
Chapter 5

Micah's POV

“Fuck it! I made a fucking deal,” I blurted out, kicking an object out of my way.

People who passed me stared at me like I was already losing my mind.

Of course, It was! It was a deal. A deal that I had to fulfill because I didn't want to be seen as weak.

“What am I going to do now? How am I going to do it?" I muttered to myself as I brushed past a group of boys. I couldn't believe I just agreed to get her to fall for me, but I figured it would be easy judging from the sadness in her eyes when I rejected her. A smirk played at the corners of my lips as I recalled.

I needed a plan, something that would help me get Maya back, I thought hard about how I could restore the damage I had already done.

I placed my back on the wall, leaning slightly towards the left side as I supported my head with my right hand.

Maya was just a newbie omega in this school that I had wrapped around my fingers. All I needed to do was to tell her that I wanted her back and I was certain she would come running, just like other girls would. A mischievous grin appeared on my face and I began to laugh uncontrollably.


Days had passed since I agreed to the bet. I had spent my nights constantly thinking of how to get that daughter of a bitch. Seeing her in the hallway, I decided to try out one of my plans.

“Hi, Maya,” I greeted with a fake smile.

I tried my best to make my smile look real. Although my hatred for her still burned deeply inside of me, I just had to wear that smile.

“Excuse me?” she asked, running her eyes through me.

“Come on. Don't be saucy. We can head out of school and have a drink? What do you care for?” I asked her.

The questions that came out of my mouth were a little surprising to her. I watched the way she grinned from ear to ear, raising her brows up.

Soon, Maya started laughing sarcastically leaving me confused for a second. What was funny about my statement?

“I'm not interested, Micah. Let me be. Do you think I can be fooled by your silly games?” she asked and I quickly held her by her hand, so that her eyes could lock with mine.

“Do you think I would be here if I wanted to play games with you?” I asked her and got a hold of her hand.

"Let me go," she struggled to release herself from my grip. I saw the fear in her eyes and I softened a bit from the satisfaction that she was scared of me.

“What do you want from me? What?” She shouted at the top of her voice.

Her raised voice was attracting stares from people, I bet what must be going through their minds was that I was harassing a girl. Not that I cared anyway, most of them would kill to be in her position.

“Why are you shouting at the top of your voice? You think anybody here could save you from me even if they tried? Where's your bodyguard by the way? Is he missing?” I asked her in reference to Daniel who I now hated with utmost passion.

“Look, Michah. I don't want your filthy hand on me. I bet your girlfriend is somewhere lurking around so that she will have a reason to bully me later,” she warned and turned to leave but I blocked her way.

I was not done with the conversation yet.

“My girlfriend will do nothing. Trust me. Aren't you tired of acting all tough? Let's head to the cafeteria while I settle the bills for lunch. We could talk better and I'll show you how much I care about you,” I pleaded with her, but she seemed to have gotten my message the wrong way.

“Did I just say how much you care about me? Have you hit your head on the wall or something? Can you even listen to yourself at all?” she thundered, looking all confused.

I wondered why she suddenly had the effrontery to look me in the eye and talk back, if anything, it only increased my determination to get her to fall for me. As much as I wanted to push her against the locker and remind her who was the boss here, I restrained myself and cleared my throat.

“Trust me, Maya. I know that all these things are happening suddenly and you're still trying to process it. But, believe me. I have realized my mistake and…”

“And what?” she interrupted.

“I discovered that I treated you wrongly and I was wrong to reject you as my mate,” I responded to her question and she let out a sigh.

“Even a fool will know that this change is unnatural. I am not a dummy, Micah. What do you really want? And if you will excuse me, I have a place to be.”

With that, Maya left me all to myself. I heard some giggles from a corner as she walked away and I didn't need to look to know it was some groups of girls.

I decided to go to the Cafeteria alone to get something to eat. I was famished and I needed my strength back.

After ordering, I sat on an empty chair to eat what I ordered. I was sipping from the glass of milkshake when I heard the chair opposite me move.

Looking up, I figured it was Julia. She grabbed a seat and made herself comfortable.

“Oh, hi,” I said, almost uninterested in whatever she wanted to talk about.

“Oh, hi?” she mimicked me. “Is that all you have to say when the entire school is talking about you trying to woo that dirty pig?” she blurted out.

Her face was all squeezed tightly and she was breathing heavily.

I knew the person she was referring to as a dirty pig was Maya, but I I decided to play dumb.

“Did you run on the way here or have you been searching for me everywhere?” I asked her.

“This is not the answer to my question. Don't try to change the topic!”

“I really can't answer that because I do not have any idea who you are referring to as a dirty pig. If you don't mind, can you tell me who the person is?” I asked her and she shook her head in disappointment.

“I can see that the rumors are true. What has gotten over you? Can you tell me why you were seen with Maya in school?” she asked.

I dropped the glass on the table and supported my head with my hand as I stared at her.

“Your questions are too numerous. Which one should I answer first ?” I asked and she stood up from her seat, coming closer to me.

“I won't sit here and watch her take you away from me. Trust me, I don't like this and I will do what I have to do to stop her,” she informed me and made to leave.

“Juliet!” I called her and she came to a halt.

“It's nothing. Trust me. I just need to deal with my friends about her hence all these dramas. I made a deal which I have to fulfill,” I explained to her but she was not having it.

“To hell with any deal. She's going to think you love her. I wonder what must have been going through her mind. That I'm not good enough for you or something,” she complained with a tear tugging at the corner of her eye.

“She doesn't even think that way. She still feels that I am playing games with her. According to her, she is not a fool and will never fall for me,” I answered her.

“Still…I don't want her to take you away from me. I will kill her. Trust me.”

“Don't be too harsh. It's just a game. A dare. A deal. Nothing there. Don't be too worked up for nothing. You know that I can't be with that dimwit and if I'm to choose my girlfriend a second time, it will be you.”

Juliet paused as if trying to process everything I just said. I had no idea if I made sense to her or not.

“Still, I am not in support of this. Just make sure you don't develop any feelings for her and like you said, it should just be a game,” she warned.

"A game it is," I replied and she walked away angrily.


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