

My mom was diagnosed with leukemia the year I got into college. It got worse the year after, and she was admitted to a hospital, so she had to quit her job as a secretary. My Dad was not in the picture. He abandoned us before I was even born, so I may have some unresolved daddy issues– that's probably why I was into that older guy from last night.

During college, I worked several menial jobs to buy her medications and started saving up for her treatment. I just graduated college, I worked at a small cafe downtown, and my salary was barely enough to feed and pay for my mom’s medical bills.

I was always in debt, trying to pay off rent and buy the basic necessities. I’ve sent countless emails to companies for jobs, but none of them have given me feedback.

Being friends with Lisa had its perks, but I never asked her for me, and now that I think about it, she never even offers!

The world was a cruel place to me and my Mom, and we had to fight everyday to survive. She was the only family I had in the world and I would do anything to save her.

“So, you’re telling me some hot rich old dude asked you out and you said no?” Kate, my colleague and friend at work said after I told her what happened at the party last night.

Kate was the cashier and she was three years older than me. She was a single Mom with a little girl named Kendall.

“Not really. I didn’t say no. Lisa called me away before I could even think.”

“Who is this guy anyway? He tell you his name?” Kate asked.

“Yes,” I nodded, “Eric Ferraro, I think.”

I looked at Kate and her mouth was wide open.

“Kate. What is it?” I asked her.

“Eric freaking Ferraro? Wait, do you know what you’re saying, kiddo?”

I paused for a moment, trying to think, “Yes I’m sure, it’s Eric Ferraro.” I said while nodding.

Kate reached for her pink furry purse and pulled out her phone. She typed something on it and then showed me a picture of a man.

“Is this him?” Kate asked.

My heart and tummy flipped in unison as I recognized the person in the picture. It was Eric Ferraro.

“Yeah, that's him,” I said and Kate gasped.

“Liv!” She grabbed me and hugged me. I was confused, trying to understand what she was doing.

“Kate, is everything alright?”

“Everything is perfect!” She squealed excitedly and then released me.

“Do you not know who Eric Ferraro is?”

I looked puzzled.

“Oh, Liv! Don’t you watch the news, read magazines or blogs?” Kate asked, groaning.

I read blogs but they were all about celebrity gossip and I only watch movies on the TV.

“Who is he?” I was anxious to know.

“Number five on Forbes 100, Eric Ferraro. CEO of Ferraro Corp! He’s a fucking billionaire! He’s a big deal!”

“Oh my God,” I gasped.

“And he’s so good looking! Did you really meet him?” Kate asked and I nodded, lost for words.

“You just hit a jackpot, Boo,” Kate grinned.

“But how? I didn’t accept his request and the possibilities of me meeting such a man again is almost zero,” I told Kate and she laughed.

“Liv, if a man like Eric Ferraro wants you, he will get you,” she said, going back to her counter.

I spent the whole day thinking about what Kate said and I was pleasantly intrigued. I couldn't focus entirely on it though because the hospital my mom was admitted in was close to my workplace, so after work at night, I went to visit her.

On a few occasions, I visited during my breaks too. After I got there and went into my mom's room, my heart broke when I saw her. She saw me as well, and she smiled at me as I went to her.

“I’m saving up for your stem cell transplant, Mom. I promise you’ll be fine,” I told her after holding her hands.

She looked thinner and paler than she was the last time I visited, and it broke my heart.

“Thank you, my dear girl,” she said with a weak smile, squeezing my hand as tears rolled down my cheek.

I hated seeing my mother in this condition. I remembered her when she was healthy and happy, my life was pretty great, but now, it's very bleak.

Will I ever be happy? I thought sadly to myself.




It was a rainy evening the next day. The shop was almost empty and Mr Marcelo, our thirty-year-old Latino Boss who I think has a crush on Kate, asked us to close earlier than usual.

“Liv, you’ll have to lock up. I’m going to pick up Kendall from her grandma’s,” Kate said before hugging me goodbye.

I was about to turn the open door sign to close when I saw a black limo parked outside. That held my attention; a limo in town and at the cafe?

Who is that? I wondered, watching.

The driver came out and opened the back door. A man in a neatly pressed white shirt and dark slacks stepped out, towering over the driver with his tall frame. I recognized him the instant he came into view, but my mind was warped and unable to process the fact that Eric Ferraro was in my workplace. I wanted to hide the second I knew it was him, but my feet were glued to the floor and my eyes were fixed on him as he walked into the cafe.

I felt literal chills as Eric Ferraro got to the door, three feet away from me and with a grin that made my tummy flutter. I pinched myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming and that he was actually here.

“Hello, Olivia,” he said in his low deep voice, a hard proof that this was not a dream.

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