

Genevieve Tessa Robert

I walked into the workshop, interlocking my fingers with Kanebi’s own. Most people stopped to glance at us, and while some continued their conversations, the ladies in the room continued to take in Kanebi’s godlike look. The man had gone out of his way to look extraordinary and to make a statement. We were aware that Kyle would try another attempt to speak with me, but Kanebi’s confidence would do the talking and put him off.

I smiled, glancing at his bushy eyebrows, hawkish noses, and chiselled cheek bones. His impressive dark eyes were his most alluring feature. I would be drawn to him like those women if the crush I had for him was still there. He squeezed my hands a little, and I chuckled. It was his sign language to stop staring. If only he hadn’t left back then.

He whispered, ‘You look amazing too. Look at all those men across the room; they must be wondering if you are an angel or something close to one. I told her the V-neck fitted better than that ugly maternity gown.’

I giggled, taking a swift look at my red V-neck gown and gold necklace. It was a little bit fitted and brought out my curves. I felt uncomfortable before leaving the house, but now, hearing Kanebi’s comment, I feel proud of my choice.

‘Thank you for the compliment, Ebi, and for accompanying me here. I know I am playing a dangerous game, and I am heartless for dragging you in. You must know that I am deeply sorry.’

He turned, lifting my chin. ‘You should stop apologizing, Evie. I told you already that this is my way of dealing with that fool for breaking your heart. I am glad to be at your service. Use me anyhow. I don’t mind at all, dear.’

‘Alright, thank you. Are you ready?’

‘Yes, let’s enjoy the ceremony and ensure Kyle gets burned by the show of our affection. 

I smiled. ‘You are enjoying this, aren’t you?’

‘Yes, I am. It’s been years since I had so much fun, and this might be the last time we see each other before my Spain wedding.’

I sighed, ‘I wish I could come, but the twins have their graduation ceremony on that day. I will send my gifts to James.’

‘ It’s okay, Evie. I already know you are happy for me. That’s all I need from you. Although your presence would have been more receptive than that of James, Your brother, with his devilish looks, will try to woo all the girls in Spain, and you know, nobody can control him when he starts.’

I chuckled. James’s reputation for being a flirt was well known. I wish he would finally settle down, but no, he still believes he’s still too young for marriage and its complications.

The ceremony began, and one of the waiters showed us our seats. I surveyed the recipients and noticed the one I was looking for: Kyle. He was engrossed in a conversation with someone who looked like his best friend. Wait, that was his best friend, Xavier! It’s been ages since I saw him. 

Xavier used to be the only one who supported me whenever Dahila started her usual tantrums. Just like me, he used to do everything to impress his best friend’s mother, but he discovered that there was nothing he could do to please the elderly woman. If she hated you, she hated you forever.

I focused on the host when I noticed Xavier glance towards me. He was whispering something to Kyle, and soon they were staring at me. I smiled, adjusting Kanebi’s collar and giving him a peck. I could feel Kyle’s burning gaze. The man was a jealous being!  

After an hour of opening speeches, awards for the best team project were given to Xavier and Kyle, and the certification awards started. I applauded as every participant was called and given a nice plaque with their full names. Kyle didn’t bow like others, but he handshaked the host. He was still a proud man, I noted, glancing at him as he ignored something Xavier said to him. Probably Xavier was berating him for his behaviour.

The certification ceremony ended, and Mayor Kim was called to give a speech. I was surprised. I didn’t know he was an invited guest because I failed to look at the guest list. 

He applauded everyone for their efforts and gave special recognition to Kyle and two other top CEOs who came for the workshop. He announced a collaboration with the best team and offered to give them a grant for their research. I could see the grin on Kyle’s face. He loved free money. That aspect hadn’t changed about him.

The party began after applause, a vote of thanks, and a series of jokes I didn’t get. The mayor saw me and introduced Kanebi and me to a lot of distinguished guests. I was able to get a deal, and Kanebi got three clients for his law firm. Kyle’s annoying invitation had turned into a blessing in disguise.

Kyle came to me while I sat alone watching Kanebi dance with some ladies. He had finally agreed to respond to their requests. 

‘Thank you for honoring my invitation, Tessa. I am glad you came.’ Kyle said, taking a glass of champagne from a passing waiter’s tray.

I smiled. ‘You are welcome. Congratulations on your grant award, Kyle!

‘Thank you. Can I speak with you privately before your husband comes?’

‘What do you want to talk about?’ 

He gulped, ‘About us. The divorce and how I treated you then.’

I replied, ‘I can’t forgive you, Kyle, and there’s nothing like us. You made sure you destroyed ‘the us’ immediately after Ava returned here. You know, I am glad we divorced, though. If I had stayed with you, I wouldn’t have met the father of my kids.’

‘Tessa, you deserve someone better than him. Look at him! He’s a playboy. You are here, and he’s dancing and groping those ladies.’

I glared at him and said, ‘Don’t you tell me what is right for me and isn’t! You were the one who was wrong for me. I suffered, Kyle. In the hands of your mom and sister. Your entire family called me a barren pig, and you stood there, encouraging them. Do you expect me to forgive you now? Nah, I can’t, Kyle King!’ 

He flinched a bit. ‘I didn’t mean to offend you. About your kids..’ 

I cut him off. ‘What about them? You want to tell me they aren’t right for me because they aren’t yours?’

He swallowed hard, adjusting his tie. ‘I wanted to ask... If they are my kids, The time frame in which you left me and got married doesn’t make sense. I mean. You couldn’t get pregnant that same year and have children just like that.’

Oh no! He was already trying to put the puzzles together. I had to say something quick and smart before he threw another unexpected logic. Something sinister came up immediately. Something I knew would embarrass him.

‘You are so smart, Kyle, but not smart enough. I am aware of your ‘little’ problems down there. Oh, you thought I didn’t know about your private sessions with Doc. Brown? I just kept quiet because I wanted to give us a chance.’

‘You knew..he stammered, swallowing. ‘I didn’t mean to hide that fact from you. I am a man, and according to our family history, no one ever had fertility issues until me. Since mom and everyone saw you as the cause, I decided to go along to save face.’

I chuckled harshly, ‘You decided to make me the sacrificial lamb, and stupidly, I went along. You’re lucky I am not in the mood to sue you for fabricating and tampering with our medical reports. Stay away from me, okay?’

‘Tessa, I am sorry for everything.’

I shook my head. ‘Like I said once, you are four years late. You should have asked for forgiveness after we met at the courthouse. I have to go. My husband and I have a movie night to catch up with our kids. You know how it is, right?

His smile sank.

‘Ouch! I am sorry. I have forgotten you can’t relate due to the ‘little issues’. Bye, old friend.’ I chuckled, leaving him.

 I smiled to myself. I had succeeded in hitting him in places he wouldn’t forget easily.

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