
Chapter 6. No

Selene's gut clenches, and her hands start sweating. Mr. Carrot stands up and looks into her eyes, making her feel extremely drawn to his gaze, to his scent, and wanting to feel that warmth again that emanated from his body when he held her the other day. What will she feel when he holds her again? It's likely that when that happens, they'll be alone, and that idea scares her a bit, although she doesn't entirely dislike it.

As if something were pulling her, she takes a step toward him, and Connor smiles slightly. He can see it in her eyes; she's feeling the bond as strongly as he does. Too bad they're in front of so many people, or he would have taken her in his arms, just like at the clinic.

Selene takes another step and another, and to Connor's surprise, when she reaches him, she walks past him and goes to Ragnar, her father.

"Father, I didn't know you were back already," she says as she approaches and gives him a lingering kiss on the cheek.

"I arrived in the early hours, princess," Connor can tell that Ragnar dotes on his daughter a lot. "Now tell me, why did you take so long to come down? I sent for you over an hour ago. Alpha Connor has been waiting for you all this time."

"I'm here now, dad," Selene huffs and rolls her eyes. Both Katrina and Ragnar are embarrassed by her childish and rebellious behavior. That's one of the main reasons why they are willing to give their daughter to Alpha Connor.

"At least you could have combed your hair, cousin; you look like a street girl," Morelia's comment furrows Selene's brow. Connor doesn't like the way she expressed herself either, but looking at his mate, he agrees with Morelia. Selene's long, wavy hair is tousled as if she fought with her pillow all night, she's wearing only an oversized shirt that reaches below her knees, and... flip-flops. Jackson exchanges glances with his alpha, and Connor knows that deep down, he's laughing out loud at him. Perhaps seeking to be punished for it once they step back into their territory.

"Daughter, please, watch your words. What will Alpha Blazeheart think of us?" Rubí scolds her daughter, but Morelia just shrugs off all the looks on her.

Katrina looks at her daughter with disappointment and sorrow because she knows that Selene is doing all this on purpose to repel Connor. What she doesn't know is that the alpha is determined to claim her right now and take her to his pack tonight.

"She looks perfect to me," Connor's deep voice puts direct pressure on Selene's stomach, who avoids looking him in the eyes right now.

"Daughter, he is Alpha Connor Blazeheart of the Redwood Wolves pack, and he is here with us this morning to claim you as his destined mate and future Luna," Ragnar speaks the words Selene didn't want to hear. "What do you say about that?"


"No?" Connor asks with a furrowed brow, but Katrina stands up and walks over to her daughter.

"No what, Selene? Are you rejecting your destined mate?" Katrina asks with a broken voice. She finds it hard to believe that her daughter isn't willing to accept this new opportunity that the Moon has given her and that they have to resort to other methods.

Selene opens her mouth to respond, but Connor interrupts her.

"I won't accept any rejection from you. As an alpha, I have the right to claim what's mine, and you are my mate. Your parents and I have already reached an agreement, so pack your things, we'll be going to our pack tonight."

Selene looks at her parents, incredulous, but Ragnar's nod confirms her worst fears.

"Claro de Luna is my father's pack, where I was born, raised, and where I met my mate. I'm not going anywhere with you! Your pack is not and will never be my pack!"

Selene runs off, leaving Connor surprised and confused by her words. Her mate? Has she had another partner before him? Neither Ragnar nor Katrina have mentioned anything about that, and he didn't see any marks on her shoulder.

Morelia almost bursts out laughing at her cousin's childish attitude. Although she has seen everything from her, she always manages to surprise her a little more.

"I'll go talk to her," says Katrina, but Connor steps in her way.

"May I do it?" he asks, and both Ragnar and Katrina nod. Connor leaves the office and, following her scent, he goes up the stairs.

In the wide hallway, Sorem sharpens his hearing and manages to hear her sobs coming from one of the rooms. Connor turns the knob, and luckily, the door opens smoothly, revealing her lying on the bed with a pillow covering her head.

"Whoever you are, leave, I don't want to talk to anyone!" Connor hears her complaint, but he locks the door before walking over to her.

"Didn't you hear me? I said that..." Selene's voice trails off when Connor lifts her effortlessly from the bed, carries her to one of the armchairs, and sits there with her on his lap.

Connor rests Selena's head on his chest and wipes away some of the tears from her face with his fingers. He takes the opportunity to tuck her long locks behind her ear while observing her more closely.

Selene finds it extremely annoying how he manages to have that calming effect on her body within seconds. She hates feeling so good in his arms even though she wants to get up and slap him a few times. How does he do it? Is it some kind of spell?

Despite trying to resist, she closes her eyes and nuzzles her face into Connor's neck.

"Why does he have to smell so damn good?" she wonders mentally as she discreetly inhales his scent and feels that delicious tingling sensation running through her body under his touch.

"Because he's our mate," Saya answers, and Selene can see that she smiles happily.

"Pack your things, my dear," Connor whispers after a long silence between them. Selene looks up at him, and despite saying no earlier, she nods.

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