


It only took little to no convincing for me to tell the kids and surprisingly they accepted it quite well. Even more than I imagined them to. I knew they liked this apartment but Mommy gotta move. I am sure Dozell would be happy with the way I was transferred. It must have brought him so much joy to finally see someone who was against his principles leave. I just pitied the patients. I have had Asher try to arrange some sort of program where free treatment could be advocated.

He told me that it was not an easy task but it was something he could do. I don't know how to thank him enough for what he has been doing for me so far.

Our loads have been fully packed and Asher has been in contact with the Alpha of the pack that I was to be arriving today. Looking back at the apartment where I have lived for the past five years, a pinch jeered at my heart. I felt like I was leaving the place that had kept me hidden from the outside world for so long.

Fear engulfed me like a blanket and I wavered for a second. My heartbeat quickened at the fact that I was going to face reality. Asher has been the one protecting me even when I carried my own secrets which I know was bad for my part. I have to protect my kids and myself.

“Laurene!” I could hear Kamara call out to me from the car. I turned to them, and the kids were at the back playing amidst themselves. I fought back the urge to shed tears. I knew there would be a time like this when I would have to leave this place. I just didn't expect it to be this soon. I always had it at the back of my mind. Work could take me anywhere.

I walked toward them and climbed into the driver’s seat.

“Ready?” I asked the kids at the back, glancing at them through the front mirror.

They sat right, the belt tucking them in properly, and they nodded.

I smiled. Just as I ignited the car, Asher’s car appeared before us. I narrowed my eyes slightly before looking at the kids. He stepped out of the car and I quickly opened the door to meet him halfway but he insisted on following me back.

He waved at the kids through the window and I reached for the control, setting it down.

“Uncle Asher!” They chorused, grinning up at him.

He opened the door and Tanya reached to hug him since she was closer to him.

“We are leaving, Uncle Asher.” She told him that he didn't know.

He bobbed his head. “I know. That's why I came here.”

Despite his Alpha King duties, he still found time to visit the kids and even take them out. He told me that it was a way to free himself and feel the fresh air for once. I knew by the time he returned, the workload would have increased. I pitied him sometimes. Sometimes, I wished I could sit him down and hear his side of the story. From what his sister, Emerald, had told me during her birthday party, she had insinuated that Asher had been doing this since he could discern what was right and left.

I felt pity for him. Having to bear the burden of a whole realm of werewolves at such a young age could be consuming and tiring.

“You three should be good, okay?” He warned them and they did some sort of crossing their fingers across his pinky finger which made me confused a bit.

When did they invent this?

I shrugged while he turned to me, his chest heaving slightly. I noticed the conflict in his eyes as he looked at me. He was trying to stop himself from doing or saying whatever it was.

“Asher, I should start—” My words were cut off as he jerked me to himself in a hug. I gasped, my hands in the air as I contemplated placing them on his shoulders. I didn't.

After a while, he pulled back and blinked. “Be careful and call me when you need something. Okay? I have also deposited some money into your account and made sure that there is a place there prepared for you already. Also, I have —”

He was starting to ramble so I cut him off. “Thank you. Asher, thank you so much for everything you have done for my family and me.” I took his hands into mine, squeezing them gently. I could see that he was trying his best not to take back the transfer order but I had to go. If I was needed there, then I would have to go.

I knew Asher liked me. He has made it obvious over and over again but I could not accept it. I wanted to be selfish for once. Right now, all I want to focus on is myself and my kids. There was no one else I wanted now.

Probably in the future, if he still likes me, I might say yes but not now. It felt wrong and I hated such a feeling.

I stepped back, swallowing hard as he nodded, getting that he should stop at this point or else, he might make it awkward.

“You are welcome.” He replied softly.

“Don't tell me you are leaving without saying goodbyes to me?” His sister’s voice shrieked from behind and I smiled, swiveling to her.

She appeared angry but I knew she was only trying to keep it up. She walked toward me and pulled me into a hug. “I didn't know Asher was serious when he said you were leaving.” She pouted. She was well aware of the feelings her brother had for me which made it difficult for me as well.

I pursed my lips, glancing back at him as he stood there and watched us. I was hurting him badly and it was affecting me. I doubt he would still like me if he found out that I was hiding a big secret from him.

“I will miss you.” She muttered.

“Me too.” We hugged once again before I returned to the driver’s seat. Dipping the key into the keyhole and twisting it, the car revved into life, and after a last glance at the brother and sister, I drove away and didn't look back.

A traitorous tear slipped down my cheek and I was quick to wipe it off before Kamara noticed.

Following the directions Asher had inputted into the car’s system, it was going to be a four-hour drive to the pack. We spent most of the time listening to Tanya’s playlist of cartoon songs.

I fixed my attention on the road ahead of me. It seemed familiar yet I could not fathom where I had seen this road.

“What happened?” Kamara asked, looking around also. She must have sensed the strange energy.

“I don’t know. It just seems like—”

It happened so fast. Five guard wolves appeared for us and I screeched to a halt. They didn't wait for us to react. They marched toward us and forcefully pulled the door open. Grabbing for every one of us, I thrashed against them, screaming that they would not touch my kids.

The cries of my babies rang loud as they dragged me away. I yelled and struggled against the one who was holding me but when his palm jammed with my cheek, my hearing disappeared, and I slowly fell into a pit of deep black darkness.


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