

I sat opposite him and watched in nerve-wracking silence as he carefully sipped from the cup of latte he had ordered. He also asked that I make one for myself and sit with him.

“Tastes better than the ones I have every morning in my office,” he told me and I smiled nervously, trying not to stare at him, but he was so handsome to the point that one had to take several glances at him to comprehend his attractiveness.

Like seriously, how can one man look so damn good?

“I’m sure you’re surprised to see me,” he said and I didn’t bother denying it. I nodded.

“I would have been here earlier but I had a series of unending business meetings,” he sighed.

He looked stressed, I could see it in his beautiful green eyes. I felt like somehow easing his stress.

“Well, you seem like a very busy and important man,” I finally spoke, trying to appear calm, but my voice came out shaky.

He stared at me for a moment and then, readjusted in his seat.

“I remember asking you for a date.”

I almost choked on my latte when he said that.

“Um,” I coughed, tensed. He waited patiently for my reply.

“I’m...” I stopped, not knowing what reply to give.

Going on a date with a man like Eric was not as easy as going on a date with a high school boy. He was no boy, he was a man. A handsome, powerful and wealthy man. He…intimidated me!

“Here,” he brought out a card from his pocket and gave it to me. “Call me when you’re ready, okay?” He said, his tone and eyes were gentle.

“Okay,” I nodded, holding the card in both hands.

I locked up the shop and he gave me a ride to my house. I was embarrassed when we stopped at my apartment. It was a shabby-looking old story building and I was sure he was unimpressed by it.

“I hope you give me a positive reply soon,” he said, touching my hand carefully.

I swallowed! My heart threatened to fly out of my chest when I felt his touch.

“Goodnight, Sir,” I whispered and got out of the car with jelly legs.

I turned around to look at him and he smiled sweetly at me and waved as his car drove off. My heart squeezed of joy.

Sundays were off days and I spent most of the day doing chores and watching movies. I was on my sixth episode of Power when Lisa’s text came in.

LISA: Dress up, we’re going out.

I groaned. This was my only free day and I wanted to spend it alone, watching TV in comfy pajamas.

LISA: I’m going on a date with Jeremy and I feel like my head is going to explode. I need you with me!

I had a bad feeling about third wheeling on Lisa and Jeremy’s first date, considering the fact that he had made a move on me at her Dad's birthday party. I shouldn’t even be present on their very first date but then, Lisa Lowe never takes no for an answer.

The venue Lisa texted me was a fancy restaurant in the middle of the city. She was waiting for me in her car parked at a corner when I arrived.

“What took you so long? Jeremy has been in there for hours.”

“I'm sorry! I had a hard time picking out what to wear,” I told her the truth and she eyed me from head to toe.

I had dressed up in a black stretchy dress and my hair took hours to make.

“It doesn't matter, as long as I look good. It's my date, not yours.”

I blinked at her statement, unsure of what to say next. How can you love someone so infuriating?

“Let's just go in already,” Lisa groaned and pulled me along with her.

As we walked into the restaurant, I could see Jeremy sitting on the table close to the window.

“I am so sorry for keeping you waiting. My friend, Liv, needed a ride here so I had to wait for her,” Lisa started the second we got to Jeremy and I almost rolled my eyes.

“That's all right,” Jeremy said with a smirk, his eyes fixed on mine and I quickly looked away before Lisa would notice.

“Liv, this is my boyfriend, Jeremy Grayson. Jer, this is my friend, Liv,” Lisa introduced as we sat.

“It's nice to meet you, Liv.” Jeremy said while presenting a handshake that I took but quickly pulled away after he poked my hand with his index finger.

The date was as bad as I thought it would be, maybe even worse because Lisa kept squealing and smiled the whole time. She was nervous, but relaxed a little when I touched her hand below the table. I do that to calm her down sometimes.

Jeremy kept watching me the whole time and I was so worried that Lisa would notice, but thankfully, she didn’t. It was hours before the date ended.

They said their goodbyes and Lisa and I rode away in her dad's car.

“How do you think that went?” Lisa asked curiously as her driver drove us.

“Good,” I lied.

I didn’t want to pop Lisa’s balloon, although she did that to me many times. For instance, when I was in a relationship with a popular hockey player in college, she constantly mentioned how I would never be enough for a guy like him and the relationship was doomed.

I had to break up with him when I caught him cheating with one of Lisa’s childhood friends, Jenny Hawkins, who is a Victoria Secret model.

I have a deep gut feeling that Lisa planned it, although I had no way to prove it. It just felt like the kind of thing she would do just to prove that she was right.

Seriously, how am I still friends with her?

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