
Chapter Fifty Nine: The Cowardly Neighbors...

"Wow. You all don't joke about security." Gwen said, trying to downplay the fear she felt. Her captor simply snickered, and they continued their walk in silence.

The streets of the poisonous sect were filled with dry yet unique colours. She saw strange looking plants at every corner, and though she was curious to go and touch them, she was smart enough to know that they may be dangerous.

Shops were erected at almost every corner, and she was surprised—which said a lot since she arrived in this realm—to find the buildings looking normal. They weren't like the extravagant ones she had seen back when she arrived.

Gwen didn't know for how long she walked, but finally, her captor led her to one of the buildings that lined the streets. The house looked simple looking, and except for the heinous looking flowers planted outside, there was nothing extravagant about it.

"I'd advise you to keep quiet." Her captor said, back to her rude commanding tone. "The person we are about to visit doesn't t
Obasi Naomi

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