
Chapter Thirty–nine ~The Creek~


I was almost giving up. But giving up wasn't an option.

Four hours of searching and nothing yet. No sign of Gwen, Josh, or the Ferals. I was tired of searching but my wolf still held on strong.

It was almost dawn. Mr. Nate and Lionel had joined us too.

They insisted on checking the other side of the woods while I and Leo stuck to this side.

The woods were large, it was connected to a large forest that transcended Silverwood Grove, the mystical part of the forest and city. It was a place where no one went for no just cause.

Leo walked to me, his eyes flickered and his ear erect. He shifted to his human form. "I feel hot. I need to find the creek."

We were familiar with these grounds because of our weekly hunting. We knew there was a creek west of where we were. I followed him. We both put our clothes on. We had gone deeper into the woods now.

We found the creek using the sound of the flowing stream.

Leo squats to wash his face and pour some water on his body. We had been se
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