
Chapter 4


“The new kid is actually good at almost anything. He plays basketball and records show he's won awards for his hard work. He's also brilliant.”

I overheard one of my classmates tell his friend and that sort of made me angry.

“I hear he is with that nerd called Maya, you think he feels something for her?”

“Maybe, that will save her from…”

“Hey!” I thundered and got up. I walked straight to the guys who were now trying to leave.

“Chill out, we were just about to leave.” One of the guys said.

I scoffed. “Oh, you will leave after I'm done talking to you.” I told them and held the other guy by the collar. He was shaking, I loved that he felt my impact. These little cubs were dealing with an alpha like me.

“Now, listen, Maya belongs to me, you hear me, don't you go around running your mouth about the new boy being with her, okay?.”

“Y… Yes…” The guy was totally scared and I could feel the tension.

“Now, run along without looking back.”

The guys scurried out of the class and I faced my other classmates who were looking at me. “Whatcha all looking at, huh? Look again and I'll break all of your bones.”

As I said that, they all looked away and I left the class. As I walked out, I couldn't help but think about what those guys were talking about.

That day I left the both of them in the hallway, they might have developed something together. And the thought of that made my blood boil. How dare she be so charmed by him, so taken in by him? I was better than him by all means

I knew it wasn't love that drove my desperation to reclaim her; it was a primal need to assert my dominance, to show that I would not be outshined by this interloper – Daniel.

Daniel. The very name was like a curse on my tongue, his presence had grown all around and his name was on the lips of everyone. The talk of the school, the object of admiration and curiosity, he had cast a shadow over everything.

And I knew that Maya was drawn to him, intrigued by his aura of mystery and confidence. But she belonged to me, by right and by the undeniable bond we shared.

I couldn't let her slip away, not to him, not to anyone. The thought of her, and all that she represented, being with Daniel was a blow I could not bear. I needed Maya at my side, not because I loved her in the conventional sense, but because she was mine.

She was my mate, I would fight tooth and claw to win her back, to prove that I was the one she belonged with, not him.

The other day, I couldn't believe my eyes when I walked into the cafeteria and saw them sitting together , laughing like they were the best of friends. Anger swirled inside me as I watched them interact, not even bothering to hide their connection.

I had heard the rumours about them, whispers of them being together. And now, seeing them together confirmed my worst fears. I clenched my fists, trying to push down the jealousy and betrayal that threatened to consume me.

To make matters worse, Maya was avoiding me. She was slipping away from my reach.

I looked up and realised I was walking alone in the hallway. I had totally forgotten every other thing. I was disoriented, I was frustrated and I wanted to unleash my anger on something. Just anything.

“I'll be home soon.”

I heard someone say and saw Maya at her locker. She was alone, vulnerable and with no Daniel around. I began to walk towards her, ready to show her who the boss was.

“Maya!” Her head jerked in my direction immediately and her eyes widened in fear. I could see the desperation in her gaze, her body tensed, and I couldn't help the rush of power it gave me.

Pushing her into the empty classroom, I closed the door behind us, trapping us both inside. “Now, we are all alone.”

“Micah, please…”

“You've been avoiding me. May I know why?” I asked her.

“Micah, I… I…”

"You belong to me, Maya," I declared, my voice firm and unwavering.

Maya's face contorted with a mix of fear and anger. "No, Micah, please, just leave me alone. I don't want your problem," she begged, her voice stronger than I expected.

"You don't have a choice, Maya. You're mine, and you always will be," I said, trying to sound authoritative.

Maya's eyes flashed with a hint of defiance. "You rejected me, Micah. You made it clear that I wasn't what you wanted. Why are you doing this now?" she asked, her voice laced with confusion.

I took a step towards her, closing the distance between us. "I made a mistake, Maya. I was scared, I didn't know what I wanted. But now I know, and it's you. I want you back, and you will give me another chance." I said, making sure there was desperation creeping into my voice.

Maya's expression softened slightly, but she remained silent. I could see the turmoil in her eyes, the conflict raging within her. She didn't respond, and the silence stretched between us, heavy and suffocating.

"Why won't you say anything, Maya? Talk to me. Tell me you feel the same way," I urged, my heart pounding in my chest.

Maya finally spoke, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know what to say, you made me feel small and insignificant. Now you want me back out of the Blues?”

I knew I had to do something to ensure she trusted me, something to say to her that will soften her hardened heart. “I'm sorry, Maya. I was wrong, and I regret it. Please, give me a chance to make it right," I pleaded, trying to avoid desperation seep into my every word.

Maya remained silent, her eyes locked with mine. I could see the war waging within her, the struggle to forgive and forget. I waited with bated breath, hoping against hope that she would give me another chance and I would show Daniel who was boss.

Minutes passed, the air was heavy with tension as we stood there, locked in a silent battle of wills. Then, I decided to use the opportunity to my benefit. I needed to make her understand that she belonged to me.

I closed the gap between us, my body inches away from hers. I could see the fear in her eyes, but I couldn't stop myself. I leaned in, capturing her lips in a forceful kiss.

At first, she resisted, but then I felt her melt against me. My heart soared with hope, maybe she still felt something for me.

“You are mine.” I whispered into her mouth.

I couldn't control the desire that coursed through my veins, my hands moving to explore her body. But just as I tried to slip my hand into her pants, the sound of laughter and footsteps echoed in the hallway outside the classroom.

I froze, turning towards the door as it swung open to reveal my friends. Their eyes widened in shock as they took in the scene before them.

"Damn! What do we have here?" One of them exclaimed.

Maya used that opportunity to push me away, her eyes filled with anger and betrayal. “Don't you ever touch me! You animal!” And then, she delivered a resounding slap across my cheek, the sound echoing in the empty room.

I felt a pang of shame and regret wash over me as her words pierced through the silence. "Never lay your hand on me again," she warned, her voice laced with contempt and she left.

“Woah, that was harsh.”

“And he's not doing anything, an Omega just struck you across the face Micah.”

My friends jeered and booed, calling me out for losing my touch. I felt a wave of humiliation crash over me and my anger increased.

"Have you lost your touch?"

This statement triggered something in me. Oh, I would not let this go.

"Of course I haven't," I defended.

"Prove it then."

“Let's have a bet.” I announced after thinking.

My friends gave skeptical looks. “What's it?”

“I will get Maya, use her and dump her.”

They exchanged glances and laughed. “You got yourself a deal.”

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