


“These are the divorce papers.” I dumped the papers on the table. He dropped the pen in his hand and Recker, His Beta, rose to his feet to exit the office to give privacy.

“Shantelle,” He stood, reaching out to me but I took a step back and stopped him with my hand.

“Stop, sign them and let me leave.” I hissed angrily.

He gave a long stare and let out a deep sigh. Picking the pen, my heart constricted as he opened the pages of the files and in a blink of eye, Raymond tore the files and looked back at me.

“Never! I will never sign the goddamn papers! You can leave me. You can walk out of the pack but I will never divorce you!” He sneered, taking me by surprise.

“Then reject her!” I yelled. “Reject her and prove that you love me. Reject her and prove that it is me that you want. Reject her, Raymond and let me stay!”

His head dropped, hanging over his shoulder. “I can't. My wolf… he has been weakened for the distance from her for so long and if I -”

“Exactly, the same reason. You can’t make me stay. You can’t.” I shook my head as more tears found its way down my cheeks. Finally, I was going to have to make that decision now. “I, Shantelle Hemsworth, break every bond between you, Raymond Greens, the Alpha of Brownstone pack and the pack itself.” I felt the connection breaking but it was definitely not up to that one of a fated mate.

I turned and exited the office, wishing he would run after me and call me back. Wishing he would just man up and reject that filthy omega. But no, it was all in my fantasy. One that will never come true. I locked gaze with Recker who paused when he saw me. His eyes dropped to my wet cheeks and it made me remember what happened last night.

I kept wiping the tears off my cheeks as more kept rolling down. It was a chilly night and I did not mind the way I was shivering. I needed it. That pain. Any kind of pain that is greater than this one.

Suddenly I felt something engulf me from behind and I flinched but relaxed when Recker’s built body stepped into the light. I looked away instantly to hide my reddened eyes.

“I have always known you to be a strong Luna.” He said, offering me a piece of tissue which I took.

“What? Now, I'm weak, huh?” I managed to snort.

He said nothing in response. His silence was killing. Whose side was he on? Mine or his Alpha’s?

My stomach did a flip all of a sudden and immediately, I bent down and vomited. Recker did the most surprising thing, he began to pat my back as I let it all out of my stomach. I wiped my lips since there was no water in sight. He offered me another piece of tissue and I took it, cleaned my mouth and dumped it to the floor.

“You should leave.” He said, taking me by surprise. He looked me in the eye and added, “This pack is too small to contain you.” He turned around and left, leaving in a state of confusion.

I said nothing as I passed by him and went to our — the room. I hauled my bags out of the room and saw the car waiting for me. My heart hammered against my chest at the huge decision I was about to make. I glanced around the pack, hoping to have this place embedded in my head. This place has been place I grew. I exercised authority even though I was yet to be in power. I built myself to be worthy of this position and now… no, I can't be treated like a second choice! Never! I am more than that! If Ray does not see the potential in me, I see the potential in myself!

My chest tightened as the driver lifted my luggage into the back of car. Just as I was about to step into the car, a voice called out to me and I paused, narrowing my eyes at the image of the lady running towards me. She was in the nurse attire, so she must be from the pack’s hospital.

“Luna,” She paused to catch her breath.

“I'm not your Luna anymore. You must have felt it.” I corrected her.

She pursed her lips as she extended some file to me. “We forgot to give you this.”

With a confused stare, I opened the file and my eyes went wide when I saw what it entailed. The file fell from my hand as realization dawned on me. These past weeks… I have been feeling different. I had even gone to get a test at the hospital without letting Raymond know, because I knew how he would be so unrestful. I knew I was someone with irregular periods but this… this was beyond my reasoning.

“Luna,” The lady bent down to pick it up, she placed it perfectly in my hand before bowing for the last time and walking back to the hospital. I was left, rooted there in shock and in even more pain.

I… I was pregnant and carrying Raymond’s children! What worse could happen right now?

I looked up, back at the pack house and he was nowhere in sight. Ray had always wanted kids. He would tell me every night new names he would love to name our kids when they are born. I would laugh with him and we would make names from our own names. Not knowing, he would be so far away from me and his kids…

I gripped my stomach in utter protection, glancing around and making sure no one saw what happened. I stepped into the car, this place was no longer safe for my kids and I. I needed to leave as soon as possible. The driver ignited the car’s engine and just as he was about to hit the road, my eyes caught that filthy omega who was now properly dressed to look more human, Raymond must have ordered them for her. She had a creepy smile on her lips and waved at me, making me incline my head to the side in confusion. I watched the way her lips muttered the word. “Goodbye.”

We were soon out of view but what just happened kept replaying in head and I tried to make out what she meant by that.

What did she mean by that? I shook my head to let go of the numerous thought whirling in my mind. I needed to focus on the important one right now.

Where was I going? I did not know yet. Hopefully I will be able to lodge into an hotel so that I can plan properly for the journey ahead.

All of a sudden, I felt a pinch in my abdomen and could not help the slight wince that broke out from my mouth.

"Are you okay, Ma'am?" The driver asked, staring at me through the front mirror. I used my hand to signal that I was fine and that he should not bother. Another pinch came again, this time on my knees. It had them buckling so hard that I fell to my knees inside the car. Stabs of pain here and there in my body and I looked up as I realized what was happening?

How dare he?

He could not even wait till I was gone before he fucks her, huh?

Thankfully, I left. Is this how I would be watching him sleep with her and I will be groaning in pain. Never!

I managed to sit back on the chair and calmed my breathing. It all stopped at once and I let out a deep breath. They were going to be the end of me!

I must have been lost in my thoughts for the next few hours because the car suddenly screeched to a halt.

“What's happening, driver?” I asked, looking at him through the front mirror, worry creasing my brows. His eyes were wide open in horror as he was facing the left side, while he was trying to get the car to move but it did not.

I raised my head to look at my left side, and behold, a truck driving at high speed with every intention to kill was approaching us and it was at that moment the car’s brake failed. The driver kept trying but it seemed we were stuck at the spot.

It happened in the blink of an eye, the truck collided with our car and I could not remember what happened next. All I could remember was that I gripped my stomach as the car somersaulted. The last words I uttered were, “Save my babies.” Before my eyes closed and I blacked out.

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