

Geneveive Tessa Robert

I sighed for the eleventh time. Mom ignored me, focusing on her iced cup of tea. I was beginning to hate the idea of being away from my kids at this odd hour of the day. If not for mom’s insistence and how important she made the dinner feel, I wouldn’t be here.

She stopped the waiter and ordered more pancakes while smiling to herself. Either she had become a foodie or she wanted to pump more fat into my body.

‘Mum… Are you going to finish what you are ordering?’ I asked, watching her closely.

She chuckled, ‘They aren’t for me but you. I took you out of that house because Estella complained that you hadn’t been eating properly. I mightn’t be staying with you anymore, but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t look out for you. I'm still your mother.’

I sighed. ‘You don’t have to worry yourself, mom. I am just stressed from work and other activities. Don’t forget, the twins have been giving me a hard time. You know, they have been playing cat and mouse with flu and malaria.

‘I know, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t eat properly. Anyway, I heard your ex-husband will be coming here tomorrow. Are you prepared to face him again?’

I sighed inwardly. Kyle was another reason why I hadn’t been eating properly. I got some news from Kanebi that his family mistakenly gave an order for their photographer to send the photos of his wedding to a celebrity magazine in the United Kingdom and the United States. He promised to ensure that no one would release it to the public without his permission. I knew that was impossible. The media houses answered to no one, especially when it had to do with high-profile personalities. It was also a wedding. There was nothing harmful about the photos except for the fact that I didn’t want a certain person to know about them.

Now, I didn’t know if the media house would respect Kanebi’s order and save me from an incoming embarrassment. Once Kyle knows I lied about being married to Kanebi, he will figure out that the babies are his. No, I had to think of a plan B before that happened. Kyle couldn’t assume his role just like that. He had to suffer like I did.

Mum clicked her fingers and said, ‘Are you okay? What’s going on?’ 

I smiled a bit, picking up my fork to dig into the pancakes. ‘When he comes, I won’t make things easy for him, that is, if he comes looking for me. He has no business with me except with the hotel, so I hope, for his sake, he remembers my warning in California.’

‘What about Kanebi and his wedding photos? I have a feeling things might turn sour, dear. I hope you have a plan to stir him off your case. You and I know he has every right to the kids, and once he discovers what you did, he will do everything to take them from you. I don’t want that for you and the family.’

‘Wow, Mom. You have thought deeply about this.’ I shrugged.  ‘If he finds out, which I am certain he will, I won’t let him take them from me. There are certain lawsuits he knows I can file against him, so he won’t dare cast the first stone.’

She added two slices of pancakes to her heap. ‘Just be careful, dear. We are a powerful family that can do anything in this country and the United States, but one thing we can’t do is prevent harm, okay? Let me know your plan before you execute it. I don’t want you to do anything rash.’

I wasn’t planning on doing anything rash, though. All I was going to do was make someone work so hard for my forgiveness. I had started working on a plan to step into his new tech business indirectly and take full possession. James had reviewed the plans, and even though the money left a large dent on my account, it was still worth the plan. 

We had a series of meetings, and I had to give David King some credit. He placed business before family and ensured that Kyle wouldn’t find out. He had been looking for a way to get back to Kyle for not giving him a place as one of the joint partners. In his words, he was just one shareholder who pulled strings to ensure the business flourished while Kyle and his mother enjoyed the profits. He was tired of that process. 

Last night, he agreed to sell his shares of the D.K. company to us but wanted a representative who couldn’t be traced or linked to the Roberts family. The deal was to go smoothly and be hidden from the King’s family.

I looked up at Mom, toying with the idea of not telling her. I had to tell her, though. James and I had agreed that I would tell her today.

‘Mum, there’s something I need to tell you.’

She dropped her fork, focusing fully on me. ‘I am listening, dear. What is it?’

 I picked up my phone, clicked on the contract mail, and handed it over to her. ‘David King sold his shares to us yesterday. We are now shareholders in the D.K. company.’

'Wow, but isn’t there supposed to be a meeting with other shareholders of the company before he sells it?’

I nodded. ‘There were meetings that our representative handled. She ensured that nothing went amiss and all went smoothly.’

‘Does Kyle know about this?’

I smiled, ‘No. David kept him in the dark, but I suppose he should have told Kyle now. We will be taking full responsibility for this hotel project. So, there will be no conflicts or whatever.’

She sighed, ‘I am not so pleased about this, but if this is another way to deal with Kyle King, then it’s fine. Let’s see what the future holds then, right?’

I nodded, taking a mouthful of pancake. I couldn’t wait to see Kyle King tomorrow.

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