
Chapter 002

Kira’s POV

The ride to the club wasn’t as fast as I expected, although it was far from home, I didn’t feel it at all as Nicholas, Christopher, and Michael continued to profess love to me and I just didn’t know when I joined in too. They just couldn’t stop showering me with love.

“Where are we?” I asked the minute Michael opened the door for me like the gentleman that he was.

“You'll see, baby” Christopher smiled, Nicholas was also smiling making me blush. They had really put an effort into this year’s anniversary.

A big door was opened and when I looked far beyond, all I saw was pitch darkness, "Where's this place?" I asked again with a slight frown, they knew very well that my eyesight even in my wolf state wasn’t as sharp as theirs.

They didn't answer my question, which was very unlike them. They just led me to a particular place where a beautiful chair was placed and made me sit on it. Just one chair… I turned to look at them

"Calm down," said Christopher, his voice piercing through my ears. "Breathe deeply, and prepare for what lies ahead. You're in for an experience beyond your wildest dreams."

Despite not being able to see their faces, I nodded like a good girl and relaxed in my seat.

I heard their footsteps as they walked away, and I felt a sense of unease. I might be a weak Omega, but I had this deep gut feeling that was always right. Maybe I was just overthinking. They’re my mate, lovers, and fathers of my kids, they’ll never do anything that will cause me discomfort.

Suddenly, a light shone on me, and I blinked rapidly, trying to decipher something, but I could see very little. However, I knew there were people around me... I could sense it.

Just as I began to make sense of my surroundings, a massive screen appeared in front of me, stealing my attention... Now what's all this about?

“Christopher…?” I called only to be interrupted by a footstep.

A lady approached me and carelessly dropped a piece of paper onto the table before me. "Read it," she instructed, her voice cold, and I raised a brow but I took the paper anyway.

I unfolded the paper, my eyes scanning the words in stark black ink— 'DIVORCE.' My heart sank in disbelief, and confusion washed over me. What did this mean? Why would they want me to divorce my three mates?

Before I could lash out at the stupid woman, I heard footsteps. I turned, and I saw my three mates heading towards me, their faces blank. "Hello, sweetheart," Michael said, his voice gentle but firm.

"What kind of surprise is this? I don't like it, let's go home. I have this gut feeling that all isn't well and you all know it's never wrong, I don't like this place, let's leave." I expressed, trying to stand up, but Christopher pushed me back into the chair with a stark command,

"Sit down and do what you're asked to do, Kira."

Wait.... What?!

Did he just speak to me in that tone?

“Let's not waste our time with her, please. Now look at the screen, Kira." He ordered in his Alpha voice, and I did just that.

With a click, the television flickered to life, revealing a live feed of my sleeping triplets, their nanny shaking and crying silently beside them. Dread immediately washed over me as I watched... Beside them stood a shadowy figure, holding a gun pointed directly at my precious children. My heart stopped as the reality of the situation hit hard on me. Turning to my husbands for comfort, I was met with chilling smirks instead of reassurance.

"What the heck is going on?!" I screamed angrily, and a blinding slap landed on my face.

"Control your tone when speaking to us, bitch!" Nicholas spat, and my eyes popped open in awe as I stared at him.

"Sign the papers," Christopher commanded, his tone icy and menacing. "Or they'll suffer the consequences."

"Sign the papers or your kids get it!"

My world spun as I realized the cruel ultimatum before me. But why would they do this... The kids are theirs too... Their blood!

Disbelief slapped me from different directions, and I glanced at my husbands, hoping against hope that this was all just some sick joke. A cruel fucking sick joke!

"But... but you can't be serious, those kids are your blood," I stammered, my voice trembling with a mixture of fear and disbelief. "This... this can't be happening, you can't hurt them."

Their expressions remained stoic, unyielding in the face of my desperate pleas.

"We're dead serious, Kira," Michele declared, his voice cold. "Sign the papers, or your children will pay the price. Don't say we didn't warn you if one of them dies because no matter what dear kitten, you are signing those papers."

"Sign them; you have only a minute to decide."

With that being said, the man on the television screen cocked the gun in his hand, and panic surged through me, choking off my ability to reason or resist.

"Let's do a demo for you, love." Christopher said before adding, "Shoot."

The man pointed a gun at the crying woman's head and pulled the trigger; no sound was heard, just blood oozing from the hole in the nanny's head before she dropped dead.

My hands flew to my mouth, horror contoured my face as I watched the scene.

"You see, baby, we weren't joking. Now sign the damn papers, or your kids would be next." A voice boomed, jolting me back to reality.

"Please... Please, don't do this," I begged, my voice trembling with fear as I turned to my husbands for some form of mercy. "I'll do anything, just... just don't hurt them. I'll sign, please."

Without a moment's hesitation, I immediately demanded a pen, my hands trembling as I reached for the paper before me. The motherhood in me was the only thing thinking... All I wanted to do was to save my kids. I didn't know what came next, but I knew those men weren't joking about killing my kids... Our kids! They just killed the nanny! Oh, goddess! What was all this?!

"Here," one of my husbands said, pushing a pen toward me with a cold smile. "Sign it. And make it quick, kitten."

With shaking fingers, I hastily scribbled my signature, hot tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as I realized what I had done.

"I hope you're happy now?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper as I looked up at my husbands...oh… ex-husbands, with tear-streaked eyes.

“Not yet kitten, the fun is just starting… I, Christopher Klaus, reject you and everything that has to do with you, Kira Wells. You're nothing to me, have never been, and will never be!” He spat those words like he had rehearsed them for years. I sat in disbelief, my eyes wide, tears clouded my eyes that I could hardly see him clearly.

“And I, Nicholas Klaus, second Alpha, reject you, Kira Wells as my mate and wife, a mere omega like you cannot stand in the same space with Alphas. We'll make sure to put you in your place soon,”

I tried to control my breathing, my heart aching so bad that I clenched my chest region in pain.

“No, please….” I said to Michael, he is always the soft and calm one. I know he'd listen to me but…

“I, Michael Klaus, third Alpha, reject you, Kira Wells, a disgraceful omega and weak orphan, as my mate. You can never be loved by us, you have nothing to give so don't expect anything in return,”

I fell down from the chair with my hands on my chest and abdomen, I had never felt such pain before. It was like they had literally used their hands to rip my heart off its position. Sweat and tears trickled down my face.

“Accept the damned rejection or I would harm what you love most!” one of them huffed and I gasped for air; it was like their rejection was squeezing the air out of my lungs.

“ACCEPT THE REJECTION, KIRA!” The voice threatened again and with a broken heart, I mumbled,

“I Kira Wells, accept all your… all your rejections.”

They all laughed, looking at me on the ground. Despite everything that was happening, I still found it hard to believe that these three were my mates. Were they cloned?

I could feel them, their scent... But why would they do this? Why? My weak wolf was finding it hard to handle, three rejections in one night!

"The surprise isn't over, sweetheart; take a chill pill and enjoy the fun, ex-wife," Nicholas said with a snort and they laughed before they all began to walk away.

“Wait! My kids! What about my kids?” I cried, they were my only reason to live right now. Where are they? I want to see them; I want to feel them in my arms. They'll never reject their mother.

The noise in front of me made me bullet my head towards it, I struggled to stand up. When I did, the divorce papers were gone, and so was the screen.

What the heck was going on?!

How could my mates do this?!

This couldn't be real... No, it couldn't be.

I'm probably in a bad dream, and I will be woken up soon... Yeah, I would wake up to my perfect world...

My happily ever after.

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