
Chapter 7. Agree?

“Let’s get this straight, Mr. Carrot, I…”

“Connor,” the alpha growls, interrupting and pulling her back onto his lap.

“Whatever. I’ll go with you… Connor, because I have no other choice since my family signed that alpha agreement with you, but that doesn’t mean you can mark me or mate with me against my will.” Connor frowns at her words.

“We can come to an agreement regarding mating, but as for the marking, I don’t think…”

“You don’t think anything,” Selene tries to get up again, but Connor wraps both arms around her waist, holding her in place. “You will not force me; I won’t allow it. I do not agree with this bond, and I’ve told you already. No forced marking and no forced mating.”

“And how long do you think you can resist?” Connor brushes some strands of hair from her face before running his fingertip along the tip of her nose. Selene’s lower abdomen tightens, and Connor can sense her turmoil. The hair on her arms stands on end, and she mentally curses herself for being so weak at his touch.

“I have nothing to resist,” she responds after clearing her throat. “You will stay away from me.”

“That’s impossible.”


“Because we will share the same room, the same bed, the same house, everything.”

“I’m not going to sleep with you, Connor. I thought that was clear.”

“You will. You’re my mate, you’ll be my Luna and my wife by law. There’s no reason for us to sleep in separate rooms. I’m willing to do everything at your pace, but sleeping in separate rooms is one of my ‘non-negotiables.’ Also, you will obey me in everything I command, especially regarding your safety. Until you bear my mark, you will stay within the pack house and only go out with an escort and my permission since I won’t be able to track you. I will set safe boundaries within the pack territory where you can move, but you are forbidden to go beyond them. You will follow the rules of Redwood Wolves just like every other member, and you will inform me of your every move.”

“Am I your mate or your prisoner?” Selene huffs, unable to believe everything she’s hearing.

“It’s either that or marking you. You decide.”


“Agreed?” Connor lifts her chin to make her look at him.



Meanwhile, in Katrina’s room…

“Are you sure this will work, Dad?” Katrina asks Uriel with a sigh, looking out the window as Selene and Connor stay together in her daughter’s room. They both seem peaceful and comfortable as they talk. “Won’t rushing things affect them in some way? I don’t want my daughter to suffer.”

“Connor and Selene are destined mates, daughter. Sooner or later, fate would have brought them together regardless, whether it’s now or in two years. We are merely hastening their encounter for their own good and for Connor’s. I can’t promise she won’t suffer because that depends on what’s written in her destiny, but she needs to move past the stage where she’s stuck, and Connor is the only one who can help her now.”

"She’s suffering because of Dexter, and forcing her might not be the best idea,” Katrina said.

Uriel turned and hugged his daughter. “Selene is like you, Katrina. She’s a naive and innocent young woman who went through terrible things, but she’s full of love to give. She just needs a little push. Just as Ragnar helped bring out the woman you are today, I’m sure Connor will help my granddaughter. She’ll be fine. Trust the process. He’s a good man.”

Katrina nodded and gave her daughter one last look before heading to the living room. She had some pack matters to resolve before lunch. With all the points clarified with Connor, at least she was sure her daughter wouldn’t be forced into anything she didn’t want. That reassured her.


Connor watched as Selene listlessly packed a few things into a small floral suitcase while he remained seated in the same armchair.

After lunch at the castle, they would go to the hotel where Connor was staying to collect his things before heading to the airport, where his private jet awaited to take them to his country.

He hadn’t yet informed his family that he had found his mate, but given the situation, he preferred to surprise them once they arrived at Redwood Wolves. He was aware that this would bring some negative consequences to his pack and to the deal his late father made with the council, but he preferred not to think about that right now and focus on what was really important: his mate. At 32 years old, Connor had resigned himself to never finding his destined mate, but the moon had given him an opportunity he didn’t intend to waste.

“She’s so beautiful. I can’t wait to have some pups with her,” Sorem prowled in his mind, watching Selene all the time. He was excited, and for good reason; some unfortunate events had led him to believe that his destiny was to be alone. However, here they were now, about to leave together.

“You heard her, no pups for now,” Connor replied mentally to his beast.

“We won’t force her, but we’ll convince her in no time,” Sorem’s words made Connor smile.

After closing her suitcase, Selene locked herself in the bathroom and changed into navy blue jeans, a long-sleeved blouse, and sneakers. As far as she knew, it was the rainy and cold season there, so she made sure to have a coat on hand for when they arrived at their destination.

She took her comb and, looking in the mirror, remembered what Morelia had said in the office. Saya’s annoyance returned, and she felt a strong urge to teach her cousin a lesson, but soon she would be rid of her and wouldn’t have to worry about her negative comments anymore.

“Ready?” Connor asked when she emerged from the bathroom. He was already standing near the door with his hands in his pockets. “Your parents are waiting for us.”

Selene nodded and glanced at the bed, but her suitcase was no longer there.

“My beta already took your suitcase to the car,” Connor offered his hand, but she walked past him without taking it.

Everyone was gathered around the table when they reached the dining room. After a delicious family meal, they finally said their goodbyes, and Connor and Selene set off towards their destination: Redwood Wolves.

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