



I gripped my head as I slowly squinted my eyes open, trying to adjust to the dim light of wherever I was. I let out a painful groan as I sat up, leaning against the wall and taking in my surroundings with hazy eyes.

Where was I?

I closed my eyes once more, trying to recollect what happened and why I was in a smelly prison. My head was banging so bad and I could hardly think straight.

“Mommy!” Dylan’s voice called out and I jerked to the right, wincing at the sudden impact of the action.

They were just across me and my eyes went wide as everything came rushing back. I rushed forward, held back by the locked gates. Kamara was in there with them, clinging them to herself like she was trying to protect them from the horror of this situation.

“Dylan!” I gripped the iron gates, watching them from afar. My chest heaved with rapid breaths as I glanced around frantically.

“Anyone there?!” I yelled out, staring at the dark entrance but no sound was made.

“Mommy!” Tanya called again and my belly dropped as fear coiled into me.

Who dares do something like this?

“Babies,” I called, my hands shaking as I tried to keep the tears from slipping down my cheeks. My kids were going through something like this because of me. I should not have allowed them to come with me.

My grip around the iron gates tightened as I watched them. Kamara patted Tanya’s head as she sobbed quietly, probably scared that if she did loudly, they might take her away from us.

“Anyone?!” I screamed again but no one answered.

I scrambled to my feet and hit the gates with a bang. Tanya cried louder and I continued to hit the gates repeatedly.

“Don’t be scared, okay?” I asked them from across as Dylan watched me, trying to hide how scared he was. None of them have been subjected to a place like this. Even when I wanted to punish them, I never sent them into a dark room.

I kept hitting the gates repeatedly, yelling for anyone to come. I soon got tired and rolled down my feet. My knuckles were bleeding but I didn't mind. For as long as they get my kids out of this place, I can choose to remain here.

Finally, steps scrapped the floor and I jerked to my feet, looking outside through the spaces between the gates for the worthless and stupid guards that had kidnapped us.

“I swear, if you don't —” My words were cut short by the looming image that appeared before me. Recker. Raymond’s Beta. My mouth parted in shock as his eyes widened in surprise.

“Shantelle?” That name echoed through the walls of the prison. I quickly clamped my mouth shut. I could not allow my cover to be blown.

I have lived by the name LAURENE for the past five years and I could not allow an encounter with someone from my past to change that. Wait, was I told to come to Raymond’s pack?

Oh! No!

I blinked away the familiarity in my eyes and schooled my face in unfamiliarity.

“Is this how you treat people that are sent to your pack?” I gritted out at him, evading his question.

His eyes narrowed lightly before Tanya’s sob caught his attention. His features morphed into shock and anger. “Who did this?” He growled angrily.

The guards looked down, glancing among themselves.

“Release them now!” He ordered at once and the guards quickly opened the door. As they stepped back, I rushed out of the place I was and went to take my babies to myself. I muttered some words of comfort and apologized for allowing them to go through something like this. Tanya held me tight like she did not want to let go of me. I don't want to too.

I glared at Recker, snickering. “I will have this reported to the Alpha King for the way I was treated. Be prepared to be queried.” I hissed, walking past him as I took my kids along with me.

He rushed after me and stopped me. “Shantelle, I —”

“I am not—” I cut in and he inclined his head to the side. “I am not Shantelle and whatever you just called me. I am Laurene Carlisle. The doctor that was transferred to your pack to help with the illness that broke out.” I introduced myself, ignoring the bite of pain from my knuckles.

He reared back in shock. “You—” His eyes ran over my face, not knowing what to say or believe.

“Now, will you take us to the place the Alpha King has prepared for us?” I asked him, wide-eyed.

He blinked, his throat bobbing as he glanced from Kamara to Dylan and Robert and stopped at Tanya who was in my arms. I stoned my face as he narrowed his eyes into slits, probably trying to see through my facade but I didn't waver.

“Mommy.” Tanya burrowed deeper into my neck and I gave him a questioning look.

“Oh. Place.” He signaled to the guards who were just right at the corner to take me to the place they had prepared. I followed them and after settling there, I requested my car and Recker had it driven into the pack house, and right before our apartment. I dropped Tanya on the bed where she was quick to fall asleep while Kamara was Dylan and Rob while I sorted things out, ignoring the way Recker was staring at me like I was some ghost from the past.

“I will not be meeting your Alpha today as it seems that you have done enough damage to encourage me to help your pack,” I informed him as I carried the last bag, stopping before the door.

He nodded like a fucking robot. Just as I moved to close the door, he caught my hand and stared intently at me. “Are you sure you are not Shantelle?” He asked again as if he was trying to believe himself.

I relaxed my muscles. “I don't know the Shantelle you are talking about. I wish I knew but no, I am not.” I lied smoothly, hoping it didn't show on my face and it took my hands out of his grip.

She is already dead.

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