
chapter 5

I step out of the shower with a mini towel, I noticed a figure in my room, I let out a startled scream. I recognize him based on his scent 'David'

I wrap the towel around my body quickly and instinctively cross my arms over my chest. "What exactly are you doing here?" I inquire coldly.

"This may be your house, but it's not your room," I say, trying to hold my ground despite my conflicting emotions. You should go. Now."

"It's you who should leave, not just this room." Get out of the house. What exactly do you believe you're doing here? "I'll never accept you as my mate," he says

"I'm not interested in being your mate. Could you please get the hell out of here? "I need to get dressed," I say in the most casual tone I can muster.

He appears to be taken aback by my indifference, and he charges towards me at werewolf speed. I take a step back, surprised, clutching my towel tightly.

He opens his mouth to speak but quickly closes it.

Is it possible that I just rendered him speechless?

Though I try to hide it, a faint smile forms on my lips.

"Get away. "Now," I say, motioning with my head toward the door.

He chuckles softly and shakes his head. He moves towards me with an unrecognizable expression, causing me to retreat instinctively. I was naive to believe that telling him to leave would actually work.

"Who do you believe you are?" You have no right to order me out of a room in my own home. "I'll stay here if I damn well please," he retorts, his eyes quickly changing color and effectively drowning me out.

What's the deal with these Kessler guys? They become enraged over trivial matters. I'm the one who should be angry. He's in my room, and I'm dressed in a towel, but he acts as if he has a right to be there. What does it matter if it's his house? Don't I have the right to privacy? I take another step back, colliding with one of my bags on the floor. My foot slips, and I lose my balance.

David's reflexes kick in, and he catches me just as I'm about to fall to the ground. One hand grips mine, while the other rests dangerously close to my back.

When I meet his gaze, I feel a tinge of fear. I'm not sure why, but there's something about me that scares him. I can tell, but the question remains: why is he afraid of me?

He steadies me and exits the room in the blink of an eye. An alpha, or soon-to-be alpha, moves ten times faster than the average werewolf, and nearly fifty times faster than the average human.

I sit on my bed, taking a breather. It's becoming obvious that

It will not be easy to stay here. Vivian concurs.

"Please do not injure me. "I'll behave," I beg, tears streaming down my cheeks. "Keep quiet, you spoiled mutt," the man yells before slapping me across the cheeks.

As I collapse to the floor, a sob escapes my lips. The man laughs viciously.

"This is what you deserve," he says sadistically before kicking me.

His foot collides with my body, causing a huge impact, and blood pours from my mouth. As I succumb to the pain and lose consciousness, tears continue to flow. Someone arrives minutes later to rouse me.

"Rachel, Rachel, Rachel," the person says again and again.

As my eyes opened, I let out a scream.

It had all been a dream.

I sit up, wiping the sweat from my brow, and look around in horror until reality sets in. I'd almost forgotten I wasn't at the Wilmers' anymore.

I haven't had a nightmare in a long time. They started at my previous home, where I was subjected to frequent beatings that haunted my dreams. The nightmares continued after I moved in with the Williams, but they eventually stopped. Perhaps these dreams are reappearing as a result of the recent change.

The alpha and Luna may be harsh and unkind, but they are not cruel. They'd never hurt me. I certainly hope not.

My stomach suddenly begins to ache, the pain intensifying beyond that of menstrual cramps.

I clench my teeth and groan in pain.

It feels like my insides are twisting and writhing over and over.

"Oww!" I scream as the pain refuses to go away. It's agonizing.

What could be causing such excruciating pain? Is it possible... That couldn't be. But I know it's true deep down.

I gently hold my stomach and lie down, hoping to fall asleep. But the pain returns before I can close my eyes.

I'm writhing and convulsing. My head begins to throb, and the room begins to spin. My vision is clouded by tears. I tremble and wail on the floor until I pass out.

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