
Chapter Sixty Two: Visions...

Gwen gulped, then faced the woman warily.

“Don’t listen to Sheryl.” She said. “She loves teasing you.”

“But isn’t what I said true though?” Sheryl asked. The man you are taking her to is known for having strange outburst at random times, muttering things not comprehensible.

“That doesn’t mean he isn’t good with what he does. Most of the time others still go to him for advice.”

Sheryl sighed. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Gwen tried to force down the dread creeping up her skin. “Are you really sure he is okay?” she asked the leader.

“He might not seem…normal, but trust me he is good, if not the best, at what he does.”

“Okay then.” Gwen said, swallowing her fear. The woman nodded satisfactorily and together all three of them rode on quietly.

Finally, the chariot came to a halt and they all got down from it. Gwen took in the sight of the extremely tall building, squinting her eyes at the blinding sun as she stretched her neck.

“It’s seems like a long time since I have been here.
Obasi Naomi

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