

Geneveive Tessa Robert

I scanned the room to see if I knew any of the long list of people Mom had invited to celebrate the grand opening of the hotel. I knew a few, but I wasn’t ready to say hello to them yet. I stopped one of the waiters and took a glass of champagne. I needed something to busy myself with until Jmaes came to introduce me to some of his friends. I scanned the room again and saw the man I had been hoping we wouldn’t see until the tech project was over. I steadied myself as our eyes met, and giving my hair a quick swish, I focused on my glass. I sniffed his perfume before he announced his presence. He was still using the brand I gifted him on our first anniversary. The sweet scent of Wave’s popular perfume collection.

‘Good evening, Tessa. I didn’t know you were going to be here.’ Kyle said, smiling.

I scoffed. He started with the wrong way to start a conversation. ‘It’s my family’s grand opening. Where do you expect me to be if I'm not here?’

He replied, ‘I am sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you, Tessa. Your brother said you weren’t going to be here due to your kids. I guess they’re fine, right?’

‘Yes, they are. Is there a reason why you came to meet me, or do you need something?’

He swallowed, ‘I just wanted to talk to you if you would let me. I know you warned me to stay away from you and your family, but Tessa, believe me when I say that I haven’t been myself since that day in California. I am really sorry about everything that happened between us, and I hope you will forgive me someday.’

I laughed, ‘Of course. I heard about what happened between you and Avaline. I am not surprised, though. Your wife has an interesting past with a lot of scandalous stories. It serves you right, though. You wanted a perfect wife, and you got it, right?’

He bit his lips, his eyes sunken in deeper. He seemed to have grown older since the last time I saw him. Probably the guilt was eating him faster than he could control. 

‘I don’t want to talk about Ava but you. I made a horrible mistake by divorcing you and denying what I felt for you. I fell in love with you, Tessa, during the early years of our marriage, and I didn’t stop until the drama of your childlessness started.’

I cut him off, enraged about what he just said: ‘My childlessness? Right. This is the reason why I can never return to you. You’re a selfish and arrogant man who loves to shove his mistakes and blame on others. For once in your life, Kyle, can’t you just admit that you were genuinely wrong and that the reason we couldn’t have kids was because of you and not me? Did you even tell your mother the truth?’

He sighed, his face glowing with pain and regret. ‘I didn’t tell her anything, and I am truly sorry for everything that happened between us. I am definitely sorry. What I said earlier was just the wrong choice of words. It was my fault that we couldn’t have kids, and I promise to make it right if you would give me a chance.’

‘A chance? I have a husband and kids already. I am sorry Ava cheated on you, but I can't be the person who will help you heal or pass time. Enjoy the party, Kyle.’

I winked, leaving him. I know Kyle wouldn’t give up, but my conversation with him had shown I wasn’t interested in getting back to him. Something stayed with me, though. He had admitted he had loved me, but did he still love me? That was a question only Kyle Ing could answer and not me. 

I busied myself with entertaining the guests as they kept trooping in. Only my mom knew how many people she had invited to the party. The waiters were diligent, though, but had a hard time remembering the orders of the guests. I noticed this and took charge. Kyle came up to offer a helping hand, but I knew he just wanted to continue our conversation. I declined and focused on instructing the waiters on how to use the prototype tablets Kyle’s team had given us a few days ago to help with taking guests orders during the party. The tablets turned out to be of great help, and soon, almost everyone's needs were taken care of.

James came up as I settled down to rest my feet and watch my father give his speech. It was going to be a long one, so I braced myself by adding more wine to my almost empty glass. 

‘Are you planning on getting drunk, Evie?’ He asked, taking the empty spot beside me.

I smiled, ‘No, I am not. This is a non-alcoholic wine and nothing more, dear brother. By the way, I have always wanted to ask you: Why do you love switching my names? Some days, I am Evie; other days, I am Tessa.’

He drawled, laughing a bit, and said, ‘Well, it’s because of how we were growing up. You were always generous to me, while Tessa was always for our parents. It was my special way of making you closer to me. I never apologized for the years I was bad to you, sis. I am sorry for everything. If I hadn’t been our parents' apple of the eyes and rubbed it on your face back then, you wouldn’t have married that thing.’

I nodded. He was finally remorseful after a decade. ‘It’s alright; I forgive you. I am glad you changed and stood by me when the twins came. You’re still standing by me, so, thank you still.’

‘You’re always welcome, and you know, I would do anything for my niece and nephew. By the way, what’s up with Kyle?’

‘He’s still in the probation stage. I am yet to evict him from my life fully.’

‘Okay, but be careful. Heard Ava isn’t in the best mood these days.’

I took a long sip while thinking about Ava. She had never been one to accept defeat. I wondered what would happen if she found out that her husband was trying to get back with his ex-wife.

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