
Chapter Sixty: Unwilling...

Brown offered her a place to sit and asked her if she would be interested in eating anything.

“No thank you!” she said, shaking her head furiously. Even though he had been nothing but kind, she was still a bit shaken about what he said of ‘getting rid’ of her.

Gwen spent her time there studying the environment. The house looked far different than it looked from the outside, and she wondered what plant Brown was associated with, since he didn’t have the mark on his face.

“Brown?” she called out, summoning her courage. The man who was seated next to her sleeping captor, a book in his hands, slowly glanced up at her.

“I was wondering,” she continued, wringing her hands, “You do not have any plant tattoo on your face. Are you perhaps a foreigner that lives here?”

“I do have a tattoo on my face.” he said, frowning slightly. “Don’t you see it?”

She took another look at him, and apart from the strange looking scar on his face, she didn’t see anything.

"Is your scar perhaps, the tattoo?" She a
Obasi Naomi

And the winner of our little game, is none other than @Sheryl!(*trumpet noises*) Remember the quiz I created a few chapters earlier, asking who could interpret the prophesy given to the supreme leader of the Enu realm? @Sheryl was the first person to get the answer right and as the winner, she is awarded a character named after her. Congratulations @Sheryl! Thanks for following my story! Also, Please do not forget to like, Vote and comment!

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Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
Obasi Naomi
Let's just wait and see( ◜‿◝ )♡
goodnovel comment avatar
Obasi Naomi
Let's just wait and see .........️
goodnovel comment avatar
Oh thanks Obasi ... really wasn’t sure if I was in the right track with my answer (lol). Fingers crossed that the next healer will be able to help Gwyn interpret her dreams

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