

Kyle King

I dialled Ava’s number again and got the same response. I looked over my shoulders and noticed the experiments were already complete. Mom was already seated and had already gotten acquainted with the Arabian representatives. I quickly sent Ava a text message to show up before the contract signing was over and the luncheon began. She knew how important her presence was in today’s meeting, and she had promised earlier to show up before noon. It was past two o’clock now, and where was she?

I should have revoked her CFO’s position for a long time, but mom wouldn’t have approved. It’s not as if Ava took her position seriously; she barely came to the office except when there was an event or project that would make her trend. She preferred to stay in the background, monitor my earnings, and demand her share at the end of each month. Although this year, I ensured she met specific targets before getting anything from me. As usual, she had her mom defend her, but I was insistent. She is my wife, but she had to work hard too if she wanted to enjoy the king’s wealth.

I tried her number again, and this time it went to voicemail. I changed tactics and called her father. He picked me up immediately and killed my hope. He hadn’t seen or heard from her for a while. He demanded to know what was wrong, but I quickly dismissed his fear by informing him. I was just checking up on him.

The meeting lasted for three hours and an extra thirty minutes due to the questions from the Arabian representatives. They wanted to be certain about the services they would expect from us. Mom helped tremendously in dispelling their fears and offering mouth-watering answers to their questions. I could feel the impression she made on them.

‘What about your wife? She didn’t see it as important to attend the meeting and luncheon?’ One of the Arabian representatives asked. 

I smiled, taking in her homely face and delicate lips. ‘I apologise on behalf of my wife. She had the flu a few days ago and suddenly had a relapse this morning.’

The young lady sighed, ‘That’s bad. I was looking forward to seeing the woman who took Tessa’s place. Anyway, we will see each other again. Please send my regards to her, and yes, I wish her a safe recovery.’

‘Thank you. I would definitely let her know. Please enjoy your time here. We ensured every dish on the menu was something you and your colleague could eat.’

She laughed, ‘Of course, Kyle King. We aren’t picky eaters, though. Thank you for the hospitality and this luncheon. ‘

I bowed a bit, shook her hands, and led her to the table reserved for her colleague and her. 

I strolled outside after greeting a couple of employees and executives. The air was chilly, so I buttoned my suit properly and settled on one of the chairs. I regretted my actions immediately because thoughts about Tessa flooded my mind. I had been using work activities to distract myself from thinking about her or what my mother said about the kids being mine. I brought out my phone, checked the photo again, and finally noticed the similarity. They looked almost like me, especially Hope, but not Nicholas. Could they truly be mine? If they were mine, why would Tessa hide it from me? 

Mother thinks it’s because of the way I treated her, but that was a lie. Tessa was a mature woman. She wouldn’t have used her maltreatment to tell the truth. She knew how wrong that act was. 

She knew.

My phone buzzed. It was Xavier. He had skipped the meeting due to an emergency that came up at his family home. 

‘Hello, friend. Where are you?’ he asked.  I could hear background voices and music. Loud, electrifying instrumentals. Was he at a club?

‘Are you in a club, Xavier? I thought you were in Manhattan resolving your family drama?’

He laughed, ‘Manhattan? No. I just used that to get away from the meeting. Your mom and I have never been close buddies, and knowing how disapproving she can be, I had to stay away. I don’t want her troubles, man.’

I sighed. ‘Right. I had totally forgotten about your history with her. I am still at the company, but I will be leaving soon. I need to check up on Ava. She failed to show up for the event.‘

‘That’s why I called you. Ava is here with a group of friends and a particular guy who is holding her like his trophy woman. You should get here, bro. She hasn’t seen me, so come through the back door so that you can surprise her.’

Ava with a man? Probably her client. She had in the past met up with men in clubs, depending on the type of business deals they had. But that didn’t explain why she ditched the company’s meeting for a business deal; she could always reschedule. I had to check things out for myself.

‘I will be right there. She knew how important this meeting was, and she chose clubbing instead. She isn’t supposed to even be there because of our fertility programme.’

Xavier scoffed, ‘You guys are still trying? I thought the doctor confirmed that Ava wouldn’t be able to bear a child except through surrogacy. Besides, you have Tessa and the twins. Why are you still bothering yourself?’

I bit my lips. I had thought about this since we got the final confirmation from the doctor. The twins could be mine, and all these procedures would be a waste. On the other hand, they mightn’t be mine, and I would have just myself to blame. I didn’t want that, nor did the idea of putting all my eggs in one basket work.

I replied, ‘I just don’t want to lose the opportunity of having a child with Avaline. What if Tessa’s kids turn out not to be mine?’

He sighed. ‘You can never tell, Kyle. I will see you soon. Get here fast!’

The line went dead immediately, and my mind went blank. I wasn’t sure of what I wanted anymore.

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