

I can’t believe this is happening. All I wanted was to get a teacher, an ordinary teacher but here sitting in front of me is the person I didn’t even have interaction with him in my past life. How unpredictable is that?

“So, you’re the student Mister Ancajas talked about.” His voice broke the awkward silence between us. Ever since my dad introduced us to each other, we’re in this awkward state. My dad was kind of busy so he sent us to his favourite restaurant where we can discuss this tutor life. Gin was willing to comply.

Also, it’s not a big surprise that Gin wants to be a tutor, even though he’s one of the famous bachelors in town, he still needs money. From what I’ve heard he has three sisters. He’s the oldest among them so he needs to earn a lot because both of his parents are sick and needs treatment and their company is falling apart. In a social hierarchy, it is obvious that I am above Gin since we have a lot of money.

In my first life, I’ve heard a lot about Gin and other bachelors in this town described as young, perfect, smart and handsome men. I never paid attention to this kind of thing in my first life because I was too focused on June and our relationship.

Gin is undeniably handsome and cute. He’s not one of those people who have a very intimidating aura around them, in fact, my first impression about him is like a ball of sunshine-

I blushed in embarrassment. Why am I thinking weird thoughts right now!? It makes the situation even more awkward!


“Ah yes, what were you talking about?”

He licked his lower lip, “When will we start?” Said Gin while holding the cup of coffee.

“Tomorrow,” I stated and sipped my own glass of milk.

The restaurant doesn’t have too many customers and I thank God for that. Someone who might know me comes in, at any moment so I need to finish this discussion of ours as fast as I could. Why did I agree to come here? We could just go somewhere more private in order to avoid the people who might misunderstand this situation and I can't even say he's a tutor since that's supposed to be a secret. If I invite him to a secret and private place, will he think I'm a pervert? I don't want to risk that. Plus staying at my dad's office is a huge NO because my auntie might come. She also works there so it's very risky.

Ah, whatever. I'm here and I'll just finish this quickly.

"Anyway, my dad told you about what I want right?" I said and puts down my cup. He looked at me and smiled slowly.

"Of course I've heard it. I understand. Anything you want to add?"

"No just keep this a secret and let's meet at the villa my dad recommended. It's kinda far from here, will you be okay with that?"

"I'm fine. Anyways how about-" I cut off his sentence when I shushed him. We're in the corner of the restaurant and we've ordered a table for two so it was easy to reach his face and clamped my hands his mouth with my hands.

"Fuck..." I mumbled while peeking at the two people at his back. It was none other than June and someone I'm not familiar with. It's a girl but I'm sure it's not Navia. Still, it doesn't matter if it's my sister or not, I still need to hide. They're sitting three tables away from us and I'm glad he didn't notice my existence.

"What is it?" Gin whispered when he slowly get rid of my hand. He also took a peek quickly from his back and turned back at me again, "Your boyfriend right?" I didn't realize that I was so close to his face, and only when I smelt his coffee breathe made me jump back in my seat.

"Is that June?" He asked once again.

"Shh, lower your voice. Also, how'd you know?" I whispered slightly.

"The Ancajas family is no joke, of course as the heiress I would know who you're with," Answered Gin. He was right. Everyone who knows my family knows about June and our relationship.

"Ah dammit, I never expected him to be here," I uttered and lowered my head more, afraid that June might notice me. I know that I'm not doing anything wrong and he's the one suspicious but I can't afford to lose him when I still need something from him. So right now, I need to get out of here without him acknowledging my presence.

"Aren't you curious about the girl?"

"Why would I?" I raised an eyebrow at the guy who seemed to enjoy what's happening right now. His eyes are twinkling in excitement. Is he a drama lover? I frowned.

"Well, because he's your boyfriend?" He chuckled quietly.

"Probably." I shrugged, "But that's not important right now. We need to get out of here. ASAP."

"Why don't you wanna go and confront him?" said Gin mischievously.

"Shut up and follow me." I hissed while grabbing some cloth from the table.

"Why would I?" He mocked my voice as he asked that stupid question. I glared at him. Forget about being a 'ball of sunshine' impression, right now he looks like an asshole.

I rolled my eyes afterwards and wrapped the table cloth around my head and my face. After that, I was about to stand up and leave this jerk tutor behind when he grabbed my wrist and smiled, "I'm just kidding." He gave me a peace sign and stood up. He then puts his hand on my shoulders.

"What are you doing?" I gritted my teeth as I asked him that.

"Helping you."

Then he started walking while making me lean on his chest. I cannot resist or even shout since I need to keep my identity a secret from June. I thought Gin would go straight to the exit door but he stopped at June's table. My heart pounded. What the hell!

"Sir, is that your girlfriend?" Gin innocently asked them. I gritted my teeth even more. I pinched him at the back secretly. What is he trying to do now?!

The next words that came out from my boyfriend made me numb. It was unexpected and it made my heart clench tightly. Even if he did kill me in my past life and is now planning to cheat with my step-sister, the feelings I got for him were still not erased although it's getting weaker by the day. Still hearing those unexpected words...

"Oh no, she's my wife."

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