though the pain was still there, the pleasure he was giving her was too much to deny.

He was moving like a stallion and she let him do as he wanted to do with her body, as it was taking her to the hilt of pleasure.

When he was done with her, she was so exhausted that she fell asleep instantly.

That night took away her virtue, but no one knew it was destiny who was playing a game with these lost souls.

People say God poured his greatness into the rain and maybe it was their turn to get wet in that greatness, or maybe it was the start of their new life.

Who knows?

They only know someone tried to ruin their life, and they get intertwined with two strangers and share the most beautiful moment of their life.

Though, for an outsider, it must be a shame.

But for them, they were each other’s savior.

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