
Author: Catherine Creel


I didn’t like going to parties but it was my close friend, Lisa’s Dad’s birthday party. She would be mad at me forever if I ditched. So I was present, in the only expensive thing I owned—a tight red dress and six inch heels, swaying slightly to the music and holding a glass of champagne. I just turned twenty one and could finally drink alcohol. What a relief!

I met Lisa Lowe in college. She was the sexy IT girl and I was the girl who did not exist. We became unlikely friends from a group project that I actually did alone and of course, we got an A. Since then, I’ve been her plus-one and honestly, it has not been easy walking in her shadow. She was a sweet girl, but she could be mean sometimes and that had a lot to do with her bipolar disorder, which she was diagnosed with two years ago. So, I kinda have to put up with her.

Lisa’s Dad was in his late forties and he was a multi-millionaire, another reason I put up with her. I'm telling you– Her family has a lot of money. This party was filled with the likes of him.

Everywhere I turned, they were middle-aged men in dark suits, sipping alcohol and discussing all sorts of business nonsense.

There was a small gathering at the VIP lounge, about five men. They seemed to be really important people and I was a short distance away from them, and I noticed one of them was watching me. I didn’t get a good look at him but he kind of stood out amongst the other men. He was also in a dark suit and his dark hair shone in the blue disco light.

I tried to not pay attention to his inauspicious gaze, but I kept turning to look at him too until another guy walked up to me.

“Hey baby, looking good,” he slurred.

He was handsome, I must say and looked about my age. He had honey-blonde hair, big blue eyes and was dressed in a white shirt tucked in dark slacks.

“Thanks.” I simply said.

I was in no mood to get hit on, much less by the jerk of a guy that stood next to me. I didn't know him, but he had that look on him and I could just tell. Also, my heels were killing me and as a lightweight, the alcohol was already getting to me.

“Can we go somewhere private and talk?” The guy asked and I scoffed. He didn’t even have the decency of telling me his name – Told you he was a jerk.

“No. Thanks,” I turned away from him and searched for Lisa.

I was already tired of the party. So many rich and classy people–I felt out of place, and to be honest, the party was kinda boring. Old people sure don't know how to have fun.

“Listen, I’ll give you a few good grands if you let me—”

“She said no.”

I looked and was surprised to see the man that had been watching me, speaking on my behalf.

“Whatever,” the blonde guy raised up his hands and walked away.

I was left with the older guy. He looked handsome, really handsome. Like some Hollywood celebrity. In fact, he shared some resemblance with Henry cavil . His curly dark hair had a few gray in it at his temples, his beautiful eyes were dark green and his jaw looked strong and he had a grayish black stubble. He was tall, so much taller than me. I mean, I was only four eight, but I was up to five feet in my heels and still, this man towered over me. His suit looked really expensive and his cologne had a wonderful smell that just did things to my body – Suspicious things!

“Hello, there,” he said to me, his voice deep and rich.

“Hi,” I replied timidly.

“I’m Eric Ferraro,” he introduced himself, presenting me with a handshake.

I took it and felt something electrifying when our hands met. I think he felt it too from the expression I saw on his face, although he was also unreadable.

“And yours?” He asked me.

“Olie–Olivia. Olivia Jack,” I replied nervously, and he smiled briefly.

My heart was racing with the way he was looking at me, like he was fascinated by me, and man, was I fascinated by him!

“You’re very beautiful, Olivia.” He complimented and I blushed.

An attractive older man calling me beautiful seemed to feel better than a guy my age calling me beautiful.

“How old are you?” He asked.

I did not know his age but I could already guess he was almost two decades older than me.

“Twenty one,” I told him truthfully. I didn't even consider lying, almost like I was scared of getting caught.

“Hmm,” he hummed, like he was contemplating something.

“You?” I asked, barely.

“I'm forty two,” he replied. He was exactly twice my age, “I would like to go on a date with you.”

He caught me off guard with his statement. I knew he found me attractive from the way he had been looking and he said it himself, but asking me out on a date felt sudden. What if he was married? I asked myself. I took a peep at his ring finger and there was nothing. I strangely felt relieved. Fuck, I'm already into him!

“I don’t know, I—”

“Liv!” Lisa waved at me and beckoned for me to come to her.

I looked at Eric Ferraro, and then at Lisa who was still waving impatiently.

“I have to go,” I told him and before he could say anything else, I walked away and my heart was still racing.

“Who was that?” Lisa asked as soon as I got to her.

“No one,” I lied, shaking my head.

I didn’t want Lisa to know anything about a man almost her Dad’s age asking me out on a date. She would freak out!

“What did he want?” She asked another question.

“He was just asking a question,” I lied again.

“About what?”

I sighed, tired of Lisa’s unending questions. She gets like that sometimes, probably because of her condition. This was why I did not want to tell her about Eric Ferraro. She might know him and would certainly make a big deal about it if she did.

“Directions!” I blurted out. I could not think of a better lie.

Lisa gave me a confused look.

“Whatever,” she waved the conversation off, “Jeremy is here!” She told me excitedly.

“He’s back from Paris?” I gasped.

Jeremy Grayson! He was Lisa’s high school crush. She messaged him on I*******m a month ago and they’ve been talking non-stop since then.

“Duh, for a week now and I invited him here. He’s been here for an hour now and I’ve been so nervous to meet him again!” Lisa squealed.

She squeals when she gets anxious. I absolutely hate it but I don't ever say anything.

“Just breathe,” I held her shoulders, trying to calm her down.

“Oh! He’s coming!” She whispered to me and when I turned back to look at him, it was the same blonde guy that approached me some minutes ago!

“Oh shit!” I muttered to myself, “It just had to be…”

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