
Chapter 4


After enjoying the delicious meal and tart, we go to the auditorium for orientation. Cole and his “Paradigm Royalty Group” (a nickname Lei came up with for them) are taking their seats in the center as we walk in. He and I have an eye contact when I pass him by, which sends shivers down my spine. 


I stop and frown. There’s a restless growl somewhere but I don’t see any animal around. And it seems like nobody notices that except me.

Cole looks away. I start to suspect that I just had an illusion because of his influence on me.

Liz grabs me to sit down. She and Shanny, with the other students from Paradigm University sit in the front row of this aisle; Lei and I with the students from Trinity University sit behind them; the students from Bloomer University, who are sneered at by those Paradigm super models, sit behind us. 

I have a feeling that we’re like a buffer strip between those two universities.

“Greetings and welcome! I am Derek Gray, the Head of The Paradigm University. I would like to start by thanking the students from Bloomer and Trinity for joining us for our first winter internship.” A tall blond middle-aged man goes up ahead on the podium and says. He has similar features to the guy in Cole’s group accompanied by the red-haired girl. Father and son, I guess.

“Now let me introduce the schedule of our camp. Your internship from Monday to Friday will generally start at 8 am to 4:30pm. The exact time may differ according to departments’ requests. But no matter how late you’ll be off work, you won’t have a transport issue.”

All of the students receive a personal time table on our phones at the same time. There’s a hospital waiting for Lei because she wants to be a radiologist. Shanny will be in a nurse training as she wishes. Liz will go to The Colton & Forbes for firm business learning. And I, tomorrow, will report my arrival in The Crime Intelligence Department whose provincial head office is in Dustrand.

“On Saturday, from 9am-12pm, we have self-defense classes. Just make sure you put your name on the roster before Thursday if you want to join in. And Sunday is a day of rest. Our students at Paradigm prefer to go home but the campus will remain open. You can do whatever you want, but please note! Any acts of violence or malicious attacks will not be tolerated here.” he says sternly with his gaze especially aimed at the students from Bloomer University. 

I notice the guy right behind me wearing a leather jacket nods in agreement, as if the rule was specifically meant for them.

Someone snorts. I turn around and see Cole’s aggressive face towards the jacket guy. He heard that too and smirks. “Same side.” He mouths to Cole.


My heart jumps heavily at the growl. Is that Cole?

He lowers his alluring eyes to avoid my pry.

There must be something wrong. The animosity between these two universities is too strong to ignore. But I feel more hatred from Paradigm; as for Bloomer, they seems to be amused or frustrated by the attention they are getting.

“Alright, enjoy your journey in this camp. There is no curfew for lights out because everyone here is an adult. I believe that you know what to do, and also I hope you can get what you expect.” 

At the statement we all clap our hands, while I’m lost in deep thought when I turn to see the misty forest through the window. A shiver courses through my body as flashes of the beast appears in my mind.

What do I expect from here now?


Next morning, I find a seat for myself on the bus towards Dustrand. There have been several passengers but I know none of them. Silently and warily, I observe the roadside at which the bus is parking and try to remember the landmarks around. Yesterday’s orientation has made this place suspicious.

A creaking noise interrupts me. The jacket guy throws himself beside me, staring at me without a word.

After quite a while, I decide not to wait anymore. “I’m Emma.”

“Gryphon Alonso.”

We nods to each other and then pauses at the same time. Gryphon wants to strike a conversation but he practically looks like a fish out of water with endlessly opening and closing his mouth.

“Why are you so skittish?” I raise an eyebrow at him.

“What...” He has an offended look on his face. “You know me so well to judge me?” 

“As a future profiler, I read people. And from your typical behaviors, it’s not hard to tell.” 

He laughs at ease finally. “The same to you!”

I smile. It’s not bad to have some company when you head to a new, and possible dangerous job.

When the bus reaches the Provincial Building, I see Cole and his gang excluding Skye and Sherry (Liz told me their names) get out of another vehicle. 

Just great, we’ll be face to face every day. I don’t even know what I should feel.

A lady from reception comes over and leads us to go up through this fabulous circular tower till the 7th floor. We enter the office. A strong man with hair gray just above his ears stands there with his hand behind his back. 

“I am Detective Jason Bates, the one in charge.”

He walks ahead, scanning all of us. 

“Welcome to Crime Intelligence. But frankly speaking, not many of you will stick it out. We take our job seriously and never keep weak-minded people in this department. Please try your best not to puke your guts out. ”

I see the light of excitement in Cole’s eyes just like mine.

“For the first day, I need to know how to divide you into efficient groups. Now please sign the confidential documents. If you spill anything out, we will put you behind bars. Understand?” 

“Yes, sir.” Cole and I reply with one voice. We exchange a quick look. 

“Good.” Detective Bates sweep both of us. I try to pretend this is nothing. “All signed? Then next, we will be working with an ongoing case. Come to the table. Take a pen and a folder. Read your files and write down what you find.”

We do as he said. Gryphon sits next to me. Cole, the twins and Sam sits across from us. A girl named Rachel wearing a short uniform skirt and a tight blouse sits between Cole and Avery, just opposite me. I flick her a glance. And we begin to work.

Twenty minutes later, everyone but me was done. Rachel sighs at me with curiosity and scorn. I mentally shrug and continue reading through all the details. Detective Bates didn’t give a time limit, did he?

When I finally drop my pen and raise my head, I catch up Cole’s glare. He turns immediately as if nothing happens. Oh yeah, he officially thinks I am a weirdo. My face heats up at that thought.

“Now tell me, how many of you think it is a murder?” Detective Bates speaks up.

The other guys raise their hands with hesitating faces. “I’m Rachel and how can it not be a murder, sir?” Rachel says listless, leaning to Cole. But Cole impatiently pushes her away to Avery, the smiling guy who seems never refusing girls.

“And you have a different opinion?” Detective Bates turns to me.

I collects myself from Cole and Avery. “Yes, sir. It’s suicide and I know I’m right.”

I see from the corner of my eye that Cole fix his fiery eyes on me. 

“OK, ladies, explain it to us. Rachel first. And you are...?”

“Emma Thompsons.”

Cole frowns suddenly.

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