
Saved by the Ruthless Alpha
Saved by the Ruthless Alpha
Author: Snow White

Dark Waters

Vera's POV

It was Saturday morning and I was ready for my morning jog. I walked briskly into the sitting room to greet my parents as usual. 

"Mother. Good morning." Mother turned around at the sound of my voice. With a big smile plastered on her face, she walked closer to me and hugged me. 

Just then my father walked out of his room, he must have heard my voice too. “Father…” I greeted but the main door burst open and my words died in my throat.

Startled, I turned in the direction of the door only to be greeted with the sight of an angry Alpha Simpson. Behind him were half a dozen guards who were holding their swords with menacing looks. 

“Your Highness…" My parents and I saluted with a curt bow.

“Keep your greetings, you traitors!” Alpha Simpson yelled and I veered backwards in surprise. Turning in the direction of my parents, I discovered they were also staring at him with confused looks on their faces. 

My father, the Beta of the Shifters Pack, took a step forward and said with a calm tone, “Your Highness, if there is an issue, please let me know. I'm willing to talk and straighten things out.” 

“Straighten things out, you say?” Alpha Simpson asked, sarcasm dripping from his tone. 

“Take him and his mate away! They are traitors!” Alpha Simpson commanded. 

“We…” Father tried to speak but he was interrupted by Alpha Simpson who yelled at his guards, “What are you waiting for!? Drag these traitors out, they are going to be executed!” 

"What!?" I looked around stricken… this must be some sick joke. My heart pounded in my chest and I looked at my father for an explanation.

Four guards seized my parents immediately. They dragged them out of the house like they were criminals. 

I ran after them but stopped midway. Instead of throwing tantrums I should wait behind and plead with Alpha Simpson.

Right there, I fell on my knees in panic. "My Alpha, there must have been a mix-up somewhere… My parents have always been loyal servants. I am sure that they are innocent."

Hearing my pleas, my father looked back and shook his head, warning me not to speak. I drowned my pleas in my throat and continued on my knees, knotting without uttering a sound.

“Please, spare their lives. Please give my parents a second chance.” I cried out, not knowing when I spilled and resumed begging again. Instead of responding to my plea, Alpha Simpson stared at me like l was a worthless fly.

Growing up, I knew Alpha Simpson to be kind. I was his Beta's daughter and his son's buddy, this caused him to always dote on me. But the present version of him was unrecognisable. His eyes darkened with fury and he almost stomped on me and he stormed past me. What could have been my parents' offence? I wondered. I need to hear their end of the story. I sprang to my feet and ran after them.

"Seize her up!" Alpha Simpson thundered. The guards seized me up and dragged me back to him. 

“You're degraded to an Omega!” He said coldly. “Your High…” I gulped, too shaken to speak.

"Drag her down! Restrain her!" He yelled and the guards threw me on the ground, restraining me.

“One more word concerning this, I wouldn't mind killing you alongside your parents.” He snapped. “You should be grateful I spared your life.”

Wiping my eyes, I pulled myself up but one of the guards kicked me and I fell back on my knees.

“You will vacate the building since it belongs to the Pack's Beta.” Alpha Simpson blared. At his words, I shot my head upwards, staring at him in disbelief. If I leave the Beta's house, I will be homeless. 

I had no idea you were this heartless — I thought, trying hard not to cry and plead. 

“You can stay in the cottage at the edge of the pack… I don't want to see you.” He said with finality, nodding at his men. 

The guards dragged me up and began to lead me away. I couldn't resist them anymore. The shock was too much for me. My parents, who were His Highness' loyal people, were labelled traitors and sentenced to death in the blink of an eye. I was demoted to an Omega and shoved out of the house that I had lived in all my life. Everything that I used to know crumbled and I became destitute.

I did not have much time to think as the guards jeered me here and there as they dragged me away. Looking ahead, I saw the back view of my parents. Dust trailed evidently behind them as they were being dragged away!

"No!!!" I yelled and broke loose from the grips of the guards holding me. They ran after me as I ran after my parents.

"Mother!!!! Father!!!" I screamed and they heard me. My father snapped out of the grips of the men dragging him, forcing them to stop but he didn't turn to look at me. Mother turned around to give me a sad look. She nodded her head slowly, telling me that they were innocent.

My heart broke into pieces and I continued to push my way towards them. But before I caught up with them, the guards caught me and dragged me away. With tears on my face, I continued to look back until my parents were dragged out of sight.

The pack members peeked from their doors watching the pathetic scenario. A lot of them were standing aloof with jaws falling and hands folded over their chests. They were not my concern now. If I could save my parents, I had to be fast.

"Blake!" The name rumbled in my head. Blake was my childhood friend and Alpha Simpson's son. He is the alpha heir and recently, we just discovered that we were mates! I have to get to him! He will surely believe that my parents are innocent, and he will help us out. 

“Stay away from the palace. Alpha Simpson and Luna Katherine did not want to see you anymore!" The lead guard ordered as we got to the entrance of the cottage. They threw me down and I hit the ground with a thud.

Shuddering, I lifted my head and stared at the dilapidated cottage. Apart from the guards who brought me over, it was silent with no one in sight. The cottage was standing aloof at the extreme end of our pack, surrounded by a large expanse of thick vegetation. 

I shook my butt off the dirt and crawled to my knees. With my hands and feet, I crawled towards the door. At a single push, the door cracked open and almost caved in. 

With one shaking knee after the other, I crawled in. It was dark inside and I couldn't see my nose.

Age-long dust wafted into my nose and I began to sneeze. I scampered to my feet and held my elbow up to cover my nose.

Argh!!! I butted into a thick mass of cobwebs and shrieked towards the door. Goodness, I had no time for this. I had to meet Blake before it was too late.

With my hands still over my nose, I gleaned through the cracked thatch. Only two guards waited behind, others had left.

Carefully, I sneaked out through the open door. Not wanting to be caught, I tiptoed until I leapt into the vegetation beyond. The vegetation became my cover. I ran through the bushes and made my way towards the palace.

Remembering the warnings, I knew that I must not be caught. I was not supposed to be seen around the palace. 

When the coast was clear, I bumped out of my hideout. I snuck into the palace chambers and leapt over the wall. With a light thud I rolled into Blake's chambers, and I was able to beat the guards.

Hurriedly, I made my way through the hallway, and towards Blake's room.

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