
Chapter 13 – Descendents of The First Werewolf


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The smell of her fear hit me like a physical force as I tore through the dense underbrush, brambles raking at my skin.

"I'm coming, my pups!" I roared, willpower bleeding into a feral growl as Fury's bestial influence flowed through me in thick currents.

"She is in fear, Alpha! I can scent the cloying reek of rogue filth drawing ever nearer!" the primal wolf's voice reverberated in my mind. "Her life hangs by a sinew if we do not hasten our strides!"

Putting on an extra burst of Alpha speed, I followed the twin trails of Lyra's earthy aroma and the coppery tinge of her freshly spilled blood cutting through the forest's musty odors.

Every instinct told me she'd been set upon by one of the marauding rogue packs that plagued these untamed woodlands.

The sounds of snarling and terrified sobbing reached my ears, inflaming my protective fury into a supernova of cosmic wrath. I could practically taste the fear radiating off of her - the desperation of a mother wolf
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