
Believe me


As I entered my apartment, I felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him. The events that was now happening in my life had taken a toll, both mentally and emotionally on me. I paced around my living room, trying to gather my thoughts, but the accusations and implications kept swirling in my mind like a relentless storm.

After a restless night, I woke up early, determined to take action. I needed clarity, and the only place I knew I could find it was at my parents' house. They lived in a quiet neighborhood not far from the city, where I and Sophie had grown up and where memories of simpler times still lingered.

I decided to go see my parents so while driving over to there, my mind raced with possibilities. What if my parents believed the accusations? What if they couldn't see past the headlines? I pushed those thoughts aside as I pulled into their driveway and rang the doorbell.

My mother answered the door, her face lighting up at the sight of me. "Tristin, darling! What a su
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