

Kyle King


I thought I would be free after seeing Tessa, but I got worse. The realization that someone else could get her pregnant and give her those beautiful children I saw hit harder. I had failed woefully. The triumph in her eyes as she delivered the news made me feel like a loser. 


Four years ago, I thought I made the best decision by divorcing Tessa, but now I am beginning to feel stupid for returning to Ava. If I had waited, maybe those kids would be mine now, and I wouldn’t be worrying about not having an heir to the King’s company. I caught myself immediately. It was too late to start regretting because it was obvious Tessa would never be mine again, or could she? 


Xavier walked in with a pack of pizza. ‘You have been moody since we returned from the workshop. Did Ava call again?’


Ava had been calling frequently to deny access to our joint account. I told her several times that she couldn’t eat where she didn’t work. She refused to work for reasons best known to her, and I advised her to stick to her decision. Whatever she needs to boost her lifestyle, her fashion and modelling work should be able to take care of it. She disagreed with me as usual, but I reminded her that she made the decision herself, not me, so she should honour it. 

‘She didn’t call. I saw Tessa again.’ I said, titling my head. ‘She remarried and has children-twins. She was so disgusted to see me again, Xavier. I could feel it in her eyes and the way she spoke to me. I felt like a big fool.’

‘Wow.. wait, in the space of four years, she got married and already has kids? Something isn’t right, Kyle. Are you sure the kids aren’t yours?’

I chuckled, ‘Mine? Have you forgotten about my health issues? I don’t think I am the father. The kids don’t look like me, but Tessa and her husband, I believe.’

Xavier shook his head. ‘Sometimes, I wonder if all that smartness you rub on people’s faces is real. How can she marry immediately after the divorce and have those kids? Did you get their ages?’

‘No, I didn’t. Tessa left the restaurant before I could even apologize again. Your logic is just logic. I don’t think those are my kids. If they are, I am sure Tessa would have told me she was pregnant before the divorce. She wouldn’t leave just like that.’

‘Indeed, Kyle. Have you forgotten how you treated her? You called her an empty barrel for close to three years and even encouraged your mother too. After everything she went through, I am happy she didn’t even welcome you with open hands.‘

I shrieked, ‘Come on, Xavier! That’s harsh. You should be on my side, not Tessa. Also, you don’t need to remind me of my mistakes. I already feel guilty, okay?’

‘I am sorry, but I can’t sugarcoat my words. Did you see her husband?’

‘I didn’t see her husband but her best friend, Vera. That lady warned me to stay off, or she would get me arrested. Xavier, I think I will just let her go. She doesn’t want to have anything to do with me, and I understand why.’

Xavier replied, ‘I don’t think you should give up, bro. At the moment, we don’t know if there’s truly a husband in the picture, and there’s still a possibility that the twins could be yours. Don’t you want to find out the truth?’

Xavier’s logic still didn’t move me. I guess it was because of how Tessa was treated on two different occasions. I would hate it if that experience repeated itself. I still had some honor and dignity left. Even if the logic was true, I was certain Tessa wouldn’t want to take me back. There was a supposed husband, and I had Avaline. Personally, I still loved Ava.

‘I want to discover the truth, but I don’t think Tessa would want me back. Don’t forget, I am married too. Do you think Ava would want to leave me just like that?’

‘Avaline can’t give you children, Kyle. Don’t lose your only chance to be a father, please.’

I scoffed, ‘I don’t even know if they are my children yet. We are just guessing and might be proved wrong at the end of the day.’

Xavier smiled and said, ‘There’s nothing wrong with trying to find out. I have an hunch that those kids you saw are yours, and I am certain that when I see them, my hunch will be right.’

I chuckled, ‘So we are working on your hunch now? Good. I hope you have a great plan for this. Don’t forget, we will be leaving soon, so whatever we have to do to discover the truth, we have to be fast about it.’

‘Right. There’s no plan.’ Xavier replied. ‘You are going to discover the truth by yourself. Firstly, you have to bring down your ego and do everything you can to have a friendly conversation with her. You can even offer her a partnership with the tech company. I am sure her parents have forgiven you.’

A partnership. I could offer her an irresistible deal. The tech company was doing well, and I was certain Uncle David would be pleased that I had gotten a deal with the Roberts family.

I hummed, ‘I like your plan even though it sounds kind of stupid. I know the Roberts is building a hotel currently in Nashville; I could offer our services and use that to get closer to Tessa. It sounds like a long shot, but it’s better than approaching her directly. I don’t want to confirm her suspicion that I am a stalker.’

Xavier nodded. ‘Alright, I think your idea is fine, but to make it quick, why not tell your uncle to reach out to the Roberts? He always knows the right words to draw in customers?’

I agreed. They won’t even know I was the one who put Uncle David on it, and once they agree, I will be having a business meeting with Tessa. I just had to pray they weren't going to send James but her. I brought out my phone and called Uncle David. I had to find the truth and finally settle the guilt in me.

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