

Kyle King

‘Are you certain she said those things?’ I asked, not believing that Xavier had been right all along. 

Xavier nodded. ‘Yeah, she said all those things, but she didn’t affirm my logic, though. Even though I believe my logic is right’

I replied, ‘It’s okay. I was able to pull some strings from the head hospital where Tessa delivered the babies. They affirm that my name was placed as the father of the kids, but the only way I can truly confirm they are mine is through a DNA test, and you know Tessa would never allow that.’

‘No, there’s no need for a DNA test, Kyle. We already have all the confirmation we want, but the main thing now is getting Tessa to forgive. I could tell she was really hurt yesterday. You made that beautiful lady cry, bro.’

I sighed. ‘You don’t need to rub it in, Xavier. I know I did something wrong, and I have been trying to rectify my mistakes. She won’t just give me a chance.’

‘I think you should try to be a pest for now. You have been following her everywhere since we arrived here, and it’s not selling your image well to her family. You are aware they are just tolerating you because of the project. If you use this knowledge now to pester her, they will throw you in jail. You abused her emotionally, and your family basically built her up. Think about the lawsuits before you suggest something.’

I glared at Xavier and said, ‘Why do you always have to be this way? I don’t even know if you are on my side or on Tessa’s side!’

He chuckled, ‘I am just telling you the truth. You have evaded this for many years because of your mom, and thankfully, she’s not here to tell you not to listen to me. If you want Tessa to forgive you, I feel you should give her space.’

I said nothing for a minute. Xavier was right as always but giving her space? I don't think I could do that. I already had evidence that proved that the kids were mine, and the next thing was to demand custody. I wasn’t going to beg for her forgiveness anymore. That chapter was closed.

‘I don’t think I can give her any space. She hurt me pretty badly too. How could she not tell me about my kids? Even when I confronted her about it in California, she lied to my face! Darn it! That woman has to answer to me or my lawyer.’

Xavier shook his head. ‘It’s obvious that you didn’t listen to everything I said. Guy, have you forgotten you stole from her? Have you forgotten who her family is? They will throw you in jail before you can beg for mercy. Also, have you forgotten about this project? You should think properly.’ 

I swallowed, raising my hands, ‘Fine, I won’t confront her yet. But she should know that I know the truth. I would also try to get on her good side, like you suggested.’

‘Great. You messed up pretty badly, so you should think of ways to repair the damage. What’s up with Ava? Did she sign the divorce papers?’

I shook my head in response. ‘She has threatened to fly over here if I don’t return and settle our differences face-to-face. She’s angry that I excluded her from getting a house and other settlements to help her keep up with her lifestyle.’

Xavier chuckled, ‘Told you Ava won’t budge. What’s your mom saying? I'm surprised she hasn’t flown over yet.’

‘She’s coming tomorrow. Well, not to see me anyway, but to attend a friend’s son’s wedding. I know she will try to convince me not to divorce Ava. She has been calling repeatedly and sending long, threatening notes.’

‘I am in full support of your decision, though. It’s long overdue anyway, and according to what you told me, the feelings you had for her are all over or dead. Besides, if you don’t get rid of her, you won’t have any chance with Tessa.’

I agreed, ‘You are right. I don’t think I want to place myself in that position. If I don’t get Ava off my case, my life will become complicated.’

Xavier said nothing, but I know what his silence meant. I had brought everything upon myself. I left a good woman for my college crush, and at the end of the day, the college crush ended up cheating on me. The reason I got married to her? Where’s the result? Nothing. Three good years were wasted. At least now, I can affirm that the years spent with Tessa were not a waste.

The day quickly changed to evening. I decided to stroll the city and probably stop at a bar and drink to stupor.  I finally discovered a cosy bar and walked into it. It was rowdy and noisy, but I liked it. It was kind of a distraction at the moment. Ava had called again, and this time around, she had spent three hours begging me to change my mind. I had finally agreed to review the contents of our divorce papers, and then we could talk once I returned to Nashville. That was the only way to get her off my back.

The bartender was a chatty man, and within hours, I already knew about his family and how the business started. I was about to ask him about his profit turnover when a lady greeted me and sat beside me. I knew it was her before she removed the hat and sunglasses.

‘Ava, I thought I told you not to come. How did you even know I was here?’ I asked, taking her tinted blue hair in.’ She looked okay, except for her swollen eyes. 

She smiled, adjusting her hair. ‘I placed a tracker on your phone a long time ago. Anyway, aren’t you happy to see me?’

I sighed and said, ‘Ava, if you are here because of the divorce, then you are wasting your time.’

She laughed, ‘I know about Tessa and her kids. I am here to ensure that ‘happy ever after’ doesn’t happen.’

I looked at her and smiled. Ava didn’t know what was coming from her yet.

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