

Kyle King

Everything that has a beginning will definitely have an end. I read the quote on a picture hanging on the wall of Tessa’s office. The walls were occupied with different quotes and pictures of her kids. The interior designs and furniture were amazing too. She had outdone herself in projecting her visions in her large office space. I was impressed by everything that she had done. 

I ran my fingers through the photos and recalled the video Xavier had sent the previous night. Kanebi’s church’s wedding, and the bride? A popular actress that I knew from college. In other words, Tessa had lied to me about her marriage. Also, after a long night of research, I found an interesting fact. Kanebi had been engaged to the actress for six years, and there were few pictures of them attending popular events. 

This confirmed my suspicions and also the fact that she had been lying to me about her marriage to Kanebi. Knowing Tessa, she was going to defend herself, but I had evidence. There was also a question for the kids. Who was the real father?

I noticed a brown envelope on her desk, and something pushed me to peek inside. A document about a deal with a D.K. company. I was about to remove it when the door creaked and Tessa walked in. She didn’t look pleased to see me.

‘Hi, Tessa. I didn’t see your secretary, and since I already had an appointment, I decided to help myself. I am sorry for that, though.’

She smiled. ‘You think this is your company where you can just pop into anyone’s office with no regard? What do you want, and I hope you haven’t been sniffing through my things?’

I brought out my phone. ‘I didn’t touch anything, Tessa, and as for why I am here, what’s this?’ 

She grabbed my phone, her facial expression tightening. ‘Where did you get this?’

‘A friend sent it to me. So, what else are you hiding from me?’

‘Fine, he’s not my husband, but those kids aren’t yours, Kyle. You can take your leave, please. I have a lot of activities to do, and I believe the hotel’s project won't complete itself, right?’

I laughed, ‘Tessa, I am not done yet. I need answers, please. Are the twins mine? Please, it’s crucial you answer.’ 

‘Why, huh? You want to know if your legacy still lives, right? Well, no. They aren’t your kids, Kyle. You don’t even have any evidence that says they are yours. You know, this is a baseless conversation. I already told you Kanebi isn't my husband, so please leave.’

‘Alright. Would you mind going on a dinner date with me? For old times sake? I also need someone I can talk to about my issue with Ava.’

She chuckled. ‘You never take no for an answer, Kyle King, do you? Anyway, I am not going to do this with you. Please take your leave, or I will call the cops.’

I adjusted my suit, holding her stare. ‘Fine. I will take my leave, but I won’t give up. I am going to get that evidence, and let’s see if you are going to be proud like this.’

‘I am not proud, Kyle, but there’s no need for me to defend myself. Go ahead and get your evidence, but trust me, you would lose this battle.’

I scofffed, ‘I will be back, Geneveive Tessa Robert.’


I stared at my champagne for the umpteenth time before taking it in one gulp. Tessa had changed from what I had known her to be. She was different, and I could feel it in her voice and the way she acted. It was like I was a piece of trash that didn’t deserve her respect. I didn’t blame her, though. If Ava hadn’t betrayed me, I wouldn’t be depending on my ex-wife’s forgiveness and acceptance. 

How was I going to make her forgive me, though? I had already worsened the situation by playing tough and hard, just like her. There was no way she was going to listen to me anymore, so I had to create a plan and also prove that the kids were mine. Or maybe. I should try to woo her back. That could work. 

I looked up, checking the news. Tessa was on the news, announcing a new contract deal with one of the dukes in the country. Hoplas was becoming bigger in the country, and according to the latest Forbes list I was staring at, she was the second richest woman in the country and ranked eighth in the world. 

What? I wasn’t close to that yet. The Kings family was among the top ten in the world. Getting Tessa to return to me was going to be tougher than I thought. My ex-wife is obviously a billionaire. I couldn’t woo her with my money, but what now? 

Xavier stepped into the bar, scanning through the crowd. I waved at him. 

‘Hey, man. We are done with the first part of the restaurant, but Mr. Robert isn’t pleased with the choice of colour. He hates black and wants neutral. I thought you guys had resolved this already?’ 

I sighed. Not this again. The Roberts family was extremely hard to please. Now, I knew where Tessa took her attitude from. 

I replied. ‘We had a series of meetings, and according to Uncle David, black, was his final choice. I don’t think we can change the tablets, though. It will delay the project, and that means we will be spending an extra two months, Xavier. ‘ 

Xavier shook his head. ‘I told him, but he was insistent. He wants us to change them to a neutral colour. He’s ready to pay for the damages. I feel we should just do it since he’s already covering part of the cost. It’s just two months, right? Also, you will have time to complete whatever with Tessa. By the way, how did the meeting go?’

I smiled, telling him about everything. ‘I feel I have to find a way to get her on my good side.’ 

Xavier nodded. "Yeah, but first, let’s resolve this project issue before her father beheads us literally.’

 I shook my head while concentrating on a text message Ava just sent. She was still angry.

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