

When Janet woke up, she was in a hotel room, and she was lying naked inside a comforter.

A naked man was sleeping beside her, but his lower body was covered with the remaining part of the comforter to her relief.

Though she knew they had spent an intimate moment last night, she wasn’t yet ready to face his naked glory.

She cupped her head as it was splitting up with a terrible headache.

She remembered what had happened last night and exhaled worriedly.

She was sitting with her friend AKA friend in the Bar as it was her company’s welcoming function and she was sipping fruit juice.

But her friend excused herself as her boyfriend came to take her, and she was sitting alone.

She just went to meet her subordinate, and someone bumped into her.

That was the only moment she remembered she met a stranger and after that, she found her body was burning.

If she knew someone was planning to drug her, she wouldn’t have taken that drink.

Neither would she have stayed at the Bar alone and fallen in the hand of those people who were there to rape her.

But what has been done, she couldn’t change that.

Janet tried to get off the bed but her body was aching terribly and over that she couldn’t find any of her clothes.

Even her underwear was also missing. As long as she could remember, they were in a car when that man and she were doing all those intimate things and he must have left her clothes on the road.

Her face burned out of embarrassment, though she didn’t let those vultures defile her, she ultimately lost her virtue.

She didn’t blame him. After all, he didn’t rape her. She needed him as much as he needed her. 

She could guess he was also drugged, but what warmth she felt despite his rough and urgent movement, those sweet and impatient words to coax even though he was losing control, she was thankful.

She couldn’t imagine her first time being this pleasurable though she was in pain at first.

“Maybe it was fate.” She sighed and looked around.

The room looked like a royal palace, he must be rich and could afford such luxury, but she didn’t want to feel tempted by all this.

They were needy and took what they needed. But it must end there.

His back was facing her, and she didn’t bother to look at his face, after all, it was an encounter out of desperation.

She didn’t want to meet this person ever again.

She noticed his shirt in the chair and wore it quickly as she wanted to leave this place before he woke up.

It was already embarrassing she did all those intimate things with a stranger and what would she say if he woke up suddenly?

She knew it was impolite to take someone’s thing, but she didn’t have any other option than to take his clothes.

She left a simple note which said, “Thank you”, and left the hotel room urgently and took a taxi to her home.

It was early morning, and she wanted to reach her house before her mom woke up.

Her mom was already having a hard time, maintaining their household, being a single parent wasn’t easy when you have a daughter and people think of it as an invitation.

Her mom never got married after her father left her for a mistress, and they have suffered a lot. She didn’t want to disturb her anymore.

Janet was a bright student, and she finished her studies through a scholarship, her mom was doing a job to maintain their daily expenses. Though they were not rich, they had their own house and a few small investments, her grandpa left for her mother.

She got a job this month, but her salary was yet to come. 

She wanted to support her mother and let her live a carefree life, only fate was so easy to deal with.

Yesterday was her welcoming party in her office, but she didn’t know someone would drug her during her first week of work.

She can’t remember she has offended someone, yet someone conspired against her, and she lost everything she was proud of. It was already a burden to her soul and now she didn’t want to disturb her mom too with her personal issues.

But when she entered the room, she noticed the person who she despised the most in her life sitting in their living room, and most probably he was waiting for her.

“Janet. Where were you all night?” Her Mom Rim asked, looking at her anxiously and came to check if she was alright.

She was happy that his shirt was full-sleeved, and it covered almost everything in her body and her mom couldn’t see the bruises.

But noticing her mom’s face her heart ached. Her eyes got dark circles and her red eyes said she cried, too.

“Mom, I told you I had a party last night, it was so late when it ended so I stayed with my friend.” Janet tried to say calmly, but she was feeling angry noticing the man sitting like he owned this house.

“Sigh, how can you be so stupid? You should have informed me. Do you know how much worried I was?” Her mom complained, but Janet was only looking at him.

“What is he doing here?” she asked her mom. Ignoring her words, Rim looked back and tried to control the situation, as she knew how much Janet hated him.

“I couldn’t contact you, so I called him,” Rim replied, which angered Janet more. Janet closed her eyes to calm her nerves.

“Mom…” She tried to tell her many times to not call him, but she couldn’t handle anything, he was not needed.

They are managing well without him.

Why did she need to call him when he had declared already they were nothing to him?

“Janet, he is your dad, and he was worried about you, too. He didn’t leave for the entire night.” Rim said in a scolding tone, and that made Janet lose it.

“Mom, maybe you forget he left us already, and how many times did he need to tell you we are not his responsibility?” Janet said and moved away from her mom, and Rim sighed.

“Janet. You may be tired. Go and freshen up. And what are you wearing? Go change them first.” Rim tried to smooth her clothes to look presentable as she knew Robert wouldn’t approve of these clothes.

Janet felt relieved thinking she picked a skirt from a cheap store while coming here, so mom didn’t doubt anything. Still, the clothes weren’t something Janet normally wears.

“Jenny, won’t you ask your daughter where she was? And what she was doing wearing a man’s shirt?” Robert asked when she was passing by him without giving him any heed.

“So, Mr. Brown, as you said I am my mother’s daughter, so it is none of your business.” Janet spat, and Rim glared at her.

Robert got up from the sofa and walked to Rim with authority, and it made Janet annoyed.

She didn’t like how her father always tried to boss them around when it was her mother and she who worked hard to earn their living.

“God knows what you are teaching her. I think I will have to take responsibility. I told you I have a very good proposal for her. I think I would talk to Mr. Wilson. We will marry her off next week.” He dropped the bomb and Janet looked at him shocked.

She knew her word would tick him, but it wasn’t something she expected.

Who is he to decide her marriage?

“OK, I agree. Do as you want,” Rim said obediently, like always.

Robert left the house happily and Janet looked at her mom shocked.

“Mom, what did you just agree to? I won’t marry now, especially with that person who Mr. Brown wanted me to marry.” Janet said, raising her tone.

“Janet, I never forced you. But I think he was telling right. The person is your father. And whether you like it or not, he has every right to marry you to someone he thinks is OK,” Rim said sternly.

“Mom.” Janet looked at her in disbelief.

But Rim left her there to fend for her own.

Janet walked upstairs with a dejected heart and removed her dress angrily.

She walked into the shower and let the warm water flow down her body.

In a day, her life has taken a turn upside down.

She didn’t know why someone drugged her and she let a stranger take her virginity.

Now her mom was letting that man decide her future and ruined her life completely.

She didn’t know what to do, and how to make everything right.

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