
Chapter 3. You?

“Are you okay, my little rebel?” Uriel stands beside Selene on the balcony, where she is watching the crowd in the courtyard of Alba Noctis Castle. He has noticed that his granddaughter has been very quiet and restless since last night. It could be the full moon affecting her, but he hasn't seen her like this since that night she found her mate a year ago.

“I’m fine, Grandpa,” Selene clears her throat and rubs her hands against her clothes, clearly uncomfortable. Uriel can see Saya moving restlessly in his granddaughter's mind, wagging her tail and whining.

“Why haven’t you gone down yet? There are many wolves your age down there. You could have a lot of fun.”

“I don’t want to go, Grandpa. All those people suffocate me.”

“We already had this conversation, Selene, three days ago, when you came back from shopping, grumbling about a certain ‘Mr. Carrot.’ You promised you would do it for your mother. She will be very disappointed if you don’t participate, at least for a few hours. You’re already dressed.” Uriel points to the beautiful light blue dress she is wearing. She looks gorgeous. It was a struggle for her brothers to convince her to leave her typical camisoles and ripped jeans for something more decent tonight. “Is he here? Is that why you don’t want to go down?”

“Who?” Selene clears her throat again, not understanding her grandfather’s question.

“That man you’ve been thinking about these past three days. I can still see him lingering in your mind.”

A blush spreads across the young woman’s face as she recalls what happened that day. She feels very embarrassed. Mr. Carrot had carried her like a little girl on his lap in front of everyone until the doctor finished the procedure, and he didn't let her go until Moreira said everything was fine. He even made sure she drank water before she took a taxi home.

At that moment, she really wanted to slap him. Who does he think he is to treat her like that? She just hopes never to run into him again, or she doesn’t know what she might do.

“Of course not, Grandpa,” Selene diverts her gaze to the moon, which is slowly rising on the horizon. “I don’t think he participates in these things. He must already be mated; he’s at least 30 years old or more.”

“You never know the Moon’s designs, my little rebel,” Uriel smiles sideways, but Selene doesn’t notice. Her grandfather leaves a loud kiss on her forehead and leaves while she remains lost in her thoughts.

“I can feel it, he will be here, Selene, our mate,” Saya has been repeating the same thing since dusk started a couple of hours ago. Selene huffs without answering. It’s clear that her wolf is willing and excited to find a new mate, but she doesn’t want to let go of Dexter’s memory. She loved him more than anything in this world. How can she not understand that?

After a few deep breaths, she smooths her dress and walks towards the exit. It’s true, she promised her family. It will only be a moment, and she’ll be back in her room as if nothing happened. If that supposed mate that Saya keeps mentioning appears, she will find a way to convince him to reject her, and they can both go on with their lives.


Inside the VIP room of a human hotel, Jackson looks at Connor seated on the same armchair, in the same position, with his eyes closed since the afternoon. His alpha cousin isn't very sociable, and these activities are definitely not to his liking, but he agreed to come because it was a very special request from their friend and partner Ragnar. If they didn't owe so much to that man who assisted them when the pack was at its worst and on the brink of extinction, when ninety percent of their members were killed in a surprise attack, perhaps Connor wouldn't have agreed to come, and none of them would be here today.

"Connor..." Jackson's voice resonates in the spacious and luxurious room.

"I know," Connor finally opens his eyes, coming out of his lethargy. "Wait for me downstairs, I'll be with you in a few minutes."

Beltrán and Jackson head down to the parking lot while the alpha goes to the restroom. Connor looks at his haggard face in the mirror for a few seconds. Sorem has been very restless today, and he's not sure if he can contain him tonight if the inevitable happens. Finding his destined mate was never part of his plans due to his complicated situation within his pack, but will he be able to ignore that bond if he finally finds her tonight? Will he be able to give her up and go back to California to continue with the life that was imposed on him?

After a quick shower, he dresses in a fendi-colored suit with a white shirt, brown shoes, and he's ready. Due to his defined redheaded appearance, not all colors suit him, but this tone definitely gives him an extra edge that makes him look imposing.

The Alba Noctis castle is half an hour's drive from the hotel. Connor takes his phone and, ignoring the hundreds of unread messages from his mother, sister, and Inés, checks the time. There are still almost two hours until the moon is at its peak.

"She'll be there, Connor. I know it," Sorem chimes in his mind, spinning excitedly. "We'll take her home; finally, we'll have our mate."

Connor nods, and after checking his appearance one last time, he heads down to the parking lot.


Inside the party, the atmosphere is lively. Uriel was right; there are many attractive wolves from many packs ready to find their mate tonight. Some are already paired, others are not so lucky yet, but everyone is lively and mingling.

Selene walks up to the bar and orders a pineapple rum cocktail, her favorite. She turns with her drink in hand and watches her brothers as they interact with some guests; many of them are attracted to her incredible beauty, but Saya is sure that none of them is her mate and she ignores them.

Ethan turns to his twin sister and winks at her. He looks very handsome tonight, and his sister-in-law is also beautiful in her red dress.

A little further away are Rouse and her mother welcoming the newcomers; her grandmother, uncles, and cousins are at a table in front of the stage. Her father is still traveling in Tierra de Pinares, dealing with an issue related to his first wife.

Uriel prowls the site cautiously, and after fixing his gaze on the entry point where a black Maserati is arriving, a golden light emerges from his right hand. A tall man, the same man from his granddaughter's thoughts, gets out of the back seat along with another one who looks quite similar but younger. His mouth drops open. A beautiful and imposing wolf with orange fur and white ears roams in his mind as he wags his tail vigorously. "So this is the last alpha-blooded werewolf of the Redwood Wolves who survived the massacre of his pack years ago," he says to himself as he beholds the magnificent beast.

Connor buttons his jacket elegantly and walks slowly towards the event spot. His skin tingles as he advances, and his heart beats too forcefully inside his chest.

The moon shines brightly now, and a fresh and light scent, similar to what is felt in the air on a sunny and clear day with a touch of aromatic herbs like mint and rosemary, drags him like an invisible yet powerful force. What is that?

"Mate," Sorem chirps inside his mind. Connor stops abruptly and shakes his head. His beast is right at the surface, seeking a way to emerge.

"What's wrong, Connor?" Jackson asks beside him, confused by his cousin's behavior. "What's wrong with Sorem? Did he find his mate? Is our Luna here?"

Connor looks up at the crowd without saying anything, and his hearing and sight focus on an exact point, but he can't see her completely, only her back. There she is.

On the other side of the garden, a shiver runs through Selene's slender body. Her hands start trembling uncontrollably, and the glass in her hand falls to the floor.

"Mate," Saya yells, lifting her head and looking back. Selene is frozen in her place with her heart racing a mile a minute. No!

Determined, she takes quick steps to the back of the castle, heading towards the path that leads to the forest to flee as far as possible from him, but those damn heels are not cooperating. She takes them off and throws them aside before continuing her path.

"Stop!" A deep, hoarse voice behind her has the same effect as an atomic bomb on her whole body. Her legs go weak, and her stomach is a stupid riot that makes her want to vomit badly.

She turns as slowly as possible, and after lifting her gaze, her shoulders drop, perhaps out of surprise, perhaps out of disappointment, who knows?!

"You?" They both ask in unison.

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