
Chapter Fifty Six: Plant Heaven...

“I assume that you do not have a place to stay. Am I correct?” The huge man asked. Gwen nodded her head in response.

“Yes sir. I am just coming into this realm.”

“Okay then. One of the guards would lead you to a place where you can stay.”

“Thank you so much.” She said, grateful. Then she added hesitatingly. “Can you please take me to a cheap place?”

The man looked at her, confused. “Cheap place?”

“Yes. I do not have much money for an extravagant place. I would very much prefer a simple place to stay.”

“Oh do not worry then. We have a place like that too.”

Gwen stood up from her seat, then bowed slightly towards him. “Thank you so much.”

He gave an awkward grin. “You are welcome.” He stated curtly. The guard holding unto her luggage nodded towards the door, and she smiled softly and walked out, with him following right behind her. When they walked out of the strange building, the guard tapped her shoulder, urging Gwen to follow him.

She did as he asked, making sure to stick clo
Obasi Naomi

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