
Chapter 12 : Not At Fault


"Make no mistake, they will all burn," I growled, reaching out to rake furrows in the thick glass with my claws. "Every last stain upon this diseased place will be scoured utterly before I ascend to my preordained glory."

Somewhere out there amongst the festering human civilizations, Damien plotted and schemed alongside the Silvermoon.

"Alpha, wait...." Talon calls my attention.

"What about Lyra, the mother of your pups, she might be in the pack and you don't want to hurt her..." He explained.

I took a slow, steadying breath, Talon's words reverberating through me. As much as I burned to enact my wrath upon Damien, he raised a valid point.

Lyra was but an innocent pawn in whatever depraved scheme that mongrel was weaving. To harm her would be to endanger the life of my unborn heir growing within her womb.

"You're right," I growled after a tense silence, raking my claws through my hair as I struggled to master my fury. "Whatever vile intentions Damien harbors, Lyra herself is n
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