

Kyle King


The workshop seminar is ending this week, but I hadn’t booked my ticket to leave California. I was confused and unable to sleep at night because I kept thinking about Tessa. I tried to search for her location, but I got nothing. Mayor Kim had refused to give him her address because of what happened at the anniversary. The Kings had been officially cut off from the mayor’s list of favourable people. I rose from the couch, took my glass of juice, and walked outside. Xavier was with his study partners. They had their final examination on Friday, and Xavier had created a study team for people who were interested.


I was supposed to be with them, but I would be of no use due to my lack of concentration. My phone vibrated. A message from Uncle David. He wanted to know if I had given Tessa her copy. I sighed. How could I find someone who didn’t want to be found? 


A few days ago, I went to the mayor’s hotel, but the guards refused me entry. They had obviously received instructions from the mayor not to let me in, or that was Tessa’s doing. Anyway, I waited for hours, but she didn’t show up. I went the next day and still got the same result. If it wasn’t clear previously that she didn’t want to see me, I finally got the message clearly.


Xavier hadn’t been able to get anything from his connections because they were afraid of the Roberts. Nobody wanted to be in their bad books. If only I had been nicer to Tessa, this wouldn’t be happening. I couldn’t continue like this, though. Ava has been calling lately and crying about how much she misses me. I missed her too. Maybe that’s why Tessa kept entering my thoughts. She was feeling Ava’s space, or was she? I couldn't even tell. I was confused. I had never been this way. Confused and unable to think properly.


Was I falling in love with my ex-wife?

Xavier’s study group stood up, said their goodbyes, waved to me, and left. That was a short session. Probably they had covered up a lot of topics and wanted to revise. I couldn’t tell. I was way past the process of studying. If not for the benefits of the A.I. certificate for the D.K. tech company, I wouldn’t have bothered coming to California.

‘Hey man! You missed quite a lot. We have covered everything, and I am certain we are going to ace the examination. I will be willing to help you with revision if you promise to let me use your Buggati when we return to Nashville.’


I mumbled, ‘Alright, we can study tonight if you want. I am not overly excited like you are.’ 

He turned, taking in my facial expression. ‘What’s wrong with you? You have been behaving strangely since you had that meeting with Tessa. Is it because of her?’


‘No, it’s not because of her, Xavier. I am just stressed with the reports from home.’ I lied, walking into the house.

‘Kyle, you are still thinking about her, aren't you?’ He asked, following me.

I sighed, sitting down. ‘I don’t know what’s going on with me. It’s like something dead in me awoke when I saw her again at the party. I know I shouldn’t be speaking like this. I am married to one of the most beautiful women in the universe, and I should be grateful, but now I am rethinking my decision.’

‘I feel it’s because of how you left Tessa and everything that you did to her. I won’t advise you to start having feelings for her because of Ava, but if speaking to Tessa will relieve you, then go find her soon.’

I shrugged. ‘You are right, but I don’t know where she is at the moment. Her location is unknown to even your highly praised connections.’

He smiled, typing on his phone. ‘I just sent her address to you. A member of my study team works with Robert’s California branch. It’s a small enterprise here; not many people know they have property here. I think that’s why our minds didn’t go there.’

I quickly checked my messages. Tessa was staying in an estate far from here, but in one hour, I could get there.

‘That’s a smart move for the Roberts,'I commented, getting up. ‘Thank you for this, Xavier. I will visit her tomorrow. Right now, I need to show up for a Skype meeting with Uncle David. We have a potential client here in California. He wants me to close the deal.’

Xavier’s face lit up. ‘Does that mean you will be staying here for an extra week?’

I laughed, ‘We aren’t here for a holiday but a workshop. After I close the deal, which shouldn’t take less than three days, we'll be leaving.’

 He replied, his glowing eyes dimming, ‘I just thought it would be nice to spend extra days relaxing before returning to Nashville and all those work activities. I haven’t had a lot of fun, you know?’

‘You aren’t here to have fun but for a professional workshop, friend. However, we can go out tonight to one of those clubs I found while I was stalking Tessa.’

His eyes bulged. ‘You stalked Tessa? You are really desperate, man.’

I smiled a bit. ‘I am not desperate, just trying to seek forgiveness from the person I hurt the most.’

‘Alright, if you say so, I hope she finally forgives you, man, and I also pray Ava won't find out about your meet-up. You know she’s a jealous woman.’

I agreed. ‘I won’t let her find out. Whatever happens here, stays here. It’s not like I am thinking of remarrying Tessa anyway. She has a husband.’

‘Which you haven’t seen. I still hold the theory that those kids are yours.’

I waved it off: ‘They can’t be, Xavier. You should see them; they don’t look like me.’

‘Don’t be hasty to jump to conclusions, man. My instincts are never wrong,'he replied, getting up.

I watch him take the staircase to his room. His instincts might be wrong this time.


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