


"Well well, if it isn't little Mr criminal here." I said with a grin on my face, I was just trying to get under Tristin's skin.

"Oh please Sophie, you know your brother is innocent." Mom argued sadly, tears lingered in her eyes.

“But is he really mom? do you really trust him? i mean every thing points to him mom as the fucking murder."

My words cut through the tension like a knife. I could feel my mother's gaze turn cold, her hand slipping away from Tristin's. "Sophie, that's enough," my father interjected firmly, his voice a warning.

I shrugged nonchalantly, my grin fading slightly. "I'm just saying what everyone's thinking, Dad. Tristin's the prime suspect here."

Tristin swallowed hard, I knew he was fighting back the urge to defend himself against his own sister. "Sophie, you know me better than anyone. I didn't do this," Tristin insisted, desperation creeping into his voice.

My mother remained silent, her eyes darting between us, torn with conflicting emotions. "Sop
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