

“Shut up!” Kate gasped in surprise when I told her Eric Ferraro was in the cafe two days ago.

“I’m serious,” I giggled and Kate screamed a little before slapping her mouth shut.

“What’s going on, Ladies?” Mr Marcelo asked as he appeared from his office.

“It’s ladies’ talk,” Kate told him and he blushed.

He was down bad for her. Kate was very pretty. She’s blonde and slender, and her big blue eyes were captivating, not to mention that she's packing one hell of an ass behind those curves. She used to be a freelance model in college before she had Kendall, and after that, she retired.

“Okay, just don’t keep my customers waiting,” Mr Marcelo said with a smile and returned to his office.

“You know Mr Marcelo has a crush on you, right?” I told Kate and she blushed, “Seems you like him too.”

“He’s nice and he's a cutie. What’s not to like?” She shrugged and we giggled.

“So, about Eric Ferraro. Girl, I so wanna be you right now!”

“But Kate,”

“No, Buts. He wants you. He drove all the way from his company to the butt of New York to see you,” Kate said. “But, how did he even know where you work?”

“I don’t know. I was so surprised,” I shrugged. Kate paused for a minute and then gasped. “Maybe he hired a spy on you.”

“That sounds creepy.”

“It’s not. He’s obsessed with you!” Kate told me, “That's a good thing.”

“I wouldn't say he’s obsessed. However, he did ask me on a date again and even gave me his card.”

“Oh my God! Call him right now! Say yes!”

“No, I’m still thinking about it,” I said and just then, two customers walked in.

“This conversation isn’t over, girl,” Kate said, moving to her counter.




I tossed and turned on the bed, contemplating on if I should text Eric or not. He was a complete stranger and he was so out of my league, but then, I found him attractive and he seemed like he liked me a lot, or was even obsessed with me, as Kate said.

Showing up in my work place in a limo after a busy work day was enough proof that he really wanted to see me again. The question was; Did I?

“Hello, Mr Ferraro. It’s Olivia Jack. Can we meet tomorrow?”

I guess I do!

I tossed my phone on the bed and squeezed my eyes shut as my heartbeat accelerated from the risky text.

What if he doesn’t want to see me anymore? What if he doesn’t reply? I began to panic and then, my phone beeped.

“Thank you, Olivia. Tomorrow’s perfect. I’ll send a ride to you. Give me a time and location.”

I could literally hear his deep-rich voice in my head as I read his reply and I felt ticklish.

“6pm. I’ll be done with work then,” I replied.

“Okay, Baby girl. See you soon.”

He sent his last text and it made me giggle like a little girl. This is going to be fun.


The next day at work, I couldn’t wait to tell Kate I had accepted to go on a date with Eric Ferraro, and after I did, she was just as excited as I had expected.

“Livvyyyyyy! I’m so proud of you,” She hugged me.

We opened a few minutes ago and there were just two customers.

“Thank you. I’m so nervous, what will I wear?” I asked, already feeling tense for the date.

“I have this really cute blue dress that’ll show off that great ass of yours,” Kate winked and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“You should close up early so you can prepare. I can talk to Marcelo about it.”

“Ouuuu, already asking favors? Are you two a thing now?” I teased Kate.

“He called me to tell me goodnight last night, so I think it won’t be long before he asks me out on a date!” She said excitedly and I felt so happy for her.

Mr Marcelo permitted Kate and I to close early. I picked up the dress from her house and rushed back home to prepare for my date.

At exactly 6pm, a black jaguar was outside my apartment. I was already prepared; My long brown hair was curled reaching my waist and I had on a nice and simple makeup. Kate’s satin blue dress was beautiful on me, clinging to every curve of my body. I wore my newest pair of heels, a golden four-inch heel and paired it with a gold Versace purse.

“Your ride, Miss Jack, from Mr Ferraro,” The driver curtseyed as he opened the door for me.

“Thank you,” I told him as I entered.

The car smelled fresh and minty. I took in deep breaths as the car moved, extremely tense to meet my date.

Angelo’s. That was the name of the restaurant I was taken to. It was really classy and quiet. It looked like a place only rich people went to and although there were no other people there, Eric’s presence was enough to get my nerves all over the place.

“You look so beautiful,” he stood up and kissed my hand immediately I was near him.

I felt dizzy just by being this close to him and his cologne didn’t help the dizziness. It was strong.

“Thank you,” I said, vibrating a little as he stood behind me to pull my chair out. I sat and he went to his seat too.

I exhaled nervously as I looked at him. He was such a beautiful man. His dazzling eyes held mine and his smile made me blush. He was dressed in a maroon shirt and dark slacks and his hair was shorter and sharper, like he just had a haircut.

“There’s no one here,” I pointed out the obvious as I looked around.

“I made a private reservation just for you and I,” he said, touching my hand lightly with his big hand, and I shook a little from the spark I felt.

Why does he have such an effect on me? I wondered to myself.

We had dinner and it was very nice, definitely the best meal I’ve had in years. When we were done, I waited nervously for him to say something.

“I’m sure it is as clear as day that I am very fond of you,” he began. “And I would very much like to pursue that. However, I must do so in a way that you and I will benefit from.”

I became confused at his last sentence.

“Can you elaborate?” I asked nicely.

He took a moment before answering.

“I want you to run my house and I’ll pay you handsomely for it.”

It was like a light bulb shattered in my head. What did he just say?

“Like a nanny or a maid?” I asked, getting a little agitated.

“No, dear,” he chuckled, softly “I have a lot of staff for that. What I mean is for you to become my mistress and run my house like a wife would. Look at it like a normal job; you make me happy and I pay you at the end of the month. Only this time, making me happy also includes sexually.”

Another light bulb shattered in my mind. I shifted and I began to feel hot.

“Mr Ferraro…”

“Please, call me Eric,” he corrected me.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t fully understand this. What do you mean?” I asked nervously. I felt like I was about to cry.

“Perhaps you’d understand if you read it,” he told me and before I could understand what he meant, he opened a black notepad on the table and took out a document.

He handed it to me and I took it with a shaky hand and read.

It was a contract! A contract stating I would be in a sexual affair with him and run his house, like a mistress. Not a girlfriend. Not the love of his life. A mistress. A whore he paid to satisfy him!!!

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