

Kyle King

‘I am sorry about last night. My friends wanted to celebrate our accomplishments as a couple, and I didn’t want to decline their request. It’s been a long time since I had fun with everything that has been happening, baby.’ Ava said, kneeling down.

I shook my head. ‘Ava, that meeting was very important, and you were supposed to be by my side, but no, you were throwing yourself on a man old enough to be your father! What was wrong with you? Why can’t you just be like...’

She looked up and said, ‘Like Tessa? Right. You just had to compare me with your ex-wife? So, you think she’s better than me because she has kids for some low life? Keep it up, Kyle, but know this: You left me for her because you loved me and trusted me; if you try to meet up with her after the California incident, you will regret it!’

I pushed her hands off me. ‘Don’t you dare threaten me, Ava! God knows what else you have been doing while I have been away. Henceforth, you’re going everywhere with me, and no more fashion deals! It’s all over. I have given you that freedom for years, and I think that’s what is giving you the audacity to defile me. No more!’

She glared defiantly at me. ‘You can’t make me stop my line of business just because you want me to please you. I won’t stop, and I refuse to follow you like a puppet. You knew me before we got married and after we got married. You can’t change me just because of some stupid meeting!’ 

‘Stupid meeting?’ I yelled, staring coldly at her. ‘That meeting was our biggest contract deal, Ava! That meeting is the reason why you will be able to afford those exquisite trips and shopping you’re addicted to. That meeting is with the one who’s going to take care of your father’s debts. So, don’t push me, Ava! You will do exactly as I asked you to do or else!’

‘My family doesn’t need your money to take care of our debts, Kyle.’ she scoffed. ‘Also, there’s nothing you can do. Divorcing me isn’t an option because of our families, so you are stuck with me forever.’

I smiled, ‘Right, Ava. Pray then that I will get a child from you, or else you will be returned to that precious family of yours with nothing from me.’

She hissed, walking off like she was in a hurry to meet a flight. I sank into my bed. This was one of our major arguments, and I felt lost and weak. I could easily divorce her, but I stand a chance of losing half of my properties to her. I had to speak to Attorney Smith. It was time to look at our marriage agreement, or better yet, what I tend to lose in case Ava did something unforgivable.

I checked through my schedule for the day. I had a meeting with my uncle. David to discuss our project with the Roberts family. I wasn’t going with the team to the United Kingdom. There were a lot of activities that needed my attention here, except Xavier agreed to step in my place. Then, I could consider going with them. 

Another reason was Tessa. I wasn’t sure she would be pleased to see me again. Also, her husband would be as protective as a bodyguard. There will be no opportunity to even speak with her. I feel enough embarrassment from her. I needed nothing more from her. So, it was best if I stayed here while the team went with someone else.

I also had a meeting with some executives. A long, boring discussion about the ecosystem and environmental public relations. It was a new term in our line of business, but it wasn’t my forte, but something I knew Ava would be interested in. She was a top-notch public relations officer at the start of her early career. She would gladly sit in the meeting if I apologized for our earlier argument, but I was a proud man. Ava would have to come to me by herself once Christine sent her mail. After all, she was CFO.

I parked carelessly on Uncle David’s spacious driveway and threw the car keys at one of his chauffeurs, who looked jobless. One thing I loved about Uncle David was that he employed people for almost everything just because he wanted to be comfortable. His butler, Leonard, ushered me in and presented a lunch menu to me. That was new. The last time I was here, the chef had been the one to take my order and lead me to the massive dining room.

A few minutes later, a young housekeeper led me to the dining room and stood by as I filled my plate with rice, stew, chicken, pork, and vegetables. I added some fish chops to balance the meal.

‘Is Uncle. David in a meeting?’ I asked, chewing the chicken lap.

The maid nodded. ‘Yes, he’s in a meeting and will be done in thirty minutes. He instructed me to give you everything you need.’

I smiled and said, ‘Thank you very much. You can take the dishes away. I'm done.’

Uncle David’s thirty minutes turned into an hour, and then, at three hours and four o’clock, I stood up and left. I had an executive meeting to catch up with. 

Uncle David called as I stepped into my office. I picked him up immediately, forgetting how pissed I was after I left his house.’

He cleared his throat and said, ‘Hello, son. I am sorry for making you wait for hours. I had back-to-back meetings and didn’t expect to stay long in any of them. Can we reschedule, please?’

I hummed, ‘It’s alright, Uncle, but next time, please inform me about your schedules before we pick a date for meetings. I will be available tomorrow. Does one clock during lunch break work?’

He replied immediately, ‘Yes, it will. I need to discuss something important to you concerning the D.K. company leadership, and it’s crucial we meet before the team leaves for the United Kingdom.’

My heart rate increased. ‘Is there a problem?’

He sighed. ‘I am thinking of selling my shares to someone else. We will talk better tomorrow.’

Selling shares? That means he wasn't going to be a major investor in the company anymore. Oh no. The end of an era!

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