

In a high-raised building in Sydney, an elevator was going upstairs.

The building was thriving with people running from here and there. It was Monday morning in the building of the Wilson Group, the most powerful company in Australia.

But the situation in the elevator was different.

The two people inside the elevator were standing there with different thoughts.

One was the president of Wilson’s group Edwin Wilson and the other was his secretary, Ben. Ben is a tall, handsome man who had soft facial features. But what mostly attracted people was his kind nature and soft appearance.

On the other hand, the person he was standing with was a tall handsome but cold-looking man, the sole heir of the Wilson group. 

Edwin has an aura that could make anyone tremble. Though he was very handsome and his face could make any girl swoon, his aura was unapproachable.

Ben knew well how Edwin’s one order could turn the country upside down along with his life.

And today he was waiting for something like this to happen, as he has sinned.

He has made this mysophobic man touch a woman who was a stranger.

Though it was needed at that moment.

But the person who didn’t even touch the cutlery, which has been touched by anyone other than his appointed maid and cleaned properly by her has touched a person and has done a lot of things than touch.

Last night at a party, Edwin was drugged by a business partner. He wanted to hook Edwin with his daughter.

But he underestimated the self-control of Edwin. No one could make him do what he didn’t want to.

He knew the name of that person would disappear from Australia. But he didn’t want to bear his punishment.

When the elevator reached the 46th floor and the door got open, Edwin walked out without talking with Ben. Ben followed behind him with a worried face and couldn’t help but wipe his forehead.

He was silent all along the way, and it was more dangerous than his anger.

Edwin walked inside and put his jacket in his chair before sitting on his chair calmly.

He propped his hand on the table and placed his jaw over them.

He was thinking something and with each passing time, Ben was getting worried and wiping his forehead constantly.

“Sir, how should I deal with Mr. Jasper?” Ben asked with his trembling voice.

He was already in the lion’s den, he should better deal with it.

Jasper was the person who tried to hurt him yesterday.

“Who is Jasper?” he asked and Ben nodded and told him what he found after investigating.

Edwin gave him orders, and Ben gulped hearing how his boss wanted to deal with that man.

Though he thought Edwin’s method was very ruthless, he was well aware of how Edwin deals with his enemy.

He wanted to get out of this room as Edwin’s aura was making him suffocate, and he turned around to leave hurriedly.

“Ben,” Edwin called, and he froze there.

“I want to know who that girl was last night,” Edwin said, and Ben turned around worriedly.

“What… will you do with her?” Ben asked stammering.

The girl was innocent. Was he thinking of making that girl disappear, too?

“That is none of your business,” he said and Ben nodded.

He knew he had no power to stop him, so he left the room feeling pity for that girl.

She was robbed of her virginity last night. Ben felt guilty that he used the girl for his boss.

And now maybe she will lose her life too. But he didn’t have the power to stop him.

It was lunchtime, and Edwin was reading some documents wearing his gold rim glasses looking like a demon god.

His black coat was neatly placed on the backrest of his chair while his white shirt was rolled to the elbow his upper two buttons were open and his tie was loosely hanging over his shirt.

The phone of Edwin rang, making him come out of his thoughts. The caller was his grandma.

“Hello, grams,” he said in his usual indifferent tone.

He was irritated that his grandma called him at this time, knowing he must be at his work and he never liked to be disturbed by someone when he was in the office.

“Hey, boy. You forget it was Sunday, and you were supposed to come to the house yesterday?” His grandma said in a scolding tone.

“Grams, you know I was busy, and I had never promised I would come to your house every Sunday.” He replied coldly again.

“Yeah, why will you come? We are two old people supposed to die here. Our only grandson only likes to work. I told your grandpa not to make you like him. But he didn’t hear me. Now I can’t even see my grandson in a week.” She said dramatically, with a sad tone.

Edwin knew it was a tactic of hers to make him succumb. But he didn’t want to make them sad.

“Grams, you know I didn’t mean that.” He said to calm her down and get up from his chair, rubbing his forehead with his fingers.

“Then promise me you will come today.” She said excitedly, and he sighed.

He didn’t want to talk with her anymore and waste his time. Because he knew if she wanted, she could continue this drama the entire day.

“Ok, I will come.” He agreed, and she yelled excitedly, like a child.

“OK, I will make your favorite dinner.” Before he could stop her, she cut the call.

These two people are his only family. And they have made them capable of their sweat and blood. He and his sister owe them their life.

She turned and looked at the portrait hanging on the wall. He couldn’t forget how his grandma forced him to hang this.

It didn’t match the theme of his stylist’s office or his cold demeanor.

But this thing was something he liked to look at whenever he missed them.

Though the entire Australia bows in front of him, this man bows in front of these oldies.

He kept the phone in his pocket and sighed.

He turned off his computer and walked out of his office.

“Sir, you have a meeting in fifteen minutes.” His secretary informed him as she noticed him leaving the office, but he didn’t pay notice to her.

“cancel it. I am leaving.” He said and walked to the elevator without giving her any chance to talk.

But when the elevator door closed, the girl was on the verge of crying.

Only she knew how hard it was for her to arrange this meeting with this client as this was the third time he was leaving them without any notice.

The client was unwilling to work, but his boss told her to inform them if they wanted this deal he wanted them to come to his office that day.

So they agreed unwillingly.

Now, this man was leaving without notice when the client was already waiting for him in the conference room.

How will she manage them?

But she knew she would have to do it for the sake of this job and its too tempting salary.

She pulled up her dejected face and walked toward the conference room when the President left her to clear his mess.

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