
Chapter 003

Kira’s POV

I closed my eyes and tried to relax but was jolted up by a loud voice that resonated through the air.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the voice boomed through the hall, "tonight we have a very special item up for bid… a beautiful, young woman, ripe for the taking."

I felt a surge of nausea as the crowd erupted in a chorus of shouts and whistles. An auction! Disgusting, really disgusting... I just want to leave here... I'm so confused right now, I want to meet my mates for an explanation, I just want to meet them, and maybe there was some kind of misunderstanding. Maybe one of those devilish family members succeeded in casting a spell over them. They would never do what they did in their senses... They would never hit me or threaten our kids.

"The bidding would start soon, and as you can see, she was once a treasured part of one of the strongest packs in the world, so she's not going to be cheap. The highest item for bidding tonight is none other than, the former Luna of Silver Crest Pack, Luna Kira!"

My whole body shook at the mention of my name... What... What's going on?! This... How? Why?!

I was nothing more than a commodity to them, a piece of meat to be bought and sold. My mates are auctioning me out?! In this deadly underground kingdom filled with deadly people.

"No!" I shouted as the light shone more brightly on me.

I made to stand up but men came forward and held me down forcefully, using chains to bind me to my seat.

"Stop this madness! Please!!"

"Christopher! Nicholas!! Michael!! Please, help... This is some kind of misunderstanding! Please don't do this!!" I cried helplessly but no one came, my cries were seemingly muffled by the excited uproar of the crowd.

My mouth was gagged, and the auctioneer silenced the crowd, "The auction starts... NOW!"

"I start the bidding at one million dollars," A voice announced.

A ripple of excitement spread through the crowd. The bidding quickly escalated, each offer higher than the last.

"I bid six million dollars!" Another shouted, and more tears cascaded down my eyes.

"Seven million dollars!"

I watched in horror as my worth soared to unimaginable heights. I was being sold like a prized possession, my body and soul becoming the property of the highest bidder.

Suddenly, a voice cut through the chaos. It was a voice cold and stern, a voice that sent a surge of disgust through me.

"Twenty million dollars," the voice said. The crowd gasped in astonishment before everyone went silent.


One minute I was surrounded by haters, my husbands included… ex-husbands, and the next minute I was in a limousine with an old man going to the goddess where. He was staring at me in a creepy manner; I felt he wanted to say something but wasn’t saying it. I sat there shaking in fear, disbelief, and pain. I want to go home; I want to be with my children.

“Are you cold?” His cracked voice rang through the limo. I shook my head negatively.

“You’re shivering” he stated the obvious before saying to the driver, “Put off the A.C”

Even with the A.C. off, I was still shaking like a fish out of cold water. I don't know how but darkness enveloped me and when I opened my eyes again, we were on a plane, without bothering to ask questions, I succumbed to weakness and let the darkness embrace me.

When I regained consciousness later, we were in another car but still, I didn't ask a question, I just sat there like a statue… a broken statue. The man that purchased me was trying his best to make me comfortable but I couldn't even say much, it was like I was dying inside, my wolf was all silent, I can't even feel her anymore. It took hours before the car finally came to a stop,He came down first before urging me to and I did.

I didn’t need anyone to tell me that we had left our pack to another far place; I was no longer in the Silver Crest pack or in our region.

“Come in” He instructed but I looked around for an escape. Apart from the fact that the compound was so large, it was heavily guarded. There was no way I would be able to escape from here without help.

“Follow me, miss,” someone said to me and I turned to see a lady in uniform, when I looked back, I couldn’t find the old man anymore.

“This way…” the lady said and I followed her into the house as my eyes kept searching for the old man.

The lady walked me up to a room,

“You’ll spend the night in this room; all you need is in here. There are clothes in there and the bathroom is right here and…” she paused looking around before saying,

“Tomorrow, Boss will see you. He wishes you a good night's rest”

With that said the lady walked out of the room, I heard the sound of a lock from where I stood so I ran to the door and tried to pull it open but to no avail. She locked me inside. Did she think I would run away? With the number of men guarding the place, there was no way I could escape.

I turned back to look around the room, I was confused and pained, tears had not stopped rolling down my eyes since I stepped my legs in that place they called a club. I still cannot believe that my husband could do something like this to me. The image of a gun pointed at my children was still fresh in my memory… how could they allow a random man to point a gun at our children?

Weak and distressed, I fell on the bed; my wolf wasn’t helping either as she had immediately buried herself somewhere within due to the pain and rejection. I felt so empty, scared, and confused. I have never been so confused in my life before. Slowly, I folded myself into a ball on the bed, not bothering to get my clothes off or taking a bath.

My thoughts drifted to the moment we had in the car… Was that all a pretense? For how long have they been pretending to love me?

Their voices began to echo in my head, it seemed as if everything was a movie playing in front of me.

“We wanted to show you how much you mean to us,” Nicholas had said to me in the car before pressing a soft kiss to my forehead.

Surrounded by my three mates, they held my hands as each of them confessed their love to me. Christopher was the one who had begun first,

"Kira, my love," he began, his voice filled with so many emotions that I was already tearing up, "you are the light of my life, the one who brought warmth to even the darkest days. Thank you for coming into my life..."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I listened to his words, feeling the depth of his love washing over me. He continued to speak, praising me for my strength, my kindness, and support for him and our family.

Next was Nicholas and I marveled at the much effort they had put into all these. His expression softened as he looked into my eyes. "Kira, you are the most incredible woman I've ever known," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "You made every day brighter with your smile, and your love filled my heart, thank you for coming into my life..."

I felt a lump form in my throat as I listened to his words, feeling truly loved. His praise lifted me up; filling me with a sense of pride and gratitude for the love we shared.

Finally, Michael pulled my hand and our gaze locked, then his gaze shifted, seemingly undressing me, he's the naughtiest, and he squeezed my hands gently. "Kira, you are the heart of our family," he said, his voice steady and strong. "Your love bound us together, and your strength inspired me every day."

I could feel the love radiating from him as he spoke, filling me with a sense of warmth and belonging, unlike anything I had ever known. His words of praise washed over me, filling me with a sense of pride and joy that I would carry with me always.

These three… I smiled at them and took in a deep breath, I also wanted to tell them how much I love them,

“Christopher, Nicholas, Micheal, my darlings--“

“They are no longer your darlings,” I heard a distant voice interrupting my speech and all images of the three disappeared immediately and loneliness enveloped me.

“Kira… open your eyes. You have a new darling in front of you…” I snapped my eyes open in fear, I was no longer in the car with them, I was in a strange room and there was an old man on my bed!

“Ahhh!” I screamed in shock as I jumped off the bed but before I could even take a step away from him, he pulled me right back throwing me into the bed.

“Mr… Mr…” my heart palpitating so fast, I could literally hear it and I knew he was hearing it too. My eyes welled with tears as I whispered,

“Please, please don’t hurt me” I struggled to get off his grip. He let out a hearty laugh that caused his head to go backward,

“Of course, I dare not hurt you. You’re the Luna of the silver crest pack, and I dare not.” He gave me a smile but I gulped in return. He looked in his sixties, his eyes dark; one could clearly tell that he had seen a lot in life. His dark hair fell over his face as he spoke,

“I am more curious to know what made the powerful alpha triplet marry an omega like you for that long only to auction you out now. Any guesses?”

I bit my lower lip trying to swallow the tears but it didn’t work as tears rolled down my cheeks.

“Shhh don’t cry, come on… it’s only a question. Okay, fine, I’d get the answer to my questions myself. Do not cry…” he stroked my back, I tried to stop myself from crying when he added,

“In the meantime, you’ll make yourself useful to me by warming my bed day... and night” My hand flew to cover my mouth, and more tears rolled down my cheeks as I whispered,


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