
Chapter thirty nine

“Leo, I…” before I even had the chance to speak, he cut me off.

“Are you happy now?” He asked me, and I stared at him.

“Leo, I swear. I…”

“This is what you wanted all along, isn’t it?” He asked me as he moved closer to me while I stepped back. “Free jewelry, Cora getting insulted. That’s what you’ve wanted the whole time, or am I wrong, Layla?” He asked me, and I stepped back in fear.

“Leo, what’s wrong with you? Why are you sudddnly asking me these questions? What are you trying to say, say it more clearly.” I told him, and he chuckled.

With that chuckle, I knew that something was coming, and that something definitely wasn’t going to be good. He grabbed me by the hand as he dragged me out of the hall, angrily.

We stood at the garden, while he was running his fingers through his hair, and I stared at him, what could he running through his mind?

“Start talking, Layla. I want to know. What was the reason for humiliating my pack so much? What reason did you have to humiliate cora like t
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