
Chapter 9. I Shouldn't Have Come

Jackson clears his throat, catching Connor's attention. He instantly lowers Inés to the ground, realizing what had happened.

"Sorry..." says the young woman, looking down as she notices the conflicted look on the alpha's face due to the fleeting kiss she gave him. The truth is, she isn't sorry at all. The days that Connor was away were the worst of her life, and she missed him terribly.

"Brother, welcome back," Clarisse and Carla, Connor's mother, come out of the house to greet him as well. Both seem quite pleased that he has returned. "How was your trip? Did you have fun?"

"Sister, mother," Connor hugs and kisses each of them. "The A****n is beautiful. I will definitely go back there often."

"We're so glad you're back, son. You must be very tired. Come, I'll have a warm bath and a sumptuous breakfast prepared for you before you can rest."

Carla winks at Inés, and she knows what it means. Both take Connor by the arm to lead him toward the door, but he evades them before reaching out his hand to the SUV door.

Selene's vision blurs, and for a few seconds, she loses her sense of time and place. When she comes out of her daze, she looks around, then out the window, and shakes her head. Saya is a very temperamental beast, and Connor will soon realize that.

"This will bring us trouble, Saya," says Selene, taking her purse and slinging it over her shoulder.

"Our mate is in trouble. How could he do this to us? That young woman kissed him on the mouth right in front of us. Let me out and show her who she's dealing with," Saya is evidently upset, and for good reason.

"Now is not the time, Saya. We've just arrived. Please, stay calm," Selene pushes her back, and Saya retreats, growling.

Selene adjusts her hair as if nothing happened and takes Connor's hand, which is sticking out of the door.

The three women stifle a gasp as if they've seen a strange creature when a slender young woman with brown hair steps out of the alpha's SUV.

Inés turns pale and doesn't take her eyes off Connor and Selene's joined hands, while Clarisse covers her mouth in astonishment.

"Connor, what...?" Carla tries to say something, but the alpha interrupts her.

"Mother, Clarisse, Inés, this is Selene, my mate and future Luna of our pack." The word "Luna" rings in Inés' head, while Carla looks Selene up and down before shaking her head in evident disapproval. She doesn't even try to hide it, and Jackson mentally laughs at the scene. However, he wouldn't want to be in Selene's shoes right now or in the coming days.

"Good morning," says Selene, trying to smile, although after what she saw earlier and what she is seeing now, it is difficult. Her hand is sweaty and trembling with nerves, and Connor gently strokes her fingers with his thumb to calm her.

"Hello, Selene, welcome to Redwood Wolves. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Clarisse, Connor's sister." Clarisse is the first to react, and as always, she doesn't disappoint her brother with her kindness. She approaches and kisses Selene on the cheek.

Selene notices the resemblance between her and Connor. On closer inspection, they all look very similar: tall, red-haired, green-eyed.

Neither Carla nor Inés say anything at all.

"Mother..." Clarisse tries to get Carla's attention, but she completely ignores her.

"Come, son, let's get you a bath. You must also be very hungry," Carla takes her son's elbow and leads him inside. Selene tries to keep up with Connor as he pulls her along, but her shorter legs make it difficult, so she lets go and follows behind.

Once inside, she stands in awe, admiring the beautiful decor until Clarisse takes her arm and guides her to the grand salon, even more beautiful than the entrance. The ceiling is so high it gives her vertigo to look up, there are two staircases leading to the second floor, Victorian-style furniture, and huge crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.

"Are you from the A****n, Selene?" Clarisse tries to make conversation to ease the awkward moment her mother caused. Selene nods without much enthusiasm.

"My mother is from the A****n, but I was born in Tierra de Pinares."

"Wow, that sounds interesting! My brother's business partner is from Tierra de Pinares, Ragnar Shadowfang. I understand his son is now the alpha of his pack."

"He is my father, and Ethan is my twin brother," Selene replies, and Clarisse's mouth forms a perfect O. She definitely didn't expect this.

Connor's sister leads Selene up the stairs to her brother's room, and as they advance, a heated argument between him and Carla is heard clearly. Saya becomes alert, and Selene knows this is not a good sign. First, that young woman kissed Connor in front of her, then his mother didn't even greet her, and now this? What else awaits her today?

Suddenly, a door in front of them opens, and Carla storms out, practically growling. She glares at Selene with a furrowed brow and, as she passes by, gives her a slight shove with her shoulder in protest.

Selene stands still, unsure how to react or what to say, trying to maintain her composure.

"Selene, forgive my mother. She's just having a bad day. This is my brother's room, and mine is the first on the left. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask. I have some tasks to attend to now," Clarisse excuses herself, leaving Selene alone. Selene remains motionless.

"I shouldn't have agreed to come," she reflects mentally, covering her face with both hands and analyzing everything that is happening. Everything is going wrong, terribly wrong.

Selene jumps when arms wrap around her narrow waist, lifting her slightly off the floor. Connor hugs her from behind and plants a kiss on her neck, followed by several more on her shoulder, sending shivers from head to toe.

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