
The Alpha princess
The Alpha princess
Author: Lola


Myla-Rose Halls POV

'Bitch...! Get up...don't tell me you're a weakling now huh! Where is the all-powerful Alpha female of two years ago huh? Where is that arrogant and prideful slut of the silver moon pack?’ Hailey spat kicking me in the abdomen before ordering her friends to pour more wolf bane into my bleeding abdomen thereby preventing it from healing. 

I watched horrified as two blond girls walked toward me with the wolf’s bane in a small container. They poured it into my abdomen making me scream in agony while my wolf tried to force me to shift.

‘No Athena, you will get hurt if we shift.’ I cautioned her.

Shifting means getting wolf's bane on her too. I don’t want any damage to come to my wolf, all this wasn’t her fault so she doesn’t need to get hurt because of me.

Hailey manic laughter filled the air as she watched me suffer. There was mockery and a hint of jealousy in her eyes. The jealousy I do not understand but the mockery I did. I was his mate so of course there will always be a thin line that connects both of us, something she would never have.

She watched me, while the pain I was experiencing became more and more unbearable. The wolf’s bane was already in my system cursing excruciating pain and preventing my wounds from healing.

It felt like the moment the wounds heal, the wolf’s bane snaps them back open inflicting tremendous pain and suffering on me. The healing process repeats itself all over again.

‘Bitch! I don’t want to ever see you near my mate again.’ Hailey said stabbing me with a silver blade coated with wolf’s bane repeatedly. The look in her eyes was that of pure hatred and disgust.

Feeling satisfied with her work of art, she spins around leaving me alone in the forest. I spat out blood trembling at the effect the wolf’s bane had on me. A sly yet sadistic smile graced my face. I was getting punished for her own foolish mistake. How silly! 

Soon, I started to feel my head spinning and my mind becoming foggy and I closed my eyes embracing the darkness.

 Maybe that is where my peace lies, I thought a faint smile on my lips before the darkness finally consumed me.


I woke up to the foul smell of disinfectant, My brow furrowed in confusion. I reached out to touch my wounds and was confused when I felt that they had been bandaged up. Looking around, though it was dark, the environment seemed familiar to me, this was Derrick’s place.

Was he the one that brought me here? I wondered, standing up from the comfortable bed, despite my body's protest, I winced loudly when I felt my wound opening making me fall back on the bed with a soft thud sound.

'You stupid girl! Why the hell would you try to leave the bed when you haven’t even properly healed yet.’ Derrick scolded coming in with a bowl of steaming soup.

I don’t know what type of soup it was yet, but the mere aroma of it was making my mouth water reminding me that I haven’t eaten for a few days now.

‘How long was I out?’ I asked instead looking away from the tempting meal that he placed in front of me. I glanced at him. He was wearing denim shorts and blue T-shirts, as he moved his muscles rippled in them. I traced the length of him up. his hair had grown so long they were now covering his forehead and eyes to a point where had to run his fingers in them quite often. 

He had those square jawlines any man dreamed of and any woman would have wished he were her...

I quickly looked away. What am I doing? 

'Oh Derrick, thank you for taking me away from the muddy ground I passed out on and taking care of me for the past two days that I was out, you are such a darling and I don’t know how I am going to thank you but to own you my life.’ He said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

Two days? I was out for two days. Were my injuries that severe? Well, that was a stupid question to ask for I had a lethal amount of wolf’s bane in my system. 

I nodded slowly at him before trying to sit up. ‘Thank you. I wouldn’t burden you anymore with my problems.’ I made to stand up when he forcefully pushed me back on the bed.

‘Burden? You do more than just that! You make me worried about you every fucking time for the past two years. What the hell is your problem Myla? HUH? Can’t you see that you are no longer wanted in the pack, can’t you see that you are safe only with me? Did you realize that you almost died two days ago? Do you even realize that you are dying as we speak? Do you even know what you look like now? Huh?’ He was shouting at the top of his voice at me. I winced at how painful his words were.

Well, he really didn’t need to pour salt into my wounds. I know they don’t want me in the pack but I can’t leave, the pack belonged to my parent, and unlike him, I can’t just walk away from my pack. I’d rather die than reject my pack. 

I watched as the hatred and anger in his eyes grew into burning flames though I’m not sure the hatred was directed at me but it was obvious that the anger was meant at me.

I could literally taste the anger in the air, just like the metallic taste of my own blood pooling into my mouth from the continuous biting of my tongue.

He walked out of the room slamming the door behind him so hard I was afraid that it would fall off the hinge. He came back a while later with a full-length mirror. I closed my eyes knowing what he was about to do.

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