
Chapter 14 – Protect my Pups


"It's her, I can smell the pheromones Again." Fury rumbled, making me turn in a swift mode.

I shifted into my massive wolf form, letting my inner wolf Fury take the lead. As my lupine body raced through the forest, my human consciousness blended with Fury's primal instincts.

"Guide me to her, Fury," I projected. "I smell Lyra's fear mixed with the stink of those rogue wolves."

Fury zeroed in on Lyra's maternal scent, that alluring aroma of the new life she carried. Her trail led us to a clearing where a mangy rogue pack had surrounded her.

"There!" Fury's excited thoughts rang out. "Our mate is terrified but still fights to protect our unborn pup!"

A protective snarl rumbled in my throat. The brutish lead rogue leered at Lyra, eyeing her pregnant belly with greedy hunger.

"Well well, a lone omega carrying a fresh litter," he sneered. "That plump little one will make a fine meal for us!"

The other mutts closed in, licking their chops. Lyra shrank back, hands cradling her bel
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