

My heels clicked against the tiled floor of the hospital, the hospital smell I had gotten used to hit me in a full blow and I scrunched my nose.

"Good morning, Doctor Laurene." The nurses at the desk greeted and I waved at them with a smile. They responded and began whispering amongst themselves, obviously fangirling.

I walked towards the hall where meetings were held and to my abrupt shock, the matrons were already gathered there. According to the message that was sent to me, it definitely did not seem like this was going to be a friendly meeting so I braced myself. Pushing the glass door open, I stepped in and their gazes were lifted to me.

"Good morning," I smiled, taking strides towards them. There was no response from them. Okay, the sign I needed.

They watched me like a hawk as I strode towards the only empty seat and sat down, pursing my lips as I glanced around with uncertainty.

After a while of silence and batting eyes, the head of the department cleared his throat and turned a look at me. I met his eye and he shook his head as if disappointed in me.

I bit down the ridiculous laugh that was threatening to spill. I was already used to it. Other matrons went behind me to report me and then he came to express his disappointment. It has been a cycle I was getting tired of.

“Doctor Laurene.” His voice said, not bothering to hide the tang of anger in his tone. He leaned forward into the desk, his glasses dropping just a bit lower on his nose bridge. “I have heard some things concerning your handlings in his hospital, are they true?” He asked, his left brow arching for a brief moment.

“Depends on what you were told. Which of the things? You need to specify, sir.” I told him, making sure I sent knowing glances at the set of people sitting before me and staring at me like I was the prey they could not wait to get rid of.

“That you have been giving out free treatments using the hospital’s utilities.” He clarified.

I shook my head, swallowing hard. “I deny the allegations as I can't remember doing that.” I lifted my chin as I responded.

His eyes keened on me and I could hear hushed voices around me. They would speak, I was waiting for them to counter me. They should. They will.

“Moreover, it is our work and duty to save lives. It is totally wrong to let a soul slip past our hands when we could have saved time and the soul.” I added.

“Still,” Mr. Dozell cut in. “This is a hospital. Although we are charged with the duty to save lives, they have to pay too. We don't live based on the pity for lives, Doctor Laurene. We have lives outside this place too and I tell you that not most of us have the passion for this as you do, we do it for the money and I would love you to understand that.” He said and I swiveled my head at him at the harsh words he just uttered.

How can he—?


“It has been decided that since this happened over and over again, your monthly pay will be deducted to pay up the loose payments you refused to put into account.” He turned to the rest of the people as my mouth hung open.

How can he be so harsh with his words?

“Let this serve as a lesson to the rest of you. The hospital is not for charity. We save lives and make money too. We need money for maintenance. If we do not maintain, then lives will be lost.”

“I strongly disagree with you.” I cut in and he cocked his head to the side as I rose to my feet. “Saving lives should be our top priority whether money is made or not. Truly, we need the money but when there is life, there is hope. Life is not something we can play with. It is fragile, just like an egg.”

“And it will be heartless of us to think like that. Imagine the souls lying in the beds there, thinking and hoping that we could save them, and find out what we think of their lives. Something we could throw into the wind because of their inability to pay the dues? That's -”

“That's why we have your monthly payment to fill it up.” He interrupted. “Enough of your speech, no one asked you to. You are a doctor, you know the rules, and those who do not follow the rules are punished.” He let out a deep breath and glanced at everyone.

“You are all dismissed.”

I ground my jaw as I glared at him. Why would a doctor think the way he was thinking?

I picked up my bag and turned to leave but his voice stopped me and I halted to a stop, my fist gripping the arms of my bag tight.

“Doctor Laurene.”

The rest of the matrons peeked back at us but I did not care as I faced him with a blank face and a tipped chin.

He rounded the huge desk and walked towards me, resting on one of the arms of the chair. “You know that it is totally wrong for you to give out free treatments without the board's approval.” He stated so coolly like he had not just dished out one of the most heartless things I have heard him say.

I have seen Dozell refuse to treat patients because of the last penny to complete their hospital dues. I have seen him refuse to complete his medication on patients. I have seen him reject patients he could save. I have seen patients die right before him and yet he would not blink and bat an eye. He would dismiss them like it was just a flimsy piece of sheet.

My jaw hardened as I glared at him. He leaned closer to me as a smirk curled at the edges of his lips. “I do it for the money. You do it for the passion. And that,” He dusted some flecks off my shirt as he stood to tower over me. “is the difference.”

Just as I was about to say something, my phone beeped, and I blinked away the anger as I fished my phone out. My eyes narrowed at the sender. It was the Alpha King. Clicking the popped message on the top of my screen, the first line of it was enough to have me blink rapidly and look at Dozell.

“I accept it. One day, you will see what passion does and where it leads to. You will see the difference, bye.” I spun and walked out of the glassy door.

I pulled out my phone again and read the contents of the message. It was about the patient I was treating. I was right. She was being domestically violated.

I stomped past the people on my way to her ward. I did not know what was driving me, maybe it was the awful words I had just listened to or the fact this patient of mine was dying in the arms of someone she claimed to be her mate and husband.

I reached the door to her ward and paused, my chest heaving with heavy breaths. I needed to calm down and think straight. From the window, I could see the man sitting close to her. Not doing anything, just staring at her. She was sleeping, the nurses must have administered the drugs to her.

I typed a series of messages in reply to the one I received. Good, it was high time it happened.

I opened the door and the man lifted his head at alert. A shadow crossed his face the moment he realized it was me.

“Oh, Doctor.”

I managed to offer him a small smile that did not reach my eyes as I approached the lady. Just in time, she rolled and opened her eyes.

“D-Doctor,” I blinked as I smiled at her too.

“You seem to be fine,” I pretended to look through the tubes attached to her arms. I was waiting for the right time to strike.

She groaned as she tried to sit up. The man reached out to help her and I noticed the way she withdrew from him briefly. It seemed he told her something because she let him hold her even though I could see the way she was enduring it.

“So tell me, how did the both of you meet?” I asked, pumping the tube.

The man cracked a nervous smile. “We met at the Alpha King Sister’s birthday party.” He replied.

I smiled again, shifting my gaze to the woman that she should speak but she did not.

“I was wondering who the familiar and sweet scent belonged and there she was, standing and also looking as if she knew had felt what I did.” The man continued.

A pang of pain hit my heart as a familiar memory crossed my mind. I bit my lips and turned away from them. It was not the right moment to remember such a thing.


The door creaked open and the people I was expecting appeared and a triumphant smile crossed my lips. The man turned around in shock and his hands fell to his side.

“You are under arrest for domestic violence and attempted murder on your wife, Mr. Riggs.” The cop said, showing him the warrant and the man’s eyes widened as he glanced between his wife and me.

I beamed a smile at him to let him know that I was the one behind it.

“How dare you-” he lunged forward to touch her but the cops caught him and held him down as they cuffed his hands.

“I promise, I will return and make you regret what you just did, busybody!” He yelled over his voice, earning more attention from the people around.

The figure that I was expecting stepped into the room, Asher. He stood there, his hands tucked into his pockets as he stared at me with something like pride and satisfaction.

I managed to smile as I walked up to him, I knew the next part of this was up to him.

“Well done and as for the allegations made against you, nothing will be deducted from your payment and everything has been cleared.” He said and my mouth hung open.

Just as I wanted to thank him, he lifted his hand and shunned me. “Don’t. Don't say those words. You know I will always stand by you.” He said and I could see the sincerity in his eyes.

I bowed slightly and walked out, leaving him to do his job as always. From the corner, I could see the people who had gone to report me sneering at me as I walked out with a smile.

Good Will always prevail!

Before I stepped out, I caught Dozell’s eyes and I waved at him with a smile as I closed the door behind me. I still won. That… that's it!

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